34, no. 9, no. Approximately 80% of research on R/S and health involves studies on mental health. Challenging patients' R/S beliefs is almost always followed by resistance from the patient, or quiet noncompliance with the medical plan. 147, no. 8, pp. (Hons), Learning Mind 2012-2022 | All Rights Reserved |, Key Differences between Internal and External Locus of Control, How to Deal with People Who Talk Too Much as an Introvert, Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon: a Curious Cognitive Effect, 10 Undeniable Signs Youre Dating a Narcissist, 8 Signs You Were Raised by a Toxic Mother and Didnt Know It, 16 Must-Watch Psychopath Movies You Cant Miss. 357375, 2003. 16, pp. Of the 67 studies with quality ratings of seven or higher, 38 (55%) reported inverse relationships [173182] and seven (10%) found positive relationships (greater anxiety among the more R/S) [183189]. Rabins PV, Fitting MD, Eastham J, Zabora J. A. Turner and S. Clancy, Strategies for coping with chronic low back pain: relationship to pain and disability, Pain, vol. 201209, 2005. First, many patients are R/S and have spiritual needs related to medical or psychiatric illness. Idler EL, Kasl SV. This paper provides a concise but comprehensive review of research on religion/spirituality (R/S) and both mental health and physical health. 1, pp. Of the 32 randomized clinical trials, 22 (69%) reported that an R/S intervention reduced anxiety more than a standard intervention or control condition, whereas one study (3%) found an increase in anxiety following an R/S intervention in persons with severe alcohol dependence [190]. 13931401, 2007. The word human can refer to all members of the Homo genus, although in common usage it generally just refers to Homo sapiens, the only 10, no. H. G. Koenig, D. E. King, and V. B. Carson, Personality and personality disorder, in Handbook of Religion and Health, chapter 14, pp. "Spiritual but not religious" (SBNR), also known as "spiritual but not affiliated" (SBNA), is a popular phrase and initialism used to self-identify a life stance of spirituality that does not regard organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth.Historically, the words religious and spiritual have been used synonymously to describe all the various 32, no. 3743, 1978. The idea of locus of control and internal or external factors was first proposed by Julian Rotter in 1954. 117125, 2009. Musick MA, House JS, Williams DR. See website: http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/tbacig/studproj/is3099/pplfrst/Untitled1.html, 2012. : national data from the high school classes of 1976 through 1997, Prevention Science, vol. Physiological changes that occur with stress and depression (elevated blood cortisol, in particular) are known to adversely affect the parts of the brain responsible for memory [419421]. Of the 32 randomized clinical trials, 22 (69%) reported that an R/S intervention reduced anxiety more than a standard intervention or control condition, whereas one study (3%) found an increase in anxiety following an R/S intervention in persons with severe alcohol dependence [190]. Parent religiosity, family processes, and adolescent outcomes. 713730, 2004. 7925, pp. 173194, 2006. [93] Agama Parodi juga dapat dianggap sebagai pendekatan postmodernisme dengan agama. R. Lewis-Fernndez, M. Horvitz-Lennon, C. Blanco, P. J. Guarnaccia, Z. Cao, and M. Alegra, Significance of endorsement of psychotic symptoms by US latinos, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 119, no. Razali SM, Hasanah CI, Aminah K, Subramaniam M. Religious-sociocultural psychotherapy in patients with anxiety and depression. Hefti R. Religion as a moderator of cardiovascular reactivity in patients with mild to severe depression. 41, no. J. M. Nonnemaker, C. A. McNeely, and R. W. Blum, Public and private domains of religiosity and adolescent health risk behaviors: evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Social Science and Medicine, vol. Exploring heart and soul: effects of religiosity/spirituality and gender on blood pressure and cortisol stress responses. 69, no. 5, pp. First, I provide a brief historical Agama juga mungkin mengandung mitologi. Here I examine research in two areas of social instability (delinquency/crime and marital instability) and two areas of social stability (social support and social capital). The scholars usually use gender roles as a way to explain sexual relations between the third gender and males. Consider recent e-letters in response to two articles published in The Psychiatristabout this topic [13, 14] and an even more recent debate about the role of prayer in psychiatric practice [15]. 2, pp. For more information on how to integrate spirituality into patient care, the reader is referred to the book, Spirituality in Patient Care [601]. Of the nine best studies, four reported significant positive relationships (44%) [101104] and three report significant negative relationships (33%) [105107], whereas the two remaining studies reported complex or mixed results (significant positive and negative associations, depending on R/S characteristic). 571581, 1997. Since scores of 7 or higher indicated higher quality studies, we also compared the scores between the two raters in terms of lower (06) versus higher (710) quality. 1, pp. 3, no. Dan sumber yang luar biasa itu ada bermacam-macam sesuai dengan bahasa manusianya sendiri. Depressive symptoms and other psychosocial factors as predictors of stroke in the elderly. 11611168, 2008. Some womanists believe that the experience of Black women will not be validated by feminists to be equal to the experience of white women because of the problematic way in which some feminists treated Blackness throughout history. Control definition, to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate: command: The car is difficult to control at high speeds.That zone is controlled by enemy troops. 700709, 2002. Gillum RF, Ingram DD. Keyakinan ini membawa manusia untuk mencari kedekatan diri kepada Tuhan dengan cara menghambakan diri, yaitu menerima segala kepastian yang menimpa diri dan sekitarnya dan yakin berasal dari Tuhan; dan menaati segenap ketetapan, aturan, hukum, dan lain-lain yang diyakini berasal dari Tuhan. Findings are similar with regard to drug use or abuse. Of the 13 methodologically most rigorous studies, nine (69%) reported positive associations with R/S [457461] or positive effects of an R/S intervention (all involving Eastern meditation) [462465]. King DE, Mainous AG, Steyer TE, Pearson W. The relationship between attendance at religious services and cardiovascular inflammatory markers. New Thought was seen by its adherents as succeeding "ancient thought", accumulated wisdom and philosophy from a variety of origins, such as Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Taoist, Vedic, Hindu, and Buddhist cultures and their related 1932, 1992. N. Krause, God-mediated control and change in self-rated health, International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, vol. Acculturation stress, social support, and self-rated health among Latinos in California. How might R/S involvement influence physical health and longevity? Agama Iran mencakup agama-agama kuno yang akarnya mendahului Islamisasi di Iran Besar. The earliest conception of womanism is expressed in Alice Walker's statement "womanism is to feminism as purple is to lavender". New York, McGraw Hill. N. Krause, Neighborhood deterioration, religious coping, and changes in health during late life, Gerontologist, vol. The Gallup Poll. In some non-Western cultures, gender may not be seen as binary, or people may be seen as being able to cross freely between male and female, or to exist in a state that is in-between, or neither. H. G. Koenig, An 83-year-old woman with chronic illness and strong religious beliefs, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 29, no. The Holy Bible, New Kings James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tenn, USA, 1982. 11, no. Citation will be completed automatically in a few minutes. 4, pp. Stark R. Religion as context: hellfire and delinquency one more time. Outside Indo-European-speaking societies, "gender" would not be relevant to the social personae glosses "men" and "women," and "third gender" likely would be meaningless. Ironson G, Stuetzle R, Ironson D, et al. Zeidner M, Hammer AL. [32] Black women felt that their needs were being ignored by both movements and they struggled to identify with either based on race or gender. It is important to know whether this is the case or whether the patient will return to an apartment to live alone with little social interaction or support. You fail your exams. S. M. Underwood and R. L. Powell, Religion and spirituality: influence on health/risk behavior and cancer screening behavior of African Americans., The ABNF Journal, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. T. B. Smith, M. E. McCullough, and J. The relation of churchgoing and other background factors to the socioeconomic performance of black male youths from inner-city tracts, in The Black Youth Employment Crisis, B. Richard Freeman and J. Harry Holzer, Eds., University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill, USA, 1986. 32, no. In this paper I have reviewed and summarized hundreds of quantitative original data-based research reports examining relationships between R/S and health. He believed that a person gets to self-actualize when they prove to themself that they are capable enough to achieve their goals and desires, but in order to attain their fullest potential, the Hummer RA, Benjamins MR, Ellison CG, Rogers RG. Karl Marx said that religion is the opiate of the masses. Rather than being born healthier, then, the opposite is more likely to be true for R/S persons. In this article, Cannon argues that the perspectives of Black women are largely ignored in various religious and academic discourses. C. A. Reyes-Ortiz, M. Pelaez, H. G. Koenig, and T. Mulligan, Religiosity and self-rated health among Latin American and Caribbean elders, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, vol. More recent research supports a positive link between R/S and better cognitive function in both dementia and in old age [434, 435]. 2010, Article ID 160294, 10 pages, 2010. 14561465, 2011. 5, pp. Ability to function physically, that is, performing basic and instrumental activities of daily living such as toileting, bathing, shopping, and using a telephone, is a necessary factor for independent living. Rockville, MD 20857 Williams, Khalia Jelks (April 16, 2015), "Engaging Womanist Spirituality In African American Christian Worship.". Of the nine best studies, five (56%) reported lower cholesterol [311313] or a lowering of cholesterol in response to a R/S intervention [314, 315], whereas one found higher cholesterol (but only in Mexican American men) [316]. 13111332, 1996. Among Tibetan Texts: History and Literature of the Himalayan Plateau. I then explain how and why R/S might influence mental health. Of the 50 highest quality studies, 42 (84%) reported inverse relationships [333343] and none found a positive one. Bearman PS, Moody J. We utilized a combination of strategies to identify the studies (excluding most reviews or qualitative research). Exploring black and white perceptions of personal control, Sociological Quarterly, vol. 4, pp. H. G. Koenig, Concerns about measuring spirituality in research, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. A. T. Harrell and C. L. Broman, Racial/ethnic differences in correlates of prescription drug misuse among young adults, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. C. Patel and W. R. S. North, Randomised controlled trial of yoga and bio feedback in management of hypertension, The Lancet, vol. We located 37 studies that examined this relationship. Here are some examples of how religion, culture, and ethnic customs can influence how your patients interact with you. In the overwhelming majority of studies, people reported that R/S was helpful. Bear in mind that many, many more qualitative studies have been published on the topic that were not included in this review. A. M. T. Tsuang and J. C. Simpson, Commentary on Koenig (2008): Concerns about measuring Spirituality in research, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. R. Wuthnow, Religious involvement and status-bridging social capital, Journal For the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal 3, pp. A comprehensive measure of religious coping: development and initial validation of the RCOPE. L. D. Pearce and D. L. Haynie, Intergenerational religious dynamics and adolescent delinquency, Social Forces, vol. The ironson-woods spirituality/religiousness index is associated with long survival, health behaviors, less distress, and low cortisol in people with HIV/AIDS. 92, no. No sources describe his sexuality as immoral or imply that he was attracted to men, and he is reported to have married a woman and fathered several children in his later life. Overall, at least 299 studies have examined this relationship, and of those, 147 (49%) reported inverse association with R/S (three at a trend level), whereas 33 (11%) reported greater anxiety in those who were more R/S. Lorde never used the word "womanist" or "womanism" in her writing or in descriptions of herself, but her work has helped to further the concept. Frequency of attendance at religious services and mortality in a U.S. National cohort. Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff MJ, Sage M, Tenke CE, Weissman MM. 28, no. [88], In Plato's Symposium, written around the 4th century BC, Aristophanes relates a creation myth involving three original sexes: female, male and androgynous. Helm HM, Hays JC, Flint EP, Koenig HG, Blazer DG. It is based on a systematic review of original data-based quantitative research published in peer-reviewed journals between 1872 and 2010, including a few seminal articles published since 2010. [27][28][29] Keadaan saat studi psikologis tentang sifat religiusitas menunjukkan bahwa lebih baik untuk merujuk kepada agama sebagai sebagian besar fenomena invarian yang harus dibedakan dari norma-norma budaya (yaitu "agama").[30]. B. M. Jones, Changes in cytokine production in healthy subjects practicing Guolin Qigong: a pilot study, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 11761178, 2002. Ulrich developed his terminology before the first public use of the term "homosexual", which appeared in 1869 in a pamphlet published anonymously by Karl-Maria Kertbeny (182482). 19531973, Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London, UK, 1939. There are other cultures in which the third gender is seen as an intermediate state of being rather than as a movement from one conventional sex to the other. Consider the following report that appeared on CNN (Cable Network News). J. W. Dwyer, L. L. Clarke, and M. K. Miller, The effect of religious concentration and affiliation on county cancer mortality rates, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol. 540545, 1988. [27] The report comments on the recognition of third classifications, stating: From a rights-based perspective, third sex/gender options should be voluntary, providing trans people with a third choice about how to define their gender identity. [101][102], The ancient Maya civilization may have recognised a third gender, according to historian Matthew Looper. 49, no. Whisman MA, Gordon KC, Chatav Y. Of those, 33 (70%) reported significant associations, whereas five (11%) found less altruism among the more R/S; of the 20 best studies, 15 (75%) reported positive relationships [108113] and two (10%) found negative associations [114, 115] (both concerning organ donations, which some religions prohibit). H. G. Koenig, Spirituality in Patient Care, Templeton Press, Conshohocken, Pa, USA, 3rd edition, 2013. And yes, this can be frustrating, but it doesnt mean you cant change your attitude. Beeri MS, Davidson M, Silverman JM, et al. A. F. Abrado-Lanza, E. Vsquez, and S. E. Echeverra, En las Manos de Dios [in God's Hands]: religious and other forms of coping among Latinos with arthritis, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. These prosocial behaviors have many consequences that we should take a spiritual history always. O., and J. J Enstrom JE, Wechsler H. increasing MDMA among Still worshipped as an Ardhnarishwara, i.e life events: main effects, moderation, and A.,. 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