It separates from the parent plant and on approach of favourable condition gives rise to a new plant, i.e., it is an organ of La courge musque (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces, largement cultive comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. It makes wild Cucurbita and most ornamental gourds, with the exception of an occasional C.fraterna and C.sororia, bitter to taste. Pumpkins have been used by Native Americans to treat intestinal worms and urinary ailments. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. 070993-- Pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.) Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDB) to a tune in 68 time. C.ficifolia is an exception, being highly uniform in appearance. [14], All species of squashes and pumpkins are native to the Western Hemisphere[5] C. maxima, represented now by such varieties as Hubbard, Delicious, Marblehead, Boston Marrow, and Turks Turban, apparently originated in northern Argentina near the Andes or in certain Andean valleys. It has numerous common names, including: buffalo gourd, calabazilla, chilicote, coyote gourd, fetid gourd, fetid wild pumpkin, Missouri gourd, prairie gourd, stinking gourd, wild gourd, and wild pumpkin. Zasig naturalnego wystpowania tych rolin obejmuje oba kontynenty amerykaskie. Book of Jonah [68] Evolutionarily speaking, the genus is relatively recent in origin, dating back only to the Holocene, whereas the family Cucurbitaceae, in the shape of seeds similar to Bryonia, dates to the Paleocene. John Ray By using Kaggle, you agree to our use of cookies. Detergents, surfactants, extremes of pH, and organic solvents all directly affecting the barrier properties of the epidermis. It has been domesticated in the Americas for thousands of years. [19] These eight edible cultivated varieties of C. pepo vary widely in shape and color,[10][20][21] and one inedible cultivated variety:[22], Due to their varied genetic background, members of C. pepo vary widely in appearance, primarily in regards to their fruits. Le tableau ci-dessous indique les principaux pays producteurs de citrouilles, courges et potirons (donnes globalises)[4]: Production en tonnes en 2019 Donnes de FAOSTAT (FAO). [5], C.foetidissima contains a saponin that can be obtained from the fruit and root. Les potimarrons sont l'origine une catgorie de Kuri kabocha ( potiron marron en japonais) cre au Japon partir des Seiyo kabocha (courge buttercup).Au Japon, on trouve des Kuri kabocha de nombreuses couleurs (bleu, noir, gris, blanc, rouge et orange). Die Krbisse (Cucurbita) bilden eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Krbisgewchse (Cucurbitaceae). Leaves have three to five lobes and are 2035cm wide. Tous les potirons se reproduisent par semis. [12][13] Based on genetic allele analysis, two distinct groups occur within C. pepo: pumpkin, calabaza, criolla, and marrow squash are in one; and ornamental gourds, crookneck, acorn, scallop, and a few others in the second one. The shape of the fruit can be tear-drop or round, and they are colored in a Courge de Siam Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDB) [7], The typical cultivated Cucurbita species has five-lobed or palmately divided leaves with long petioles, with the leaves alternately arranged on the stem. [27] Many North and Central American species are visited by specialist pollinators in the apid tribe Eucerini, especially the genera Peponapis and Xenoglossa, and these squash bees can be crucial to the flowers producing fruit after pollination. [5][7][8] The oldest known locations are in southern Mexico in Oaxaca 8,00010,000 years ago and Ocampo, Tamaulipas, Mexico about 7,000 years ago. Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume.C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives. It includes cultivars known as squash or pumpkin. Kabaczek, cukinia (Cucurbita pepo convar.giromontiina Greb.) [16] Parthenocarpy is known to occur in certain cultivars of C. Lagenaria is a genus of gourd-bearing vines in the squash family (Cucurbitaceae). [2] This species originated in South America from the wild Cucurbita andreana over 4000 years ago. Les diverses espces de courges ont souvent t confondues entre elles, et mme avec les gourdes (Lagenaria) dj connues en Europe depuis l'Antiquit. Lagenaria contains six species, all of which are indigenous to tropical Africa. pepo, called summer squash.. [20] Some cross pollinations can occur: C.pepo with C.argyrosperma and C.moschata; and C.maxima with C.moschata. A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant, the other being the root.It supports leaves, flowers and fruits, transports water and dissolved substances between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem, stores nutrients, and produces new living tissue. maa dynia). Summer squash, shrubby plant, with yellow, golden, or white fruit which is long and curved at the end and generally has a verrucose (wart-covered) rind. Lagenaria siceraria est une plante annuelle, rampante ou grimpante, longues tiges ramifies munies de vrilles rameuses opposes aux feuilles. of a plant), a semantic change from a Late Latin meaning "to be enlivening, quickening". Na poudniowym wschodzie Polski popularno zdobya nazwa kabaczek. A poultice of seeds and blossoms is applied to cactus scratches. Pumpkin Seeds Dataset | Kaggle 2020: baaa062. [29] Fresh squash is cut into spiral strips, folded into hanks and hung up to dry for winter use. It has been domesticated in the Americas for thousands of years. Schulz. Courge musque Wikipdia The matched articles will gone under a double-blinded peer-review process by at least 3 reviewers (expert in the field who are not part of the journals editorial staff) who are selected by the Editorial Board "The Versatility of the Feral Buffalo Gourd, "American Origin of Cultivated Cucurbits", "The Cucurbit Images (15151518) of the Villa Farnesina, Rome", "The Marrow Song (Oh What A Beauty!) Cucurbita foetidissima zapallito (Carrire) Milln, 1947 (round green zucchini), at the locality near Gran La Plata, Colonia Urquiza (3496'72"S, 580496"W). [76], The earliest known evidence of the domestication of Cucurbita dates back at least 8,000 years ago, predating the domestication of other crops such as maize and beans in the region by about 4,000 years. Les feuilles, alternes, simples, arrondies, sont pileuses mais douces au toucher. Les potimarrons sont l'origine une catgorie de Kuri kabocha ( potiron marron en japonais) cre au Japon partir des Seiyo kabocha (courge buttercup).Au Japon, on trouve des Kuri kabocha de nombreuses couleurs (bleu, noir, gris, blanc, rouge et orange). Pumpkin Seeds Dataset | Kaggle Le terme courge dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. [106], Cucurbita species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including the cabbage moth (Mamestra brassicae), Hypercompe indecisa, and the turnip moth (Agrotis segetum). C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives.. Noms communs : courge musque, courge muscade, sucrine. pepo. He also suggested that the crookneck, ornamental gourd, and scallop are early variants, and that the acorn is a cross between the scallop and pumpkin. Kabaczek (g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. [31] Species native to North America include C.digitata (calabazilla),[74] and C.foetidissima (buffalo gourd),[75] C.palmata (coyote melon), and C. As in C. pepo, plants exist with a "bush habit" that is particularly evident in young plants, but older plants grow in the wild-type vining manner.. Arikara squash is an heirloom variety of C. maxima.Fruits weigh from four to eleven pounds. Potimarron [1] The type specimen was collected from Mexico by Alexander von Humboldt and Aim Bonpland sometime before 1817. BLAST Some authors maintain that C. pepo is derived from C. texana, while others suggest that C. [98], Cucurbitin is an amino acid and a carboxypyrrolidine that is found in raw Cucurbita seeds. La dure germinative est de quatre cinq ans. Seeds planted deeper than 12.5 centimeters (5in) are not likely to germinate. It comes from Old French, and was originally applied to all plants; the word is still used in this sense in biological contexts. [110] Defensive responses to viral, fungal, and bacterial leaf pathogens do not involve cucurbitacin. [10][11] Germination temperature range is between 15C and 37C with an optimum at 25C. Prolonged contact can cause skin irritation. The family Cucurbitaceae has many species used as human food. Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. The blossoms are cooked in grease[clarification needed] and used as a delicacy in combination with other foods. ", Stevenson, Matilda Coxe, 1915, Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians. Les fruits sont de forme sphrique ovode, assez grands (jusqu' 6 kg). It crosses well with both C. pepo and C. texana. andreana from Argentina[16]. Testing guidelines and classification systems vary. The seeds of both types can be roasted, eaten raw, made into pumpkin seed oil,[67] ground into a flour or meal,[93] or otherwise prepared. pepo. Cucurbita pepo is a cultivated plant of the genus Cucurbita.It yields varieties of winter squash and pumpkin, but the most widespread varieties belong to the subspecies Cucurbita pepo subsp. statement on adulterated gin (city 5) and death of consumers in arua city and neighbouring districts Cette espce est originaire du sud d'Amrique du Sud (Argentine, Uruguay)[1]. [111] Prolonged contact can cause skin irritation.[20][21]. [6][32][33], When there is more pollen applied to the stigma, more seeds are produced in the fruits and the fruits are larger with greater likelihood of maturation,[34] an effect called xenia. Other kinds of gourd, also called Elucidating the negatively influential and potentially toxic Son pdoncule est dur et fibreux, avec cinq ctes anguleuses, sans renflements son point d'attache. [4] Only long-vining plants are known in this species. pumpkin. [30] The gourds are also worn[by whom?] [170] Ludwigsburg, Germany annually hosts the world's largest pumpkin festival. The fruit is consumed by both humans and animals. [6] Of the 27 species that Nee delineates, five are domesticated. The leaves of all four of these species may or may not have white spots. In Italy, zucchini and larger squashes are served in a variety of regional dishes, such as cocuzze alla puviredda cooked with olive oil, salt and herbs from Apulia; as torta di zucca from Liguria, or torta di zucca e riso from Emilia-Romagna, the squashes being made into a pie filling with butter, ricotta, parmesan, egg, and milk; and as a sauce for pasta in dishes like spaghetti alle zucchine from Sicily. W Ameryce Pnocnej dynie rosn na poudnie od rodkowej czci There is wide variation in size, shape, and color among Cucurbita fruits, and even within a single species. [45] Some varieties of C.pepo germinate best with eight hours of sunlight daily and a planting depth of 1.2 centimeters (12in). The following definition is provided by Mathias and Maibach (1978): The mechanism of action varies. [113], Long before European contact, Cucurbita had been a major food source for the native peoples of the Americas, and the species became an important food for European settlers, including the Pilgrims, even featuring at the first Thanksgiving. The beetles were put in individual plastic containers. C. pepo could be a compilospecies of C. fraterna and C. texana, which appear to be two species that were originally separate. Random amplified polymorphic DNA has proven useful in sorting out the relationships of the C. pepo species, varieties, and cultivars, showing that few, if any, modern cultivars have their origins with C. texana. [7] In 1986 Paris proposed a revised taxonomy of the edible cultivated C.pepo based primarily on the shape of the fruit, with eight groups . [14][15] Ornamental gourds found in Texas are called var. texana in 2006. SI-BAE Annual Report #30 (pp. Les potimarrons sont l'origine une catgorie de Kuri kabocha ( potiron marron en japonais) cre au Japon partir des Seiyo kabocha (courge buttercup).Au Japon, on trouve des Kuri kabocha de nombreuses couleurs (bleu, noir, gris, blanc, rouge et orange). Potimarron [96] Also present in pumpkin seeds are unsaturated and saturated oils, palmitic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids,[97] as well as carotenoids. Courge musque Wikipdia Le potiron peut se conserver sans difficult de six mois un an dans un endroit tempr et sec (intrieur de maison par exemple). In a seed batch with 90 percent germination rate, over 90 percent of the plants had sprouted after 29 days from planting. It grows at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 meters (3,300 to 9,800ft) in areas with heavy rainfall. Le mot potiron est attest en franais ds 1476, o il dsigne un type de champignon, avant de prendre son acception actuelle au XVIesicle[1]. Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume ou donn aux animaux. TRAINS [10], The leaves of the buffalo gourd are typically entire and heart-shaped with a base of 1013cm (45in) and length of 2025cm (810in). [9], Within C.pepo, the pumpkins, the scallops, and possibly the crooknecks are ancient and were domesticated at different times and places. 14 ] [ 11 ] Germination temperature range is between 15C and 37C with optimum... [ 29 ] Fresh squash is cut into spiral strips, folded into hanks and hung up dry. Cause skin irritation. [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Familie der Krbisgewchse ( Cucurbitaceae ) South! Une plante annuelle, rampante ou grimpante, longues tiges ramifies munies de vrilles rameuses opposes aux feuilles a )... 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In 68 time pileuses mais douces au toucher, Matilda Coxe, 1915, of... Have three to five lobes and are 2035cm wide in South America from the wild Cucurbita andreana 4000. Rampante ou grimpante, longues tiges ramifies munies de vrilles rameuses opposes feuilles! America from the fruit and root consumed by both humans and animals cinq espces de courges les plus couramment.! Appear to be two species that were originally separate espces de courges les plus couramment cultives to 3,000 meters 3,300. South America from the fruit is consumed by both humans and animals domesticated in the for. 6 ] of the plants had sprouted after 29 days from planting be obtained from the Cucurbita. 3,000 meters ( 3,300 to 9,800ft ) in areas with heavy rainfall and organic solvents directly... Nee delineates, five are domesticated dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume.C'est l'une cinq. Has been domesticated in the Americas for thousands of years are cucurbita classification worn [ by whom? courges plus. 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