Herod's temple was destroyed by Titus in A. D. 70, 25 years previous to John's revelation. It was by these means that Christianity was established in the world, and John, in the scene before us, saw it thus triumphant, and saw the angels and the redeemed in heaven celebrating the triumph. Thus the second scene in the chapter is the proclamation of the everlasting gospel unto those settled down on the earth, and to the nations, etc., as the first section was the separation of a remnant of Jews to the Lamb on mount Zion. He seeks to seduce Jesus in his temptations. 5:10-12). But in the escape of the woman and in the attack of the dragon John uses two pictures very familiar to those who knew the Old Testament. By reason of our sin and his own power over death, Satan shut heaven against us, but now the battle in the higher regions between the dragon and the woman's seed is over, and we are in the heavenly places, and Satan banished for ever. Satan is going to seek to persecute the woman which brought forth the man child. I grant that the measure of their faith is small. Only we must remember that we must read scripture with scripture. Though Satan does not originate, he adopts whatever will suit of that which has been, and endeavours by this most singular combination to bring out the beast or fourth empire (for there is none to succeed) so as to surpass for the last days everything known of old. Revelation 12:11 NIV They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne ( Revelation 12:5 ). If ever we are to conquer Satan in the world, we must preach the atoning blood. 12:1-14:20 PICTURES OF CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH, The woman, the child and the dragon (12:1-17). Criswell comments: We have acceptance and standing in heaven because of the blood of the sacrifice of the Son of God. Peter encourages Christians to be faithful in the midst of suffering: Dear friends, dont be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes along you to test you as if something unusual were happening to you. Before this is effected, the enemy is shown in his character of rebellious apostate power. But when Revelation 13:1-18 is fulfilled, there is no question of the church any longer. Revelation 5:9-10 Revelation 5:11-12 Revelation 5:13-14 Revelation 12:10-12 Revelation 19:6-8 Revelation 22:3-5 Revelation 22:12,17. And what is that? All this was long and well known through the gospel, as well as in oral teaching to the Christians; why then should it be set forth so strangely in this prophecy? The second picture is of the floods of water cast out by the serpent. They overcame Satan's terrors with the blood of atonement. The glorious cause of holiness and God, incarnated in the church, is clothed with the splendor of light, and truth, and majesty. The woman fled to the desert where she had a place prepared for her by God, that they might care for her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. The word of God to which they bear testimony is another key to their success along with the Lambs blood (cf. Signs of the End Times and Knowing When the End Is Near. . I will ascend above the clouds. (i) In the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, when it was death to keep the law and to worship the true God, many "who sought after justice and judgment went down to the wilderness to dwell there" ( 1Ma_2:29 ). It had two horns. Strength is of Christ - for His is the faithful testimony, the glorious gospel of grace. . Some of us have been styled the echo of the Puritans: yes, the honorable title of "Ultimus Puritanorum," the last of the Puritans, has been assigned to us. Yarn story that deluded men, called scientists believe. The end of chapter 16 does not in point of time fall lower than the third step in those of chapter 14. If you are on your housetop, don't even bother to get your coat going through. There is no doubt that there are many pictures in John's mind. in fact all who have thus died) are just on the point of blessedness, not by personal exemption but by the first resurrection and the reign with the Lord, which will terminate all further persecution and death for His name. [1.] And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb Here is given the reason why the followers of Christ prevailed at this time against all their adversaries. b. Thursday 11/3/2022 . Recognize God will not lead us through fear. Jesus may exult, It is finished, and be completely vindicated. W.A. It is characterised as the tabernacle of the testimony, and judgments follow on apostate Gentiles, not the revelation of the divine counsels touching Israel. The picture of the dragon waiting to devour the child comes from Jeremiah, in which it is said of Nebuchadnezzar that "he has swallowed me like a monster" ( Jeremiah 51:34). And they loved not their lives unto the death. It is not power to withstand Satan, and fight the battle out with him, but the facility given to flee from his violence. No doubt King of the Jews He is; but those in particular who were Gentiles themselves would and ought to rejoice in being able to praise Him as the King of nations. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. You don't want to believe that that is creation. This is no mean evidence by the way, that the idea of applying all this to the papacy as its full meaning is a mistake; for the essential feature of the papacy lies in its assumption to be a living earthly representative of Christ's priesthood. Luke records it in his gospel, as do other gospels. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. The Dead Sea is thirteen hundred feet below sea level and it is called the Great African Rift. From this time nobody that belongs to the Lord is going to die, and those that die in the Lord ( i.e. Satan always has been since his fall a tempter of the worst order, and ever since he first beguiled our mother Eve he has gone on to ensnare men's souls with the same craft, the same cruelty, the same falsehood, the same impiety against the Lord. "He who loves his life loses it; and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life" ( John 12:25). It is well, we want no higher degree, for the old theology is very dear to us. The end of all things will proclaim the selfsame thing. "Which of the prophets have you not slain? Prior to his rebellion, Satan was a perfect model. This Matthew, in accordance with his design, calls rather the "gospel of the kingdom," because Christ is going to be King. "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns." (ii) This picture, then, shows us what we might call the cleansing of heaven. And this is always the case in every form of wickedness that has ever been forged for this world. They are anticipating the triumph that is reserved for God in the day of the glory of Christ's coming. "They loved not their lives unto the death." Jesus Christ, when they laid hold upon him and felt the power of his blood, redeemed them from all iniquity, and translated them from the kingdom of Satan. The dragon is watching for the expected birth, he is eager to devour the man-child as soon as it is born, the ideal man, the offspring of the divine life he longs to destroy. Satan invariably opposes Christ with greater tenacity of purpose and hatred and pride than any other. chosen before the foundation of the world, they did not love their lives in the face of death. Blood flowed for 180 miles - Revelation 14:20, Who is the unnamed man that appears to Manoah's wife? In our battles with Satan we need no other artillery but the atoning blood, it meets and conquers him at all points. For the harvest the call was out of the temple; here it is out of the temple that is in heaven. As having on her head a crown of twelve stars, that is, the doctrine of the gospel preached by the twelve apostles, which is a crown of glory to all true believers. The first thing that enabled them to prevail over Satan was the power of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. This lady received her breakthrough after she received a revelation . I wish we could reach to it and interpret it by our lives. His wife saw his miserable condition and said, "Honey, why don't you just curse God and die?" And that he probably is already involved in world politics. All Christians are now Gods people (12:1-2).Then appears a dragon (identified in verse 9 as Satan) whose many heads, horns and crowns show his extraordinary power. More literally because of the blood and because of the word. In the humbler classes there is in another way that grossness of love for sensible objects and show that will prepare them for idolatry. So the temple of God is now seen to be open. In just about three and a half years he is going to get chained and placed in the abusso, so he is angry and upset. To turn them into blood As Moses did those in Egypt. Time is a year. They beat them and mistreated them. Now God has shown himself to be a mighty God; now Christ has shown himself to be a strong and mighty Saviour; his own arm has brought salvation, and now his kingdom will be greatly enlarged and established. This verse contains the second stanza of the song of praise begun in verse 10. In these verses we have the song of the glorified martyrs when Satan is cast out of heaven. The dragon, that is the Devil, on being cast out of heaven and descending to earth, attacked the woman who was the mother of the man child. It is clear that good and evil spirits are at necessary variance one with another, and it is also clear that in ages gone by Satan tempted the angelic band, and those angels which kept the first estate were victorious over him once for all; they rejected his sinful solicitations, and now he has no more power over them. Amen. When you hear the roar of the lion - when the flood crashes in, and you're overwhelmed - simply run to the holy of holies. They could not be tempted, or led aside, by bribes and offers of emoluments, and when life itself was put into the scale they did not hesitate, they stuck by the cross. "Worship him that made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." So, there appeared this other wonder in heaven, this red dragon with seven heads, ten horns and seven crowns upon his head. That is what he is doing up there. We will triumph . Because we are all patiently enduring something in lifewhether it's patiently waiting to launch a business, or for it to take off and grow, relieving financial pressure. "And I saw," it is said, "another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having [the] everlasting gospel to preach unto those that sit on the earth, and unto every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people." Paul's persecution had been directed against the Church; but the Risen Christ makes it clear that persecution of his Church is persecution of himself. The woman is a symbol of the chosen people viewed as a whole, for a future state of things that God means to establish here below. For less than $5/mo. There is not the slightest difficulty in applying this to the man-child, viewed not personally and alone but mystically; and the less, because this very promise is made to the church in Thyatira, or rather to the faithful there. They have conquered Satan; I want you to observe this, and to note the weapons by which they overcame. Attack, resistance, and victory must be yours. Get it now for only $14.95. The explanation why it is thus introduced here depends on the truth that Christ and the church are one, and have a common destiny. No accusation can stand against those whose sins have been forgiven because of Christs sacrificial death (see Romans 8:33-39). (6.) "And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having seven plagues, the last; for in them is filled up the wrath of God." III. The nerves transmitting the message of the vibrations into the brain able to interpret it, the movement and so forth. "Fear God," is the message, "and give glory to him" (there is thus the evident contradiction of idolatry); "for the hour of his judgment is come." It is Satan, but here invested with the form of the most determined and successful enemy that Israel ever had; for bad as was the tyranny of Nebuchadnezzar, it is evident that the Roman power trod down Jerusalem with a far more tremendous and permanent tyranny. "And they sing the song of Moses, servant of God, and the song of the Lamb." Jesus reigns with his saints in a region in which there is no more place for the dragon, a domain from which he is for ever cast out into the earth. It is due also to the fact that all through the Revelation John's interest is not in the human Jesus but in the exalted Christ, who is able to rescue his people in the time of their distresses. So, it is a place of historic, cataclysmic earthquakes and fire and brimstone that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. This principle runs all through the gospel ( Matthew 10:39; Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; Luke 17:33). It is due to the fact that John is not at the moment interested in anything other than the fact that Jesus Christ was delivered by the direct action of God from the hostile powers which continually attacked him. God had to choose some nation, so He chose the nation of Israel. The accuser is cast down. No Christian of the true type counts anything to be his own. There are also saints here below. As Froude the historian pointed out, in the world there is a moral order and in the long run it is well with the good and ill with the wicked. When God's shekinah glory fell, it radiated to all of His people. Here again it seems evident that there is a people in heaven removed from exposure to the power either of Satan or of the public instruments of his malice in the world. The fact is that Christ being born of Israel, there is and ought to be first set forth the tracing of His connection with Israel. This signifies its mighty power. (1.) It is for this reason that the martyrs in glory sing their song of triumph. These were bought from among men, first-fruits to God and to the Lamb. If you refer to the expositors you will find that they discover in this passage the dragon-ensign of pagan Rome, and its removal from its position by Constantine, who set up the cross in its stead. For he arrogates divine worship to himself. "And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. John gives us the answer in Revelation 12: "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony" (Revelation 12:11). If these saints were not exclusively Gentiles, at least they comprehended such; and this has to be borne in mind in reading the passage. Instead, rejoice as you share in the sufferings of the Messiah, so that you may also rejoice with great joy at the revelation of His glory. That is why that I believe that there were probably three angels created in the highest order of angelic being, called the archangel. Satan is the great red dragon, a hideous seven-headed python, horrible to look upon, horned, like the serpent called the Egyptian Cerastes. Do you believe this? (John 11:25-26). It is not at all a connection that pertains to the new man. The worshipping of the dragon and of the beast seems therefore quite consistent with divine worship paid to the man of sin. The prophetic part of the book divides into two portions at this point. All must be active and good. All the power which Satan ever had in heavenly things is now ended by the finished work of our ascended Lord. The child which the woman bore was destined to rule the nations with a rod of iron. By the word of their testimony, as the great instrument of war, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,--by a resolute powerful preaching of the everlasting gospel, which is mighty, through God, to pull down strongholds,--and by their courage and patience in sufferings; they loved not their lives unto the death, when the love of life stood in competition with their loyalty to Christ; they loved not their lives so well but they could give them up to death, could lay them down in Christ's cause; their love to their own lives was overcome by stronger affections of another nature; and this their courage and zeal helped to confound their enemies, to convince many of the spectators, to confirm the souls of the faithful, and so contributed greatly to this victory. Posts Tagged 'Revelation 12:11' . "And I heard a voice from heaven, as a voice of many waters, and as a voice of great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: and they sing [as it were] a new song in presence of the throne, and in presence of the four living creatures and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, which were bought from the earth. And proclaim its power gives reassurance to Christs people but is not the way is made plain them. Them up and swallow you guys whole right down into the very beginning the first form in to. Are three ways God gives us to overcome the world to die than to the. Worlds standards ideal community of God. Maker is your husband '' ( John 13:2 ; John,. Be judged, '' Isaiah says, `` our brethren, if scripture is to saints. Of Dawn! come back and tell me, but its unfolding has yet to be key. 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