x. The root of the adjective qanna expresses the idea of intense feeling focused on solicitude for someone or something; see, e.g., Ps 69:10; Sg 8:6; Is 9:6; 37:32; Ez 39:25. Deuteronomy 4, Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, One of over 125 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary was originally compiled by priest and biblical scholar Rev. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. 26 today I call heaven and earth to witness against you -- you will quickly vanish from the country which you are crossing the Jordan to possess. It is part of the Torah. 33 Did ever a people hear the voice of the living God speaking from the heart of the fire, as you have heard it, and remain alive? 26I call heaven and earth this day to witness against you, that you shall all quickly perish from the land which you are crossing the Jordan to possess. 17 or of any animal on the earth, or of any bird that flies in the heavens. All Souls Day - Joining Them on the Journey. 3You saw with your own eyes what the Lord did at Baal Peor. 38 dispossessing for you nations who were larger and stronger than you, to make way for you and to give you their country as your heritage, as it still is today. You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I . Once they know what all these laws are, they will exclaim, "No other people is as wise and prudent as this great nation!". 1 And now, O Israel, hear the commandments and judgments which I teach thee: that doing them, thou mayst live, and entering in mayst possess the land which the Lord the God of your fathers will give you. Today, we humbly ask you to defend Catholic Online's independence. Deuteronomy 11:13 If then you obey my commandments, which I command you this day, that you love the Lord your God, and serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul: Deuteronomy 26:16 This day the Lord thy God hath commanded thee to do these commandments and judgments: and to keep and fulfil them with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. [4:4143] Dt 19:113; Nm 35:1028; Jos 20:19. Israel Urged to Obey God's Law - "Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform, so that you may live and go in and take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 32 'Put this question, then, to the ages that are past, that have gone before you, from when God created the human race on earth: Was there ever a word so majestic, from one end of heaven to the other? Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. The choice presented to Israel is to love the Lord and keep his commandments, or to serve other gods. That choice will determine what kind of life they will make for themselves in the land. 24For the Lord your God is a consuming fire,(BC) a jealous God.(BD). In this text we can see the two basic principles in Deuteronomy: (1) monotheism-Israel has to believe in the one true God, and (2) it must love him above all else. Most people donate because Catholic Online is useful. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. 19And when you look up to the sky and see the sun,(AP) the moon and the stars(AQ)all the heavenly array(AR)do not be enticed(AS) into bowing down to them and worshiping(AT) things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 41b Then Moses set apart three cities in the region east of the Jordan, Dt 30:19-20; 32:46-47; Ps 19:7; 119:98; Pr 1:7; 2Ti 3:15, Job 1:1; 28:28; Ps 111:10; Pr 2:5; 3:7; 9:10; Ecc 12:13; Eze 5:5, Ps 89:14; 97:2; 119:7, 62, 144, 160, 172; Ro 3:2, Dt 14:23; 17:19; 31:12-13; Ps 2:11; 111:10; 147:11; Isa 8:13; Jer 32:40, Ex 20:22; Dt 5:4, 22; S Mt 3:17; Heb 12:19, S Ge 6:11-12; Dt 9:12; 31:29; 32:5; Jdg 2:19, Dt 17:3; 2Ki 23:11; Job 31:26; Jer 8:2; 43:13; Eze 8:16, 1Ki 11:6; 15:26; 16:25, 30; 2Ki 17:2, 17; 21:2, Dt 30:18-19; 31:28; 32:1; Ps 50:4; Isa 1:2; 34:1; Jer 6:19; Mic 6:2, S Lev 26:33; Dt 28:36, 64; 29:28; 1Ki 8:46; 2Ki 17:6; Ps 44:11; 106:27; Jer 3:8; Mic 1:16, Dt 13:2; 28:36, 64; 1Sa 26:19; Jer 5:19; 16:13; Ac 19:26, Ps 115:4-8; 135:15-18; Isa 8:19; 26:14; 44:17-20; Rev 9:20, 1Sa 13:12; 2Ki 13:4; 2Ch 7:14; 15:4; 33:12; Ps 78:34; 119:58; Isa 45:19, 22; 55:6; Jer 26:19; Da 9:13; Hos 3:5; Am 5:4, Lev 26:41; Dt 31:17, 21; Ps 4:1; 18:6; 46:1; 59:16; 107:6, Dt 30:2; 1Ki 8:48; Ne 1:9; Jer 3:1, 12, 22; 4:1; 18:11; Joel 2:12, Dt 31:6, 8; Jos 1:5; 1Ki 8:57; 1Ch 28:9, 20; Ps 9:10; 27:9; 71:9; Isa 42:16; Heb 13:5, Dt 7:19; 26:8; 29:3; 1Ch 16:12; Ps 9:1; 40:5; Jer 32:20, ver 39; Ex 8:10; Dt 7:9; 32:4, 12; 1Sa 2:2; 1Ki 8:60; 2Ki 19:19; Isa 43:10; Mk 12:32, Dt 7:8; 10:15; 23:5; 33:3; Ps 44:3; Jer 31:3; Hos 11:1; Mal 1:2; 2:11, ver 1; S Ge 26:5; Dt 5:29; 11:1; Ps 105:45; Isa 48:18, 4:41-43Ref Nu 35:6-34; Dt 19:1-14; Jos 20:1-9, NIV, Journal the Word Bible, Double-Column, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Reflect, Take Notes, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses, NIV, Story of Jesus: Experience the Life of Jesus as One Seamless Story, NIV, Verse Mapping Bible, Comfort Print: Find Connections in Scripture Using a Unique 5-Step Process, NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Comfort Print: Follow Gods Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds throughout Scripture, NIV, Chronological Study Bible: Holy Bible, New International Version, The Jesus Bible, NIV Edition, Comfort Print. 8And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws(R) as this body of laws I am setting before you today? Moses and the Israelites had defeated him when they left Egypt. The characteristic and highly recognizable language and theology of Deuteronomy are seen in editorial comments structuring the works that follow it in the Hebrew canon, the Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. 28 There you will serve gods made by human hand, of wood and of stone, that cannot see or hear, eat or smell. 22 Yes, I am to die in this country; I shall not cross this Jordan; you will go over and take possession of that rich land. 20 I then said, "You have now reached the Amorite highlands, which Yahweh our God has given us. 9 'But take care, as you value your lives! 13 He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments. Why are Catholics celebrating the Day of the Dead? during the reign of King Josiah (2Kgs 22:813). * [4:48] Sion: another name for Mount Hermon, besides those mentioned in 3:9 (to be distinguished from the Mount Zion of Jerusalem). 33Did a people ever hear the voice of God speaking from the midst of fire, as you did, and live?w 2 You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of Yahweh your God just as I lay them down for you. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. 11 So you came and stood at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain flamed to the very sky, a sky darkened by cloud, murky and thunderous. * [4:13] Ten words: the ten commandments, or decalogue (cf. 25 'When you have fathered children and grandchildren and have grown old in the country, when you have grown corrupt and made some image, doing what Yahweh regards as wrong and so provoking his anger-. No other book in the Old . * q, Gods Fidelity and Love. a 2 In your observance of the commandments of the LORD, your God, b which I am commanding you, you shall not add to what I command you nor subtract . 45 These are the stipulations, the laws and the customs which Moses gave the Israelites after they had left Egypt. 33 Did ever a people hear the voice of the living God speaking from the heart of the fire, as you have heard it, and remain alive? d. [4:45] Dt 4:1; 5:1, 31; 6:1, 17, 20; 11:32; 12:1; 26:16; Ps 25:10. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. All Souls Day - Joining Them on the Journey. [4:1] Dt 4:45; 5:1, 31; 6:1, 17, 20; 11:32; 12:1; 26:16. c. [4:3] Nm 25:113; Ps 106:28; Hos 9:10. d. [4:6] Dt 26:5; Gn 12:2; 18:18; 46:3; Ex 32:10. g. [4:9] Dt 6:7, 2025; 11:1921; 29:29; 31:1213; Ps 78:36. The book draws the minds of its intended readers back to a time before disastrous mistakes were made and their disastrous effects felt, and serves to explain the political and theological dynamics that led to the destruction of the North as well as to warn the surviving Southern Kingdom, Judah, to reform by keeping faith with Israels covenant Lord. 2 Do not add anything to what I command you, and do not take anything away. 12 The LORD spoke to you out of the middle of the fire: you heard the voice of words, but you saw no form; you only heard a voice. 48This land extended from Aroer(DA) on the rim of the Arnon Gorge to Mount Sirion[b](DB) (that is, Hermon(DC)), 49and included all the Arabah east of the Jordan, as far as the Dead Sea,[c] below the slopes of Pisgah. 33Has any other people heard the voice of God[a] speaking out of fire, as you have, and lived? BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. 46e beyond the Jordan in the valley opposite Beth-peor, in the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, whom Moses and the Israelites defeated after they came out of Egypt.f Montana Ranch and Cattle is giving away FREE meat! 38dispossessing before you nations greater and mightier than you, so as to bring you in and to give their land to you as a heritage, as it is today. All rights reserved worldwide. 47They took possession of his land and the land of Og king of Bashan, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Over the book looms the disaster of 722/721, the fall of the Northern Kingdom, Israel. 45These are the decrees, and the statutes and ordinances* which Moses proclaimed to the Israelites after they came out of Egypt,d 5 See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the LORD my God commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it. 36Out of the heavens he let you hear his voice to discipline you; on earth he let you see his great fire, and you heard him speaking out of the fire. Obey the commands of the Lord your God that I have given you. * [4:49] The Arabah Sea: the Dead Sea, cf. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Deuteronomy is a book in the Bible. 9 'But take care, as you value your lives! 8 And what great nation has laws and customs as upright as the entirety of this Law which I am laying down for you today? 35You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides him there is no other. 41Then Moses set aside three cities east of the Jordan, 42to which anyone who had killed a person could flee if they had unintentionally(CX) killed a neighbor without malice aforethought. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! 15You saw no form(AJ) of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb(AK) out of the fire. 3:17. a. In the first commandment (5:610; Ex 20:26) and passages derived from it (like 4:24; 6:15; Ex 34:14; Jos 24:19; Na 1:2), Israels God is represented as totally committed to his purpose, and Israel is put on notice to take him and his directives for their life as a people with equal seriousness. Conventionally this great multivolume work is termed the Deuteronomistic History. The mountain burnt with fire to the heart of the sky, with darkness, cloud, and thick darkness. 2 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. Paperback $11.95 The Book of Psalms (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible) by Dennis Walters Ph.D. 42to which a homicide might flee who killed a neighbor unintentionally, where there had been no hatred previously, so that the killer might flee to one of these cities and live: 6 Keep them, put them into practice, and other peoples will admire your wisdom and prudence. 10 The day you stood at Horeb in the presence of Yahweh your God, Yahweh said to me, "Summon the people to me; I want them to hear me speaking, so that they will learn to fear me all the days they live on earth, and teach this to their children.". Whichever choice they make as a people carries consequences, which Deuteronomy terms blessing and curse. Thus the book can be seen as a kind of survival manual for Israel in their life as a people: how to live and what to avoid. 3 Hear, O Israel, and observe to do the things which the Lord hath commanded thee, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayst be greatly multiplied, as the Lord the God of thy fathers hath promised thee a land flowing with milk and honey. (AZ) 23Be careful not to forget the covenant(BA) of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol(BB) in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden. 17the form of any animal on the earth, the form of any bird that flies in the sky, If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. 9However, be on your guard and be very careful not to forget the things your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your heart as long as you live, but make them known to your childreng and to your childrens children, All Saints' Day, Halloween and All Souls' Day: What's the difference? 43The cities were these: Bezer in the wilderness plateau, for the Reubenites; Ramoth(CY) in Gilead, for the Gadites; and Golan in Bashan, for the Manassites. 10Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb,(V) when he said to me, Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn(W) to revere(X) me as long as they live in the land(Y) and may teach(Z) them to their children. 11You came near and stood at the foot of the mountain(AA) while it blazed with fire(AB) to the very heavens, with black clouds and deep darkness. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. 7 And indeed, what great nation has its gods as near as Yahweh our God is to us whenever we call to him? 21 'Yahweh is angry with me because of you; he has sworn that I shall not cross the Jordan or enter the fine country which Yahweh your God is giving you as your heritage. The Bible seems never other than to be deeply astrological, and highly in favor of its practice. Montana Ranch and Cattle is giving away FREE meat! 37 Because he loved your ancestors and, after them, chose their descendants, he has brought you out of Egypt, displaying his presence and mighty power. * [4:44] Law: Hebrew torah, meaning instruction, law, teaching; the standard translation law comes from the influence of the Septuagints nomos, law, and the extensive legislation in Ex 20Nm 10. It gives evidence of later editing: cf. The Hebrew name of the book is Dbariym, which means 'people of the Word.' Layout [ change | change source] The Beginning [ change | change source] Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. One defining concern of the book is centralization of worship. This item: Deuteronomy (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible) by Dennis Walters Ph.D. 7 You shall tell them to your children, and keep on telling them, when you are sitting at home, when you are out and about, when . 27The Lord will scatter(BK) you among the peoples, and only a few of you will survive(BL) among the nations to which the Lord will drive you. A source to read, listen and search the Holy Bible in your language. 2 You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of Yahweh your God just as I lay them down for you. 44This is the law* which Moses set before the Israelites.c 2 You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of . * [4:24] A jealous God: Hebrew el qanna. 1 'And now, Israel, listen to the laws and customs which I am teaching you today, so that, by observing them, you may survive to enter and take possession of the country which Yahweh, God of your ancestors, is giving you. 8Or what great nation has statutes and ordinances that are as just as this whole law which I am setting before you today?f. 6 Keep them, put them into practice, and other peoples will admire your wisdom and prudence. [4:13] Dt 5:621; 10:4; Ex 20:117; 24:12; 31:18; 34:2728. Deuteronomy Chapters. Do not forget the things which you yourselves have seen, or let them slip from your heart as long as you live; teach them, rather, to your children and to your children's children. [4:24] Dt 5:9; 6:15; 9:3; Ex 24:17; 34:14. t. [4:28] Dt 28:64; 29:17; Lv 26:3039; Ps 115:48; 135:1518; Is 44:920. 44 This is the Law which Moses presented to the Israelites. 42 to which any killer might flee who had accidentally, without any previous feud, killed his fellow; by taking refuge in one of these towns he could save his life. 16not to act corruptly by fashioning an idol for yourselves to represent any figure, whether it be the form of a man or of a woman,k The book was probably composed over the course of three centuries, from the eighth century to the exile and beyond. 15 'Hence, be very careful what you do. 2 All these blessings will come and overtake you, because you obey the Lord your God: 3 You will be blessed in the city. Was anything like it ever heard? March in, take possession of it as Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, has said; do not be afraid or discouraged." 22 Then you all came to me and said, "Let us send men ahead of us to explore the . 3 You will go to the priest then in office and say to him, "Today I declare to Yahweh my God that I have . 15Because you saw no form at all on the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire, be strictly on your guard [4:34] Dt 7:19; 26:8; 29:2; Ex 7:3; 15:310; Jer 32:21. y. Moses and the Israelites had defeated him when they left Egypt. 6Observe(M) them carefully, for this will show your wisdom(N) and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.(O) 7What other nation is so great(P) as to have their gods near(Q) them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? 40 Keep his laws and commandments as I give them to you today, so that you and your children after you may prosper and live long in the country that Yahweh your God is giving you for ever.'. You must put these in a basket and go to the place where Yahweh your God chooses to give his name a home. Saint of the Day for Friday, Nov 4th, 2022, 7 Morning Prayers you need to get your day started with God. 5See, I have taught(I) you decrees and laws(J) as the Lord my God commanded(K) me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering(L) to take possession of it. 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