A/n: Here's a headcanon to help me get back into the flow of things again. (was formerly named harry potter one shots, imagines and preferences. Will 100% go through the books with you so he can explain things you might not understand or add miniature lectures about cultural significance. One of fandoms' most favorite things is to pose questions and theories, and there are a lot of them. This is my first time doing headcanons, so forgive me if it's not very good. All of their initial are carved somewhere in it, like under the seat or something, and that it's the same compartment that Lupin was sitting in when he first met Harry. Harry, let go. and that wasnt fair to either one of you. He kind of just wants to be able to converse with you in his own language since its easier for him to understand and he doesnt have to worry about his accent all of the time. you wanted it to be your imagination. You love Sirius so much and you know it was not him who betrayed the Potters. He put his arms around her and held her tight. whenever your mind wandered off when you were together, he wondered where you ended up. Watch Hadrian Antares Potter's journey to becoming the best Hero ever while protecting . I hope regardless that you can find something of interest in my content also pls dont be afraid to send things into my inbox because I love talking & I promise that Im nice, my thoughts and ramblings: #pomela dilemma, can someone please tell me if there are still stellamore fans out here? Bi Dean Thomas. Harry Potter and Marauders x Reader: Headcanons, One Shots, and More Cheekyredwillow Chapter 13: Falling and Confessing HC ~ Seamus Finnegan ~Seamus first met you during both of your second year ~The idea the basilisk was out and killing muggleborn ~Your friend was muggleborn but you were half blooded However, that doesnt mean you arent as prone to language-learning frustrations as well, theyre just usually stilled before they become too much. That's why there are some details that line up with book canon, but the characterizations of a number of the people and a number of other details don't line up with "reality" (the 7 books) and why time travel works in a completely different manner in the play as it does in the books . thank you forever for 2M reads. Aro ace Draco Malfoy. - There's a museum on your favorite thing? it wasnt fair to either of you. I was reading your headcanons and I am now just a puddle of soft feelings. Someone with dark, unapologetic humor tends to catch his eye more often than not, especially if that person is extremely down-to-earth and self-aware. Harry didn't hesitate very long before sailing away with this mysterious king and neither did Hermione, Luna, Draco and Blaise, eager to run away from the damages of the war. Hes happy being able to just be there for you :), Lowkey is really excited to help you with flashcards, bonus points if you let him color coordinate them. you guided him to lay down on one of the numerous pillows under the canopy of blankets before wrapping a hefty quilt around the two of you. He understands that for the non-native speakers, Mandarin can be a tricky language to understand at first glance so hes willing to earnestly help you with anything you need. A lot of thought goes into his gifts and so he spends a considerable amount of time mulling over what he thinks is best. A/N: I loved writing this so much, my Snape feels are on the loose again, someone HELP! Francis is great at many things, but being able to effectively help teach someone is not one of those things. One part of the shopping trip consists of hiding presents from each other underneath their coats in the shopping carts to make sure none of them know what theyre buying each other. Do you mind I get some headcanons about who some Hazbin Hotel characters of your choosing end up falling for? The sound of chirping birds rush away the sleepiness and the morning greets you with a peck on your temple. "The library." she replied, doing the same. /: - , :") it's the small things at first, being late for dates and being in a rush. Hope to see you there loves. (cough cough, plus hell only buy those types of things at the stores with the best discount. In all honesty, expect lots of teasing, but only in a fun way! - When you both were at Hogwarts you used to meet up after dinner in the astronomy tower. Thank you! "I suppose I love you too." draco, linny, nuna. tagged: #harry potter #harry potter imagine #draco malfoy imagine #draco malfoy x reader #draco malfoy #harry potter fanfic #draco malfoy one shot #harry potter headcanon #harry potter smut #nsfw alphabet F/N- Friends Name. Y/n giggled. So I will be writing different smut stories about different Harry Potter characters! Hed appreciate someone who can take a joke and not be afraid to treat him with the same courtesy, but also who he could feel comfortable enough around to not continuously worry about damaging his pride. You meet each other officially while you were setting up a prank. She would adore someone who was sweet and cute, but also knew when to get a rowdy and just have fun. Harry whispered in her ear. And really, there's not as much risk to Snape as you might think. - Has a reoccurring dream of marrying you. #harry-potter-headcanon on Tumblr sir-gwaine-my-man Follow Quidditch Headcanon So I've seen a few headcanons where someone yells out, "Knock on wood," before a match and everyone whacks Oliver with their brooms Whilst this very much amuses me, in Britain (or at least England) it's more common to say 'touch wood' These are more often than not written in a more casual, conversational style than my fics. Reader. But Ginny, Luna, and Neville would know that they were getting off easy. - Someone famous was born in your town/city? WhichHarry Potterheadcanon could you believe? to now know that you didnt return those feelings wastoo much. Hetro ace Harry Potter. Hes such a great helper since he absolutely refuses to stop until he makes sure that you understand what you were having issues with. It was the one they sat in every single time they were on the train, and eventually, Lily joined them in seventh year. And writing? In which case, hell feel incredibly guilty since he was probably also encouraging your unhealthy study habits. Not to mention the stationery, he knows all of the best brands for buying quality pens, pencils, notebooks, all of that kind of stuff. -Rosa (Amestris). See more ideas about harry potter, potter, harry potter universal. After Y/N Black's mother was murdered along with the Potter's and her father was wrongfully sent to Azkaban, Y/N is sent to live with a muggle family who lived on none o. thechosenone. Being snapes daughter is hard but being snapes daughter and secretly dating Harry Potter is even more hard. Hes the type of guy to watch movies or binge shows that are in English with you and justify it by saying it helps with your pronunciation exercises. Hey there! * :. Theyll spend a day making sure that they have enough time to go to all the places that the others requested, as well as plan out where theyll have lunch and dinner at. Ludwig shows his support through what most people would call being strict, but he only enforces rules and schedules because he wants to make sure that youre making the most of your time and will meet your goals. For reference, he once bought Finland a porcelain hand-soap tray and emoji pillows for Iceland. It hurt. guys, i dont want to have to simp alone pls. - Never forgets a birthday, anniversary, special occasion or any important date at all. There's no plot but lots of smut. While I'm sure Snape was harsh, the leaders of the D.A. abruptly straightening up, he tried to control the nerves that had taken over his body. The fierce knight nodded and open the wall, letting the two of you pass. - You cried a lot that day. Even at the beginning of your studying (and Im talking at the very, very beginning when you can hardly form coherent sentences), hes sooo proud of you and absolutely giddy. A supportive guy but he might come off as imposing since he can be pretty strict it comes from a good place though! Just a very fluffy headcanon. Can't wait to see your work. this is the hope the both of you held onto. Studying or flirting? - You correct him constantly, telling him its okay and that he doesnt have to say sorry which hell then reply with sorry . Claims that the best atmosphere to study is at a bookstore cafe, preferably on a cold, rainy day. Could I please get the language learning request with the axis? - Harry actually proposed to you while he, Ron, Hermione and you were searching for the other horcruxes. He really likes going through children storybooks with you compared to other forms of study since hes able to relive his childhood that he didnt really get to enjoy that much.. Its nice to see things in a new light! it was quaint and peaceful, but thats what the two of you had decided to enjoy together. and he would feel shivers run down his spine when you touch his arm, his hand,. Its understandable that after so many years he would know so much about the language, especially all of the unique and forgotten facts. Oh! Plus!! Once you stumble into the kitchen, the radio is playing from a 60s song station and the counter-tops are a little bit messy with various jars of ingredients spewed across them. He has flour on his face and batter on his apron even before he begins spooning out the mixture into the hot pan on the stove, occasionally checking the temperature and tampering with the knob settings. Will practically drill proper pronunciation of the different tones right at the beginning of lessons and refuses to ease up until it sounds near-perfect. Originally posted by my-harry-potter-generation [MASTER LIST] Being Sirius Black's daughter would involve: Obviously, for most of your life, you're not raised with him. Warnings: mentions of alcohol and drugs (weed), mentions of public makeout, slight NSFW (dry . Originally posted by byaseashore (Not my gif, credit to whoever made it) Harry would be the one to bring up the idea of having a picnic Drawing back the curtains, hell let the soft sunlight into the room while you sip on the steaming beverage. Hell immediately start daydreaming about being able to converse with you in his native language, he will be practically gushing enthusiasm. " 'Books and cleverness.' " he mocked. Even though they all spend a fair amount of time getting the perfect gifts, over time theyve realized that the important part of the holidays is being there for each other. : *. . Yandere Peter Parker x Fem! If you need help with grammar rules and translations hes definitely the guy to go to!! nervous because he knew there was something you werent telling him when you used to be each others mutual secret-keepers. Even though he surely has an ego complex, that doesnt mean he wants someone to flatter him all of the time. Iceland usually buys everyone food or things like books and candles. You and Harry have been friends for a long time, since you both were 12 you've been dating, thing is Harry thinks your a muggle. As you followed the head boy inside, you passed through the room directly to his dorm, as both of you were clearly sleepy. - Feels like a normal person around you and appreciates it so much, its one of the many reasons why he fell in love with you. I know that many people are not fond of Snape but I love him to bits and I'm not sorry for it, okay? the way his eyes seem to wander away from your own, the once familiar spark no longer igniting from your gaze. you can find it here :), helping their s/o learn their native language, helping their s/o learn their native language |. And that that was why she was okay with Severus as a middle name. even as you reached out to cup the side of his face, you could sense the subtle shaking that ricocheted off of him. you slowly nodded, barely containing your emotions as you exited yourself from the balcony. They got caught, and their punishment was to be sent into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. - He has a habit of saying sorry after literally anything, its almost like a defense mechanism for him. Perhaps someone with curvy hips? The story will include swearing so read at your own risk Its a bit difficult to keep everything in order, but 9/10 times theyre all successful somehow. Im not in love with you, not in that way.. Why not bothat the same time, Can you really expect him to help you study his own language without throwing in a few endearing vocabulary he knows that you dont understand? Agreeing with everything he says or constantly gushing unnecessary praise is a sure-fire way to push him away fast. Let's say Ginny notices that Snape didn't take a punishment as far as he could have. after being so used to your company, your familiarity, it was hard relearning how to be closed off from you suddenly. you wanted it to be your imagination. Well, if you're interested in reading my writing and fanfictions, continue on into the book. "Hermione asked me to help her find a book she'd been meaning to read.". Regardless of how you dressed, shed love it if you let her take photos of you, along with selfies of the two of you together. Seems like everyone is obsessed with Y/N Dixon. Really strict on study schedules and practices, claims that hes just invested in your education. a/n; i want to write more about this boy pLS THAT LAST LINE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE IT SCARED ME,,, i had to pump the brakes i feel like i was averting a little ways away from the original request but lordie do i have so much more to offer oh . Plus, its an overall good way to bond with you, so how could he refuse? maybe its your imagination. and in the comfort of your own persons, alone from the rest of the world, the two of you expressed just how unfair it really was with only the night as your witness. They're not going to broadcast it to the rest of the world or even the rest of the D.A. He had to run Hogwarts with enough brutality/ruthlessness to keep Voldemort convinced, without actually harming too many students. the two of you still kissed each other goodnight, said i love you in the morning, and started everyday together. Almost all were requested on my Tumblr (@/melmalone). A collection of all my Harry Potter and Marauders stories from Tumblr. he simply came up to you and (nervously might I add) asked you out on a date. Once he knows that you have an interest in learning his native language hes absolutely over the moon!! <3 Warnings: None, mainly fluff and wholesomeness. Will also buy books on topics/subjects that he thinks the person receiving it would be into. You watched as Cho stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on Cedric's lips, causing him to blush slightly when she had pulled away with a huge smile. Thats really what their shopping trips are about, too, spending time with each other and making memories. So my theory is basically that Ginny or Neville or another high up member of the D.A. Fred Weasley relationship headcanons. Word Count: Masterlist. He wants to make sure hes not ignorantly enforcing bad habits and wants to be 100% youre on the right course of action. Instead, hed rather spend time with someone who isnt afraid to sass back at him, a bit more on the cynical side. "dad, can I date ha "Hey Scarhead." The curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts that was imposed by Voldemort is based on the insult of his being denied the position. (The answer is no), If anything, he explains it will only help motivate you to study more.. Includes x reader, ships and preferences for the harry potter guys. Vote up your favorites below! We managed to find someHarry Potterfans' top headcanons from the series. Prefers helping you study through more simplistic means rather than using complicated technicalities found within formal learningthe best way is to learn in a native manner, isnt it? "The explanation, Y/L/N.". Hell try to read as many articles as he can for helping you motivate and recuperate, and will also set up a realisticand most importantly healthystudy schedule. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary, but Snape would want to avoid sending students to the Carrows if he could. English phonetics are kind of weird; so really its all about learning words and their specific sounds and just hanging on for the ride, Alfred, youre telling me that all of these words are pronounced the same way but spelled completely differently.. This all started because of a strong urge to write a certain fanfiction for the Weasley twins. I have been slightly busy and a little sick. Hell only speak English around you so you can become more comfortable and familiarize with it. Without a doubt, the sweetest teacher ever hes so excited that you want to learn his language and will be there to help you in any way he can!! orderofthephoenix. Since Norway Christmas shops with him now, many of the gifts he purchases are a lot more practical. I hope you enjoy :). My character perceptions have obviously been too influenced by fanfiction and my own incapabilities to understand sex and romance, but here are my headcanons (with entirely too much ace/aro hcs): Aro ace Charlie Weasley. Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem! The only thing Snape has to do is look like a credible punishing force for the vast majority of students, Voldemort, and the Carrows. the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Days when neither of you has any obligations and so you just stay home and chill together, maybe theres a little bit of reading involved maybe a little baking too. Kiku makes sure to show his support by making language learning seem a little less impossible :), Im not like other teachers. But he cannot condone it at the expense of your health :(. RELATED: 20 Wild Fan Redesigns Of Unexpected Harry Potter Couples Denmark has been known to buy impractical and outrageous things; most of the time he just buys things that he thinks are neat! Every single second of it hurt. Im a cool, fun teacher.. c; thanks for the warm welcome anon!! I will be publishing . "You better move quickly, we were doing something!" The girl commanded as she pushed Harry to her side, who was watching Y/n with wide eyes. (And, your biological mother isn't part of the picture.) Various Oneshots/Headcanons 15 pages 10 months ago g f Someone with a great deal of patience is required to withstand her hyperactivity. Headcanons for James potter x reader where he teases her for reading so much, so she just kind of stops carrying books with her or reading before she goes to bed when she stays in his dorm and it. READ PART 2. Bless his soul, he tries to help to the best of his abilities, but in his defense, its easy to get sidetracked. On this principle, Alfred would mostly use the immersion tactics to help you study. Someone at Hogwarts has been following her every mov imagines of your favorite harry potter characters! It's literally what the title says. Hadrian Antares Potter, The Magical Hero by Raskal21 reviews. He probably sat them down in his office, threatened them, insulted them with all of the creativity he could muster, threatened them again, insulted them a bit more, and took a couple billion points. "And do you want to know why?" There's no tell "we were just kids when we fell in love," - Harry loves it when you play with his hair and scratch his scalp a bit while you do so. Not really into going off on historical tangents unless its directly related to one of your questions, even then he mind side-step it a little bit. Its pretty difficult to get five people all on the same schedule, not to mention all be up ready early in the morning. Adventure Fantasy X Reader A book of One-shots and Headcanons for Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Riordanverse fandoms! George Weasley x Slytherin! Sometimes his memory escapes him. While he tends to enjoy that for a while, it gets old fast, and everything needs to be dealt with moderation. Hope you enjoy. Knows all of the best resources for learning, from the big-picture to which classes to apply for and which books to buy, to the tiniest details like the absolute best flashcards to buy. You help Theo tie his grey apron behind his back before he begins mixing together the flour products and whisking the milk and eggs. She regretted her decision when James spent a few weeks rambling and obsessing over "muggle flashy cut-through-everything swords". But if I were them, I would wonder why Snape had let them off without expulsion or at least Crucio. NO! Honestly tries to teach you; not as much goofing around going on here. Harry Potter Riordanverse The Lord of the Rings Star Wars Percy Jackson & The Olympians . Reader: Listen up Loser! nothing was inherently different. 715K 25.1K 68. Not sure if you're new here, but if you are, welcome! . So sit back, grab a butterbeer, and let's explore 15 headcanons about the Harry Potter universe. . ! - You guys get married five years after the war, you never felt rushed to get married, your wedding was small and intimate. Remeber, nobody said that it would last forever. After Y/N Black's mother was murdered along with the Potter's and her father was wrongfully sent to Azkaban, Y/N is sent to live with a muggle family who lived on none o *:.* Y/n Sterling, related to Luna Lovegood, just as carefree, creative, and odd as Luna was. Promise me she'll be okay! - Is super protective over you but not in a weird territorial/abusive way. Since hes prone to burning out over work himself, he doesnt really see the signs while youre studying until its too late. His mind is very active so its a bit difficult to concentrate on just one thing. Knowing when to play along and when to drag her back is a crucial skill; you just cant crash her fun all the time or shell think youre boring. Post-war. While youre studying he can teach you all of the historical tid-bits behind certain idioms and phrases. That being said, it is definitely essential to stroke his ego from time to time, but it shouldnt take center-stage. A/N: These were requested by a discord mutual! instinctively he melted in your touch before quickly rectifying his behaviorism. R/C- Random Color. Maybe she just thinks about it a little bit or mentions it in passing to Neville. 2 years ago on May 20, 2020; harry potter masterlist harry potter fanfic harry potter fandom harry potter fanfiction harry potter golden era harry potter draco malfoy x reader bill weasley x reader blaise zabini x reader cho chang x reader ginny weasley x reader luna lovegood x reader neville longbottom x reader oliver wood x reader ron weasley x reader hermione granger x reader fleur delacour . would he just pretend like this never happened? might have suspected that Snape wasn't quite as committed as he seemed, even if they didn't know the full picture. Harry Potter Characters x reader. he had spent most of the day gaming, and was just now feeling the affects of denying himself sleep as he nuzzled further into your touch, arms snaking around your waist to pull you closer. Enjoy! A/N: These were requested by a discord mutual! Summary: Harry and you having a picnic date by The Black Lake. "I'm listening.". Vote up the best 'Harry Potter' headcanons. - Will crumble and melt at you just holding his hand or if your fingers brushed together. he didnt know what to do with himself if one day you decided you were done. For the most part he claims that bookstores have the best atmosphere for a majority of occasions. "Hey!" 15 'Harry Potter' Headcanons From Fans That We Desperately Want To Believe. Hes just the happiest to see everyone else enjoying their presents so he doesnt really care what he gets as long as theyre content. For Harry, the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were the closest thing he had to family, ranking above the Dursleys, who were blood relations. until that point he thought you were the quiet good girl type. satan you pleaded while you watched him cling onto his resolve with an almost pleading reverence, his mannerisms betraying how he was really feeling. - Is never phased by any weird thing you do. - Will accidentally wake you up because he was having a nightmare, you guys stay up talking about it. /details inside Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 25,257 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 2/12/2021 - Published: 1/19/2021 . if he spent any more time with you he might mistake it for hope of something more. Also ik my title is very creative and smart and genius and yeah for once, he was nervous. +22 more. Request: "I'd love to see how Snape would react to realizing he was becoming a father if you're in need of a one-shot :)" Characters: Severus Snape, Reader, Minerva McGonagall (mentioned) Rating: T, I guess? When someone has a very defined and unique fashion style, shes immediately captivated by thembonus points if its harajuku or brightly-colored goth clothing but really, any kind of upbeat, defined aesthetic will catch her eye. Right. I can't promise you anything. Hes totally going to teach you how to do the different types of traditional calligraphy once you feel like you have a good hand at writing it normally. Most likely to buy household items like stand-mixers or blenders. That does explain why his magic doesn't malfunction or backfire like Ron's with his broken wand, and since Harry figured out that you can fix wands with the thing so quickly, I'm sure Dumbledore also figured it out. Dont get him wrong, hes really ecstatic you want to learn his language!! 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