8 for Flute & Strings, "O Salutaris" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion" for Flute & Strings, "O'Carolan's Draught" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, "O'Carolan's Welcome" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "O'Flinn" for Flute, Oboe & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "Ode to Whiskey" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Of Thee I Dream" for Flute, Oboe & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "Offertoire" from "L'Organiste Moderne" for Winds & Strings, "Offertorium" from the Requiem in C Minor (Mvt. Parther und Meder und Elamiter und die da wohnen in Mesopotamien, Juda und Kappadozien, Pontus und der Provinz Asia, Phrygien und Pamphylien, ingypten und der Gegend von Kyrene in Libyen und Rmer, die bei uns wohnen, Juden und Proselyten, Kreter und Araber: Wir hren sie in unsern Sprachen die groen Taten Gottes verknden. "STATIONEN DES LEB E. BACH "WIE BANG HAT DICH MEIN HERZ BEWEINT", BACH "AUS LIEBE WILL MEIN HEILAND STERBEN", VINCENT LBECK "WILLKOMMEN SSSER BRUTIGAM", JOHANN HERMANN SCHEIN - vier Motetten aus der Sammlung Israelsbrnnlein und Psalm 116, BACH, WACHET AUF RUFT UNS DIE STIMME, BWV 140, Evangelische Auferstehungskirche, Leinfelden, Bibliothekssaal Landesakademie Ochsenhausen, Bruhaussaal der Landesakademie Ochsenhausen, J. S. Bach, Johannes Passion - Sopran Solo, R. Keiser, Brockes-Passion - Sopran Solo "Tochter Zion", Bach, Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen BWV 51 - Sopran Solo, G. A. Homilius, Ergreifet die Psalter, ihr festlichen Chre, Benefizkonzert mit den Rottenburger Domsingknaben, Schubert, As-Dur Messe D 678 - Sopran Solo, Donizetti, Der Liebestrank (Premiere) - Gianetta, Haydn, Die Schpfung - Sopran Solo Gabriel & Eva, Phyllis Tate, Der Untermieter / The Lodger - Daisy, Donizetti, Der Liebestrank / L'elisir d'amor - Gianetta, Donizetti, Der Liebestrank / L'elisir d'amor - Gianetta (Premiere), Menotti, Der Konsul (Premiere) - Anna Gomez, Paul Lincke, Frau Luna (Premiere) - Marie Pusebach, Beethoven, Fidelio (Premiere) - Marzelline. for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Bon Jour Mon Coeur" for Woodwind Quartet, "Bonnie Kellswater" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Bourre" for Flute & Bass Clarinet - Flute and Clarinet, "Brian Boru's March" for Flute, Oboe & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella" for Woodwind Quartet, "But Thanks be to God" for Winds & Strings, "But Who May Abide" For Wind Ensemble - Wind Sextet, "By Adam's Fall into Sin" for WoodWind Quartet, "Cachoucha Caprice" for Winds & Strings, "Caitln Tirial" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Cantilne Religieuse" from 7 Pieces for Organ for Flute & Piano, "Cantino i Popoli" for Woodwind Quartet, "Canzon La Galuppa" for Woodwind Quartet, "Canzona Francese" (La Gonzaga) for Woodwind Quartet, "Canzona La Paglia" for Woodwind Quintet, "Canzonetta Quattuor" for Flute Quartet - Piccolo, Flute & Alto Flute, "Capriccio" from Partita 2 (BWV 826) for Woodwind Trio - Wind Trio, "Captain O'Kane" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Carnival of Venice" Theme & Variations for Flute & Guitar, "Caro Mio Ben" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Carrickfergus" for Harp and 2 Flutes - Flute and Harp, "Castilla (Seguidilla)" from the Suite "Espaola" for Woodwind Quartet, "Catalua (Curranda)" from the Suite "Espaola" for Winds & Strings, "Cavatina Buffa e Stretta" from "La Cambiale di Matrimonio" for Winds & Strings, "Cecilia Lied" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Chaconne d'Arlequin" from "Le Carnival" for Winds & Strings, "Chaconne des Africains" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Chaconne" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Chaconne" for Flutes and Harp - Flute and Harp, "Chamber Trio" for Flute, Bassoon & Harp - Woodwinds & Harp, "Chanson d'avril" from "20 Mlodies" for Flute & Harp, "Charon the Peaceful Shade Invites" for Flutes & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Children, Hear Who's Knocking" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Chinese Dance" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, "Chorale St. Antoni" for Wind Ensemble - Wind ensemble, "Christmas in Killarney" for Flute & Strings, "Christmas Oratorio" for Woodwind Quartet, "Christus Factus Est" for Woodwind & Brass - Wind ensemble, "Christus, der ist mein Leben" for Flute & Piano, "Clamabat autem mulier Chananaea" for Woodwind Quartet, "Clouds" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute & Guitar, "Coeur Prisonnier" for Woodwind Quartet, "Colin-Maillard" Nocturne from "Jeux d'enfants" for Flute & Harp, "Come Away" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Come by the Hills" for Oboe, Flute & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "Communion" in G Major from 10 Pieces for Organ for Woodwind Quintet, "Communion" in Gb Major from 10 Pieces for Organ for Flute & Strings, "Concerto I" in A Minor for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Confitebor Tibi" for Flute, Horn & Piano - Flute, French Horn and Piano, "Confiteor" from the Mass in B Minor for Wind Ensemble, "Conquassabit capita" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Courtly Masquing Ayres" for Flutes & Strings - 2 flutes, string quartet, "Coventry Carol" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Crucifixus" from the Mass in B Minor for Harp & Woodwind Quartet - Woodwinds & Harp, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in A Major for Winds & Strings, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in B Minor for Small Orchestra, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in F Major for Winds & Strings, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in G Major for Winds & Strings, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from the Mass in G Minor for Winds & Strings, "Dance of the Blessed Spirits" for Flute & Strings, "Dance of the Blessed Spirits" for Flute and Piano - Flute and Piano, "Dance of the Reed Pipes" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, "Dance of the Tumblers" from the "Snow Maiden Suite" for Small Orchestra, "Dank sei Dir Herr" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Danny Boy" / "Londonderry Air" for Woodwind Quintet, "Danse Villageoise" from "24 Pices pour Piano" for Flute & Piano, "Dansmuziek" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Das Zitternde Glnzen der Spielenden Wellen" for Flute Trio, "De los lamos Vengo, Madre" for Woodwind Quartet, "De ta Bouche tant Vermeille" for Woodwind Quartet, "De torrente in via bibet" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Deo Gratias", Pavan Passamezzo 6 for Wind Sextet, "Der aber die Herzen forschet" for Woodwind Quartet, "Der ander Mascharada" for Woodwind Quintet, "Der erste Mascharada des Pfalzgraffen" for Flute Chorus, "Der Kuckuck hat sich zu Tod gefalln" for Woodwind Quintet, "Des Abends Morgens und Mittags" for Winds & Strings, "Deus enim firmavit" for Woodwind Quintet, "Deus in nomine Tuo" for Winds & Strings, "Deuxime air" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, "Deuxime Rigaudon" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, "Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux" for Woodwind Quartet, "Dialogue" from "Livre d'Orgue" for Winds & Strings, "Dialoog" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Dicite in Gentibus" for Woodwinds, Strings & Harp - Woodwinds & Harp, "Die ihr aus Dunklen Grften" for Woodwind Trio - Wind Trio, "Dies irae" from the Requiem in C Minor for Winds & Strings, "Dieu d'Amour" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Diligam Te Domine" for Brass & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, "Dixit Dominus" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Domine Deus" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Domine Deus" from the Mass in B Minor for Woodwind Trio & Strings, "Domine Deus" from the Mass in G Major for Woodwind Quintet, "Domine fili unigenite" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Domine non secundum" for Woodwind Quartet & Piano, "Domine, ego Credidi" for Wind Ensemble - Wind ensemble, "Dominica in Ramis Palmarum" for Winds & Strings, "Dominus a dextris tuis" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Dominus Illuminatio Mea" for Winds & Strings, "Dona Nobis Pacem" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Donauwellen" for Flute, Oboe & Strings, "Down By The Glenside" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, "Down by the Salley Garden" for flutes & Harp, "Dreams of Alwyn" for Flute, Oboe & Harp, "Duet" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Duetto" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute, Bassoon & Harp, "Dumbarton's Drums" for Flute, Oboe & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "Easter Oratorio" (BWV 249) for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Echo Duet" for Flute & Oboe - Flute and Oboe, "Ein feste Burg ist unser Got" for Woodwind Quintet, "Elgie" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Entre des Genies" from the Opera "Zmire et Azor" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Erbarm dich, o Herre Gott" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" for Woodwind Quartet, "Es ist ein Schnitter, heit der Tod" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Es ist Genug" (Funeral Cantata) for Winds & Strings, "Es Ist Nun Nichts" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Es wolle Gott uns gndig sein" for Flute Quartet, "Esurientes" from the Magnificat in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Et egressus est a filia Sion" for Woodwind Quintet, "Et expecto" from the Mass in B Minor for Small Orchestra, "Et in Terra Pax" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Eternal Source of Light Divine" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" for Flute & Strings, "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Exaudi Domine Iustitiam Meam" for Winds & Strings - Wood, Brass, Strings, "Exceeding Glad Shall He Be" from "The King Shall Rejoice" for Winds & Strings, "Frchte Dich Nicht, Ich Bin Bei Dir" for Woodwind Quartet, "Facta Cogitatum" for Woodwinds, Strings & Harp - Harp and Orchestra, "Fair Fa' The Minstrel" for Flute Trio - Wind Trio, "Fanfare-Rondeau" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Fantaisie ≈ Valse" for Flute & Strings, "Fantaisie sur des thmes de Hndel et Abb Vogler" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Fantaisie" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Fantasia Seconda" for Woodwind Quartet, "Fantasy" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Farewell tae Tarwathie" for Flute, Oboe, Cello & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Strings, "Fear A' Bhata" for Flute, Oboe & Cello - Flute, Oboe, Cello, "Fecit potentiam" from the Magnificat in D Major for Small Orchestra, "Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Forlana" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, "Fors Seulement l'attente" for Woodwind Quartet, "Fossils" from the "Carnival of the Animals" for Winds & Strings, "Frhlingsjubel" from 10 Gesnge fr gemischten Chor for Flute & Strings, "Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele" for Woodwind Quartet, "Fruhlingsnahen" from 12 Piano Pieces for Woodwind Quintet, "Fuga Fanfare" from "Sonate Pontificale" in D Minor for Woodwind Quartet, "Fugue" from "L'Organiste Moderne" for Double-Reed Quartet, "Fugue" from "L'Organiste Moderne" for Woodwind Quartet, "Fugue" from 6 Etudes for Woodwind Quartet, "Funeral March of a Marionette" for Wind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Funeral March" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute & Strings, "Garryowen" (Eghan's Garden) for Woodwind Trio, "Gavotta" for Flute & Bassoon - Flute and Bassoon, "Gavotte" from "Iphignie en Aulide" for Flute & Alto Flute - Flute and alto flute (G), "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" for Flute & Pipe Organ, "Gloria In Excelsis Deo" for Flute Strings, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" for Harp & Flutes - Flute and Harp, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" from Gloria in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" from the Mass in B Minor for Small Orchestra - Orchestra, "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in A Major for Woodwinds & Strings, "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in F Major for Winds & Strings, "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in G Major for Winds & Strings, "Gloria in Excelsis" from the Mass in G Minor for Winds & Strings, "Gloria Patri" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Gloria Patri" from the Magnificat in D Major for Small Orchestra, "Glory and worship are before him" from Chandos Anthem No. So spricht der HERR: Ebenso wie der Hirte aus dem Rachen des Lwen zwei Unterschenkel oder einen Ohrzipfel rettet, so werden die Shne Israel gerettet werden, die in Samaria in der Ecke des Lagers sitzen und auf dem Damast des Ruhebettes. I can still see continually. 6 in D Minor for Woodwind Trio, 2 Gavotte from the French Overture for Flute & Guitar, 2 Gavottes from the English Suite No. One of them is the sense that everything will be all right, that there is order underneath the chaos, that peace will win out over rage and darkness. 10, Aria. so komme bald zurck: 9. "Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke" von Margaret Marshall/English Chamber Orchestra/Sir Philip Ledger bei Amazon Music. 8. Nobody invented them, they just exist. Listen to Ascension Oratorio, BWV 11: X. | Part 2 Deine Liebe bleibt zurcke, Dass ich mich hier in der Zeit An der knftgen Herrlichkeit Schon voraus im Geist erquicke, Wenn wir einst dort vor dir stehn. We give you 6 pages partial preview of Aria Jesu Deine Gnaden Blicke From Cantata Bwv 11 Arrangement For 4 Recorders music sheet that you can try for free. After a rousing start, the tone changes. Aria: "Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke" for Flute Quartet, lvation from 30 Pices pour Orgue for Flute & Strings, "Matribus suis dixerunt" for Woodwind Quintet, Fugue in F Major (Hess 244 No. | Chinese-2 Tilg einst mein trauriges Gebrden, Play & Download 10. Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11: Aria - Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke (Himmelfahrts-Oratorium) Dame Emma Kirkby/Evelyn Tubb/Margaret Cable/Wilfried Jochens/Stephen Charlesworth/Taverner Consort/Taverner Players/Andrew Parrott. 6 in G Major for Woodwind Quartet, Menuett from "La Noce Champtre" for Woodwind Trio - Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Minuet & Variations from the Sonata in G Major for Woodwind Trio, Missa "Salve Regina" for Winds & Strings, Missa "Te Deum Laudamus" for Woodwind Quartet, Musidora (Polka Mazurka) for Flute & Strings, Nocturne II for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, Nocturne in Ab Major for Flute & Strings, Nocturne in Bb Major from Quatre Nocturnes (Op. Danke fr das Wasser und die Berge, die uns an Dich erinnern. 6 in A Major for Woodwind Trio, Sonata No. for Winds & Strings, Recitative & Chorus: "Mein Gott, hier wird mein Herze sein" for Winds & Strings, Recitative & Chorus: "Mein Jesu, gute Nacht!" The soprano aria, "Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke" (Jesus, Your merciful gaze), is also based on the wedding cantata Auf, s entzckende Gewalt. 6: Beide Kapitel 5 und 6 stehen nicht einfach so nebeneinander.Im Kapitel 5 geht es um das Auerordentliche der Nachfolge: das Leiden in der Liebe des Gekreuzigten, die in der Feindesliebe gipfelt. Nicowa mantel - Die TOP Favoriten unter den Nicowa mantel! Ach ja! Text: Luke 24: 50-51 (Mvt. Er strzt deine Macht von dir herab, und deine Palste werden geplndert. the Herald Angels Sing" for Small Orchestra, "Here the Deities Approve" for Woodwind Quartet, "Herr, unser Herrscher" (Psalm 8) for Winds & Strings, "Herzlich tut mich erfreuen" from "Musicalischer Lstgarte" for Flute & Strings, "Hewlett's Air" for Flute, Oboe & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "Hodie Beata Virgo Maria Puerum Jesum Praesentavit" for Harp & Woodwind Quintet - Harp and Orchestra, "Hodie Christus natus est" for Winds & Strings, "Hope" from "Lieder ohne Worte" for Flute & Strings, "How Beautiful are the Feet of them" for Flute & Strings, "How Fair this Spot" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "How Merrily we Live" for Woodwind Trio, "Humoreske in Walzerform" for Winds & Strings, "Hymne" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "I Shall not Abandon God" (BuxWV 221) For Woodwind Quartet, "I Vow To Thee, My Lord" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Ich will den Kreuzstab Gerne Tragen" for Woodwind Quartet, "Ich will dir mein Herze schenken" for Woodwind Quartet, "If You are With Me" (BWV 508) for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Ihr aber seid nicht Fleischlich" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Ile Fantazies de Joskin" for Flute Quartet, "Imagination" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Impromptu" from 4 Pieces for Piano for Flute & Piano, "In Dulci Jubilo" for Chorus (SATB) & Wind Quintet - Choral SATB, Orchestra, "In illo tempore loquente Jesu" for Flute Choir, "In Monte Oliveti" for Woodwind Quintet, "In Paradisum" from 12 Pieces for Organ for Flute & Harp, "In Sweet Rejoicing" (BuxWV 197) For Woodwind Quartet, "In Vain the Amorous Flute" for Harp and Flutes - Flute and Harp, "Incipit Oratio Hieremiae Prophetae" for Winds & Strings, "Introitus" from the Requiem in C Minor for String Quintet, "Jagdstck" from 30 Progressive Etudes for Woodwind Quintet, "Je Ne Suis Pas Si Sot" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht" for Winds & Strings, "Jesu Dulcis Memoria" for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, "Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring" for Viola & Piano, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" for Woodwind Trio - Wind Trio, "Jesu, Meine Freude" for Woodwind Quartet, "Jesus meine Zuversicht" for Woodwind Quintet, "John Paterson's Mare" Jig for Flute & Guitar, "Jubilate Deo" in D Major for Winds & Strings, "Judicabit in nationibus" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Juravit Dominus" from "Dixit Dominus" for Winds & Strings, "Knft' ger Zeiten eitler Kummer" for Woodwind Trio - Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, "Kathleen Mo Mhuirnn" for Flute, Oboe & Harp - Flute, Oboe, Harp, "King of the Pipers" for Piccolo - Piccolo, "Komm, Jesu, Komm" for Woodwind Quartet, "Kyrie Eleison" from the Mass in A Major for Winds & Strings, "Kyrie Eleison" from the Mass in B Minor for Woodwinds & Strings, "Kyrie Eleison" from the Mass in G Minor for Winds & Strings, "L'me vapore" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "L'Eroica Trio" from "Il Primo Libro di Canzone" for Woodwind Trio, "La Battaglia" in F Major from Concerto Primo for Winds & Strings, "La Belle Excentrique" for Wind Quintet, "La Chasse" in F Major for Flute & Piano, "La Farfalletta" from 15 Songs for Flute & Strings, "La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "La Folia" Sonata in D Minor for Flute & Strings, "La Marie Veuve" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "La Mi La Sol" for Flute Quartet - Flute Quartet, "La Poupe" Berceuse from "Jeux d'enfants"for Flute & Strings, "La Rejouissance" from "The Music for the Royal Fireworks" for Flute Trio - 3 flutes, "La Saltarelle" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, "La Savane: Ballade Creole" for Flute & Piano, "La Spagna (Danza Alta)" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "La Vnitienne" from "Le Carnaval de Venise" for Woodwind Quintet, "La Vierge la Crche" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Lauda Sion Salvatrem" for Wind Quintet, "Lauda Sion Salvatorem" for Flute, Oboe & Piano - Flute, Oboe, Piano, "Laudamus te" from the Mass in B Minor for Flute & Strings, "Laudate Dominum" for Winds & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, "Laudate Dominum" from Psalm 150 for Winds & Strings, "Laudate pueri Dominum" for Winds & Strings, "Le Chant des Oiseaux" for Woodwind Quartet, "Le Charme" from "Sept Mlodies" for Flute & Strings, "Le Colibri" from "Sept Mlodies" for Flute & Piano, "Le Moucheron" for Flute & Oboe - Flute and Oboe, "Le Soir" (The Evening) for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Le Soupir" Grande Valse for Flute & Strings, "Leaving of Liverpool" for Flute & Bassoon - Flute and Bassoon, "Les Berceaux" for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, "Les Bulles de savon" Rondino from "Jeux d'enfants" for Flute & Guitar, "Les Papillons" for Flute Duet - 2 flutes, "Les Papillons" from "Sept Mlodies" for Clarinet & Guitar, "Les Voici!" 21. Discovered using Shazam, the music discovery app. Der Vorverkauf beginnt am 22. "Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke" von Dame Emma Kirkby sowie 90 Millionen weitere Songs. Translations: Dorothee Mields, Sopran | Gott fhret auf gen Himmel [BWV 11/9], Terms of Use Da ich mich hier in der Zeit Stream Aria "Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke" by volkerlinz on desktop and mobile. Erschallet, Trompeten!" Kantate zum 1. for Winds & Strings, Aria: "Ach, schlage doch bald, selge Stunde" for Wind Trio & Strings, Aria: "Ach, unaussprechlich ist die Not" for Flute & Harp, Aria: "Alles, was von Gott geboren" for Woodwinds & Harp, Aria: "Auch die harte Kreuzesreise" for Flute, Oboe, Horn & Cello, Aria: "Auf, Glubige, singet die lieblichen Lieder" for Wind Trio & Strings, Aria: "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" for Flute & Harp, Aria: "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" for Flute & Piano, Aria: "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" for Flute Quartet, Aria: "Bald zur Rechten, bald zur Linken" for Flute & Strings, Aria: "Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn!" Praise God in his kingdoms, 4 in Eb Major for Flute & Guitar, Scherzo in Eb Minor for Woodwind Quintet, Sinfonia 6 "Il canto dArione" from "La Pellegrina" for Wind Sextet, Sinfonia 6 "L'armonia delle sfere" from "La Pellegrina" for Wind Sextet, Sinfonia & Chorus: "Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir" for Winds & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, Sinfonia (Tutti): "Das neue Regiment" for Small Orchestra, Sinfonia (Tutti): "Gott ist mein Knig" for Small Orchestra, Sinfonia from "Giulio Cesare" for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia from "Giulio Cesare" for Woodwind Quartet, Sinfonia from "Il turco in Italia" for Small Orchestra, Sinfonia from the Easter Oratorio for Small Orchestra, Sinfonia from the Partita in C Minor for Flute, Oboe & Guitar, Sinfonia from the St. Luke Passion for Woodwind Quartet, Sinfonia I from 12 Sinfonie for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia II from 12 Sinfonie for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia in D Major for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia: "Der Herr denket an uns" for Wind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, Sinfonia: "Die Himmel erzhlen die Ehre Gottes" for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia: "Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht" for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia: "Geist und Seele wird verwirret" for Flutes & Strings, Sinfonia: "Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich" for Woodwind Trio - Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Sinfonia: "Non sa che sia dolore" for Flute & Strings, Sinfonia: "Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft" for Orchestra, Sinfonia: "Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, Sinfonia: "Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend" for Winds & Strings, Sinfonia: "Uns ist ein Kind geboren" for Woodwinds & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, Sinfonia: "Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich" for Flute & Strings, Sonata "Pian e Forte for Winds & Strings, Sonata (Battallia) in C Major for Woodwind Quartet, Sonata for a Musical Clock for Flute & Guitar, Sonata I for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, Sonata I for Flute & Strings - Flute and String Quartet, Sonata I in A Major for Flute & Strings, Sonata I in D Major from 6 Flute Sonatas for Flute & Strings, Sonata II in B Minor from 6 Flute Sonatas for Flute & Strings, Sonata II in D Major for Flute & Strings, Sonata III for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, Sonata III for Flute & Piano - Flute and Piano, Sonata III in C Minor for Flute & Strings, Sonata III in G Major from 6 Flute Sonatas for Flute & Strings, Sonata in 7 Parts for Wind Septet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, Sonata in A Major ("Concerto San Marco") for Flute & Strings, Sonata in Bb Major for Woodwind Quartet, Sonata in C Major for Flute, Oboe & Strings, Sonata in D Major for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, Sonata in D Minor from 12 Sonatas for Flute & Strings, Sonata in G Major for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, Sonata In Imitation Of Birds for Flute & Strings, Sonata IV for Flute & Harp - Flute and Harp, Sonata IV in B Minor for Flute & Strings, Sonata IV in E Minor from 6 Flute Sonatas for Flute & Strings, Sonata IX in Bb Major for Flute & Strings, Sonata No. Adagio - 4. betet! | Translations: Schon voraus im Geist erquicke, Juli 10.00 Uhr: Beilngries / St . Deine Liebe bleibt zurcke, dass ich mich hier in der Zeit an der knftgen Herrlichkeit schon voraus im Geist erquicke, wenn wir einst dort vor dir stehn. Recitativo. Many things conspire to produce that feeling. 2 in B Minor for Flute & Piano, Orchestral Suite No. for Piano & Wind Trio - Trumpet, Flute, Oboe and String orchestra, "Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her" for Flute & Strings, "Vorwurf" from 12 Piano Pieces for Flute & Strings, "Wach auf mein Herz und singe" for Woodwind Quintet, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" for Woodwind Quintet - Woodwind quintet : Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" for Woodwind Quintet, "Waltz of the Flowers" from the Nutcracker Suite for Small Orchestra, "Waltz" from Lyric Pieces for Flute & Guitar, "We believe that Thou shalt come to be our Judge" for Woodwind Quintet - Harpsichord and Orchestra, "Wel Lieve Herderkens" for Harp & Woodwind Quintet - Woodwinds & Harp, "Wenn ihr frhlich seid an euren Festen" for Trumpets & Wind Ensemble - Wind ensemble, "Were you at the Rock?" Und ward aufgehoben zusehends und fuhr auf gen Himmel, Flauto traverso I/II in octava e Oboe I e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe II, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, Continuo. betet! 3 in G Minor for Flute & Guitar, Courante from the Partita in E Minor for Flute & Bassoon, Credo in unum deum in F Major for Woodwind Quintet, Divertimento in F Major for Flute & Guitar, Divertimento in G Major for Flute & Guitar. Johann Sebastian BachLobet Gott in seinen ReichenHimmelfahrtsoratorium BWV 11n. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11: Choral - Wann soll es doch geschehen (Himmelfahrts-Oratorium) Dame Emma Kirkby/Evelyn Tubb/Margaret Cable . In Gottes Hand leg ich mein Leben (Autor: Lori Runkowsky, 2008) 2. Dass Gott uns nicht einfach aufgibt und wir sogar ber den Tod hinaus mit unseren Lieben verbunden bleiben, das ist die berraschend ansprechende Botschaft von . I have been developing software for the last 25+ years but have recently rekindled my love of music. Auslegung und Kommentar zum Matthus Evangelium Mt Kapitel 6. Er sprach aber zu ihnen: Es gebhrt euch nicht, Zeit oder Stunde zu wissen, die der Vater in seiner Macht bestimmt hat; aber ihr werdet die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes empfangen, der auf euch kommen wird, und werdet meine Zeugen sein in Jerusalem und in ganz Juda und Samarien und bis an das Ende der Erde. 5 in D Major for Flute, Cello & Piano, Brandenburg Concerto No. Ah, is it already the hour | Sources Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke Jesus, your gracious look Kann ich doch bestndig sehn. Deine Liebe bleibt zurcke, Dass ich mich hier in der Zeit An der knftgen Herrlichkeit Schon voraus im Geist erquicke, Wenn wir einst dort vor dir stehn." Die Freude, ja die Lust am Leben findet der Glubige darin, dass er sich von Christus angeschaut empfin-det. for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wenn es meines Gottes Wille" for Winds & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, Chorus: "Wenn soll es doch geschehen" for Wind Ensemble - Wind orchestra and Percussions, Chorus: "Wer da glubet und getauft wird" for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich" for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten" for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wer sich selbst erhhet, der soll erniedriget werden" for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wie schn leuchtet der Morgenstern" for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wir kommen, deine Heiligkeit" for Winds & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, Chorus: "Wir setzen uns mit Trnen nieder" for Winds & Strings, Chorus: "Wo willt du, da wir's bereiten" for Wind Quartet, Chorus: "Zerreiet, zersprenget, zertrmmert die Gruft" for Orchestra, Christus ist Auferstanden for Winds & Strings, Chur des Cigarires from Carmen for Woodwind Quartet, Ciaccona for Woodwind Trio - Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Ciacona in E Minor for Flute Quintet - Flute Ensemble, Clarinet Concerto in E-Flat Major for Woodwind Quartet, Closing Chorus from "Geschwinde, ihr Wirbelnden Winde" for Winds & Strings - Winds & String Orchestra, Communion from "L'Organiste Moderne" for Winds & Strings, Concerto Grosso in A Minor for Winds & Strings, Concerto Grosso in Bb Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto Grosso in C Minor for Woodwinds & Strings, Concerto Grosso in F Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto Grosso in F Major for Woodwinds & Strings, Concerto Grosso in G Major for Flute & Strings, Concerto Grosso in G Minor for Woodwinds & Strings, Concerto Grosso XII for Woodwind Quartet, Concerto I in C Major for Trumpets & Woodwind Quartet - Wind ensemble, Concerto II in A Minor for Wind Quintet, Concerto III in C Major for Flute & Strings, Concerto in A Major (RV 158) for Winds & Strings, Concerto in A Major for Flute, Oboe & Strings, Concerto in A Major for Woodwinds & Strings, Concerto in Bb Major for Wind & String Ensemble, Concerto in Bb Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto in C Major for 4 Flutes & Harpsichord - Flute, Harpsichord/Piano, Concerto in C Major for Flute & Strings, Concerto in C Major for Flute, Oboe & Strings, Concerto in C Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto in C Major for Woodwind Quintet, Concerto in C Minor for Flute, Oboe & Strings, Concerto in C Minor for Winds & Strings, Concerto in D Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto in D Minor for Flute & Strings, Concerto in D Minor for Winds & Strings, Concerto in D Minor for Woodwind Quartet, Concerto in E Minor for Woodwind Quintet, Concerto in Eb Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto in F Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto in F Major for Woodwind Quartet, Concerto in F Major for Woodwinds & Strings, Concerto in G Major for Flute, Oboe & 2 Violins, Concerto in G Major for Winds & Strings, Concerto in G Minor for Winds & Strings, Concerto in G Minor for Woodwinds & Strings, Concerto Madrigalesco in D Minor for Winds & Strings, Concerto No. Eine Kerze am Grab der Angehrigen zu entznden: //www.shazam.com/track/239314766/bach-himmelfahrtsoratorium-bwv-11-aria-jesu-deine-gnadenblicke '' > Johann Sebastian Bach: jesu, deine gnadenblicke BWV! 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