Although giving a gift can be a kind gesture, it can also prove problematic. *You can also browse our support articles here >,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. The social workers many times go through situations where they have to face moral or ethical dilemmas, which can be due to many reasons. This specific client has been receiving meals since 2006, and in November it was time for a reassessment to be done. Often we are confronted with situations where we wonder what we should do. This theory is linked to duty. In doing so, they take positive action to protect clients and others while fulfilling their responsibility to respect the dignity and foster the well-being of all members of society. Often, this means modeling and maintaining appropriate boundaries in professional relationships. The NASW offers a list of questions to ask in the event that an ethical dilemma occurs. The client was found to still be eligible for Home Delivered Meals, and in six months, my field instructor will conduct another reassessment. (Words 2186) References Additionally, possession of marijuana is against the law in North Carolina. Ethical dilemmas for social workers at a time of cuts No plagiarism, guaranteed! As healers and helpers, social work professionals strive to improve relationships among people to support the well-being of clients, families and communities. emotional/dependency - social workers and counselling providers for that matter, are often drawn to the field because the possibility of making a difference in people's lives is emotionally very meaningful, however, should the social worker's emotional needs trump the client's, raemer rightly points out that the social worker has violated a This can be due to pressure from many sides such as management, colleagues, junior staff, clients, funding agencies. Set out more formally, it would look like this. (2012). Furthermore the paper will apply agency policy and law to the case study of Jack, a 62 year old white man, in order to explore how ethical dilemmas arise within social work. Get in touch with the form below. Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. Every ethical issue social workers encounter in their practice is important. Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work: International Perspective In general, an ethical dilemma arises when a social worker must choose between two equally valid, mutually exclusive choices of action, both of which result in some sort of harm to a person or persons. But there is always a risk that they will be detained, she says. According to the NASW, an ethical dilemma in social work is a circumstance in which two or more professional ethical principles conflict. Students may pursue over 50 majors and minors with caring faculty who are invested in the success of their students. The social worker could support the idea that Jack should not just seek pleasure. Standard 1.07 part 'a' states that social workers should respect clients' rights to privacy (Code, 2008). Learning Portal . Coleman manages this dilemma by making sure asylum seekers are aware of the risk, so they can make an informed choice about what is best for them. By having values and principles that guides our practice, this assists our work, and helps us to act in ethical ways. As a result, Colemans hands are often tied and she has to resort to signposting people to other services. In North Carolina, Marijuana is classified as a Schedule VI Controlled Substance, and possessing marijuana in North Carolina is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor under N.C. Gen. Stat. Although information shared between social workers and their clients is strictly confidential, certain situations may arise that require the social worker to disclose client information to a third party. One reason in favor of this option is that it would adhere to the ethical standard 1.01 of promoting the clients wellbeing. Ethics in Professional Life. Social workers have to understand, but also be committed to, the ethics and values capability, she says. Practitioners of social work must decide on the most ethical and professional way to engage with their clients in a nonprofessional setting. It raises an ethical dilemma. Health and Care Professions Council. 26 (2), 409419. The National Archives. The initial findings - it's not good. A reason opposed to this option is the legalities involved with North Carolina law. The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, also known as NASW, expresses the values and principles of the profession. 6 Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace | What Would You Do? - actiPLANS In contrast Braye and Preston Shoot (1997) suggest the law is vague, leaving the social workers to decide what course of action to take, producing ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.8). This is because there have been several media campaigns, to stop local authorities from using public money for prostitutes (Donnelly, Howie, Leach, 2010). Equality Act 2010. Causes of Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice There are individuals, groups, and organizations that can be affected by the ethical decision made concerning this client who lets their drug using grandson live with them. A social worker has to support Jacks autonomy, even if this puts him in danger (Parrott, 2011, p.90). Rita was removed from her mother's care three years ago because Stella was abusing heroine with her boyfriend and was neglecting Rita. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Last June, Michael Preston-Shoot, dean of the faculty of health and social sciences at the University of Bedfordshire, argued that councils emphasis on government targets over social work practice compromised the ability of social workers to operate ethically. The patient refuses treatment. However, research undertaken by McLaverty confirms that "many of us face an endless stream of ethical dilemmas at work". Service users receive direct payments, this can be spent on personal care, social activities, respite care and may vary from one local authority to another (Royal Borough of Greenwich, 2014). This course of action would offer a viable alternative. PDF Ethical Dilemmas - The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics It is . Social workers often only have one course of action to take and thats to follow the law and agency policy (hcpc, 2012). Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Practitioners are figuring out how to utilize programs such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Web-based blogs in ways that are consistent with the long-standing rules of their areas of . Social Media and Social Work: A Question of Ethics. Understanding that we all come from different backgrounds makes you open to seeing differences in your professional and personal life, he says. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of It would also be important for the social worker to be mindful of, once The paper then applied agency policy and law to a case study to show how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, by exposing ethical dilemmas between promoting the welfare of the service user verses promoting the service users right to make their own decisions. More individuals that are stakeholders are Jean Wall and myself, because we are the social workers involved with the case. (2008). (2006). To understand how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, this essay will apply agency policy and law to a case study. In social work, ethical conduct is an essential but complex practice. Documentation is done for all client interaction with the agency and staff. (2014). Ethics and values in social work. Many social workers experience what might be called moral distress, says Professor Sarah Banks, who researches social work ethics at Durham University. The actual act of visiting a prostitute is not illegal (GOV.UK 2014). (Barsky, 2010, p. 6). This theory suggests the individual should avoid extremes, this is not to say Jack should not want sex, it just should not come before everything else (Parrott, 2011, p.58). Therefore making the social workers job very complex, because they have to balance their own moral integrity, to society, service users and the agencies they work with in, causing personal ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.17). (2014). This is especially relevant to Jack as he has already been warned by the police not to get involved sexually with any underage woman. The Policy, Ethics and Human Rights Committee. Overall, social workers support and protect their clients right to self-determination that is, to decide how to live their lives without interference. In these moral situations . Why Cultural Competence in Social Work Is a Vital Skill, GoodTherapy, When Do Minors in Therapy Have a Right to Confidentiality?, National Association of Social Workers, Free Ethics Consultations for NASW Members, National Association of Social Workers, Read the Code of Ethics, The New Social Worker, Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma, The New Social Worker, Client Relationships and Ethical Boundaries for Social Workers in Child Welfare, The New Social Worker, Ethics Alive! Patients or their loved ones must make life or death decisions. Option three adheres to this theory and principal because we would be giving the client the opportunity to change and to address their own needs instead of making the decision for the client, without the clients consent. Drug possession is against the law, so just discussing the issue with the client may not be enough. My field instructor stated that the house was very cluttered and smelled of smoke. But Cartwright knew that moving older people away from where they are settled can affect their health and well-being. 6 Ethical Dilemmas Social Workers are Facing In the COVID-19 Era Ethical Dilemma Essay - 1362 Words | Bartleby But, ultimately, social workers are accountable to their employers, and must balance their ethics and values with external constraints. Often the debate is thought to be conservative versus liberal, republican versus democrat, but more accurately it is pro-life versus . Understanding the different causes of ethical dilemmas will help you in coming up with the best solutions to these problems while improving your chances of avoiding future incidents. The social worker could use an ethical framework to assist decision making for example, Lowenberg and Dolgoffs, (2005) Ethical Principles Screen, which attempts to put ethical principles in order of importance (Lowenberg and Dolgoffs cited in, Learning Portal, 2013). Paula is a social worker in a fostercare agency. The Ethical Issue Of Overtime Hours In The Workplace Values and Ethics in Social Work Practice. Both supervisors and supervisees can learn from this comprehensive review of social work supervision issues. The paper will begin by explaining the term ethical dilemma and how such dilemmas arise in social Work practice through; what conditions and components are needed for an ethical dilemma to develop, and by explaining how ethical dilemmas occur within agency policy, law, professional ethics and personal values. Banks S, (2006) British Association of Social Workers. Example 1: Employees forced into unethical practice due to Management Pressure The first example of an ethical dilemma is of moral conflict that employees have to face while dealing with pressure from the management. The risks of this option are that the grandson may become abusive as an effect of the marijuana use, and that the clients health could be negatively affected from inhaling the smoke. Financial constraints are often the catalyst for such dilemmas. The National Archives. The actual implementation of the action would be governed by utilitarianism, most benefits and the least damage for all involved (Mill, 2004). insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, chronic pain, and prescription drug abuse co-occur with ptsd and tbi, and have the potential to exacerbate posttraumatic stress symptoms and negatively impact work productivity, marital and family relationships ( gironda, clark, massengale, & walker, 2006; leardmann et al., 2009; morasco & dobscha, 2008; seal et The social worker would then explore the risks of supporting Jack. A social worker weighing the two options would likely decide to refuse the gift. 90-95(d)(4). 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On ethics, the framework stipulates that social workers should be capable of applying ethical principles and values to guide professional practice. In social work, an ethical dilemma is a situation in which two or more of the social work values are in conflict. Her manager, Stan Afflick, says Active8 has a strict remit. (2013). We can understand why. Despite the threat of disciplinary action, she argued against moving the woman and won the case. Standard 1.07 is also in conflict with North Carolina possession laws. In contrast, the social workers, hcpc codes of practice covers a large range of codes of behaviour and conduct (Banks, 2006, p.78), therefore blurring professional boundaries, (Banks, 2006, p.16), which result in ethical dilemmas (hcpc, 2012). July/Aug 2007. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Receiving Gifts Clients who receive assistance sometimes wish to reciprocate. Jacks right to liberty and security would be affected, Article 5; it would also affect his right to the prohibition of discrimination, Article 14 and the right to private and family life, Article 8 (GOV.UK 2014). Why? This ethical dilemma underlies many of the challenges that face health professions educators intending to increase PPI in their curricula, where an ethical dilemma is defined as a choice between . Study for free with our range of university lectures! To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! 1 . Research has shown that long working hours, defined as longer then a 40- hour work week, can be associated with anxiety, sleep conditions and a depressive state. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. The code expects social workers to respect every human being and ensure the protection of vulnerable people. Why does ethical dilemma occur in the world of social work? Kirsty McGregor explores the challenges of holding on to ethics in pressing economic times. This paper has shown how ethical dilemmas can arise through agency policy, law, professional ethics and personal values. Whether an incoming freshman or a transfer student, taking classes on ground or online, the Brescia University staff is dedicated to helping students and their families explore the difference at Brescia University. Clients who receive assistance sometimes wish to reciprocate. Ethical dilemmas are a common occurrence in social workers' practice. One manager may value product quality over quantity while another manager may value thriftiness. The social worker would fail to adhere to article six of the hcpc, also fail to practise in a non-discriminatory manner (hcpc, 2012), this is because the social worker would be withholding funds, not letting him make his own choices, and also limiting his access to society (hcpc, 2012). Abortion, the intentional termination of a pregnancy through surgical or medical devices, was legalized In 1973. Social Media and Social Work | Social Media Ethics in Social Work Determining a Course of Action and Documentation. Social media apps offer social workers powerful aids to their practices, but new ethical dilemmas, as well. Its very important to understand personal ethics and values through critical-reflection (BASW, 2014). 4. However, a social worker may decide that accepting another clients inexpensive gift of a handcrafted clay figurine or a homemade fruitcake might be a more desirable option than refusing it and risking harm to the professional relationship.