The Amp Room suite has been completely revamped by Softube, including some officially modeled Marshall amps as well as a variety of vintage-inspired items. Logic Pro X, a powerful music production software, allows you to easily record software instruments. But instead of selecting your interface as the input source, youll choose whatever input your mic is plugged into. S-gear is a great plugin for those looking for a jazz or blues plug-in for a low price. When creating a new track, a window will open presenting a variety of options, including software instrument, audio, drummer, External MIDI, and Guitar or Bass. There are a lot of different guitar plugins that you can use in Logic Pro X. So be careful; turning on a guitar head without a cabinet can damage your amplifier! Both are used in essentially the same way, by DI'ing their outputs at line level, though with an analogue model you'll probably have to add your own delay, chorus, and reverb effects afterwards if you need them. It's also the easiest place to find the right tone. 6. You can record guitar on Logic Pro X by using an audio interface or microphone and setting up the recording session inputs to match that. A Shure SM57 is an affordable microphone that is ideal for this purpose. Lets take a closer look at your plan of action. Select the appropriate input source in the Audio Input drop-down menu. You'll also find that the sound changes depending on whether the amp is on the floor or on a stand (or chair), as the floor reflections will interact in a different way. When you are finished, press the stop button. A typical speaker simulator comprises a reactive dummy load, allowing the amplifier to work normally, followed by circuitry that approximates the filtering effect of a guitar loudspeaker. It also sounds great, making it a great choice for any musician. 3. Recording a guitar on Logic Pro X is pretty straightforward. 2. -The Acoustic preset gives you a natural, warm sound that is perfect for folk and country. As soon as you open a new project, Logic will immediately give you the choice of what you want to record, whether its an external or a software midi instrument. In Logic 's Compressor, try the Peak and RMS side-chain settings and see which one suits the sound best. The top five plugins for multiband limiters, as well as the top 11 plugins for distortion. This reduces unwanted noise and reflections from your room. How To Refret An Electric Guitar In 7 Steps, The Role Of The Bass Guitar In A Symphony Orchestra, Why The Bass E String Is One Octave Lower Than A Guitar, Is A 4 String Or 5 String Bass Guitar Better, 8 String Guitars: The Best Of Both Worlds, How To Change Bass Guitar Strings A Step-By-Step Guide. ensuring that you get your electric guitar tone up to the mark. Note that the industry standard, in this case, is considered a dynamic mic Shure SM57. It may seem like a small detail, but that moment to get ready can make a huge difference if youre hoping to come in in time with the rest of the tracks. Go to Preferences > Audio > Devices, and make sure that your audio interface is selected as both the input and output device. Select desired guitar amp, cabinet, and mic in the Amp Designer plugin. Should Drums Be in Mono or Stereo? Unless you have a very large recording space, a smaller amplifier is easier to mike up than a large one and the 6W Cornford amp that Dave Lockwood played through at the guitar show proved to be so loud that we still needed to use a power soak with it to cut down the level reaching the speakers. If you do, you will have plenty of opportunities to use Logic Pro Xs library of ready-to-use guitar tone presets for all tastes. But if you want something really pro, you want to use 'real guitar' vst by musiclab which costs $199. Just click on the input channel strip indicated in the image below and select your interface as the source. Recording, Mixing & Levels, 6 Unique Tips How To Improve Your Vocal Recordings. Alternatively, you can use a DI box to feed the clean electric guitar signal into your audio interface's mic input, relying on the amp and speaker simulation built into Logic.Photo: Richard Ecclestone. Leave 'Number of tracks:' at 1. All of them are now integrated into a single plugin, making it easier to use. How To Write A Metal Song Using A Bass Guitar. If only the tonality needs changing, you can pick a clean, benign amp model (or even bypass the amp model altogether) and then try out different speaker types, whereas if you want more overdrive you can add that by picking an amp model designed to produce overdriven tones. There are 14 plugins listed below that are worth exploring (uplifting, tech, progressive, vocal, trance, dream, hard). 7. To create a track, click on . (Screenshot taken in Logic Pro X on my Mac) 7. Can You Play Two Guitars Through One Amp? Remember that you'll need to choose the appropriate plugin based on that. If you're after a conventional rock guitar sound, then the basic overdrive sound often only requires a little EQ and reverb to make it sound right. In order to record a guitar or bass part on Logic Pro X, the first thing you are going to do is create a new track. The old standby is a Shure SM57 or Sennheiser MD421 dynamic cardioid, but you can try literally any dynamic or capacitor mic you have in your locker, from the cheapest to the most esoteric. Josh explains Low Latency mode and how to manage your buffer settings for live recording, then proceeds to call up an instance of Amp Designer, tweaking its settings to get a cool sound. On your multi-mic setup, I'm wishing we could have heard the individual mics at the same level to understand what they bring to the party on their own. Another option is to plug your guitar directly into the mic-in socket on your built-in soundcard. A compressor setting such as the one shown allows you to back off your guitar overdrive without sacrificing too much in the way of sustain. Using a guitar or bass to experiment with Logic Pro X is a great way to immerse yourself in the sound experiments available. If the guitar is at a healthy level, (You can normally turn this up fairly high) If acoustic, Just go straight to your DI box; If Electric, check the input gain on your amp. The software track allows you to use any sounds from the huge instrument library offered by Logic Pro X. There are a lot of different ways that you can learn how to use Logic Pro X, and the best way for you will likely depend on your learning style. Learn how to record your guitar with Logic Pro in this free tutorial. If you have experience setting up a basic recording session in the app, all you need to do is make sure that you have the correct input source for your guitar. There are several ways to . Furthermore, there is a stunning array of effects, such as the Quad-delay, which allows for granular tone control. A great choice would be Shure SM81-LC Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone . Find out how to record a great electric guitar sound into logic,. Without one, it is impossible to do such things as go direct-in or to attach an external microphone to your computer, both of which we will be going into greater detail on later. -The Metal preset gives you a heavy, distorted sound that is perfect for metal and hard rock. I've also had good results miking the back of an open-backed cabinet or, in a decent-sounding room, putting the mic up to a metre away from the front grille. 2. Lets now break down exactly how you can record a guitar. Rotor Cabinet, designed for use with Logic's internal tone-wheel organ instrument, is great for giving a little modulation to guitar sounds. Going DI will give you a crisp and clear sound that is super malleable through the use of digital effects. Besides that, the main advantages of this DAW are the advanced audio editing functions, lots of loops, virtual instruments, and built-in plug-ins for any needs and tastes. The goal of amplivte is to provide a single-window solution for designing the entire signal chain. If Micing (either electric or Acoustic, check the overall input level and make sure its' not clipping on the way in. There are also many different plugins to play around with to achieve a unique sound, so take advantage of all that Logic Pro X has to offer! Tip 2 - Position the Microphone Close to the Amp. Interestingly, we tried all these options recently during a seminar that we put on for the London Guitar Show and the results were most enlightening. Placing your guitar's amp on a chair or stand to raise it off the floor will change the recording, because of the different way the sonic reflections combine with the direct sound.Photo: Richard Ecclestone. List of the Top 6 Oscilloscope Plugins 2022. Demonstrating Three Microphones On Electric Guitar Cabinet. Wh. How Acoustic And Electric Guitars Are Made? They both provide emulation of a wide range of high-gain electric guitars, pedals, and amplifiers. This will be the name of your interface in this situation. But you can also get guitar sounds with the software instruments and a MIDI keyboard if you dont have a guitar. If you aren't able to record with a real guitar amp for whatever reason, there are at least two other options available: you can use one of the large range of modelling guitar preamps on the market (such as the Vox Tone Lab or Line 6 PodXT shown here), feeding the output into your audio interface's line inputs. Finally, coming to the main and fun part i.e. It will help you later navigate where the transients are and edit the overdriven signal. From the New Project window, select either Audio or Guitar or Bass. microphone like if you have an acoustic guitar, How to Write a Song in 8 Steps: Beginners Guide, Home Recording Studio Setup: The Beginning of the Fun, How to Reverse an Audio File in Logic Pro X. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. Raising the gain yields lyrical solo tones and powerful rhythm guitar parts. (Tube vs Solid-State Amps). It's also a great way to take the nasty edge off a guitar track that has been recorded with some inadvertent clipping! It will be your recorded electric guitar audio. Overall, the Logic Pro Xs built-in capabilities in achieving your guitar tone are pretty great. Table of Contents. Open a new project in Logic, and create a new audio track. Click Create. With it, you can get two signals simultaneously: from a guitar amp and a clean DI. Use Tuner utility and plug-in in Logic Pro You can manipulate them in combination to achieve anything In your case if I understand correctly - You now have the score tab looking exactly the way you want but the sound is 5 semitones too low Awesome, it worked out you understand correctly, sorry for not being clear. You can plug in an electric or acoustic guitar using an audio interface or mic them up. To track your guitar on Logic, make sure to have an audio track selected and then choose the appropriate input source. The best way to emulate the sound and feel of amps and pedals is to use Bias FX 2. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers. There are a variety of logic pro x guitar presets available to suit different playing styles. The software is designed for a professional engineer or producer and takes about 10 hours to install. This will support our site so then we can make fresh content for you! Guitar > DI > I/F > Logic's Gain Input. The Amp Designer plug-in, which is designed to emulate the sounds of most amplifier sounds in every genre of music, can do it. This post will show you how to record guitar on Logic Pro X. Ill walk you through all the steps to recording guitars in a few different ways and also tell you how to take advantage of the guitar presets that come with the app. This article effectively covers two areas the basic methods of recording the electric guitar and some techniques for recording and processing that are specific to Logic. . A lazy equivalent is to take a basic guitar track and then further process it through a modelling preamp plug-in such as Logic 's Guitar Amp Pro, and I've done this very successfully with both guitar and bass-guitar parts. I've used this trick to turn simple chordal guitar parts into integral parts of the rhythm track in all styles of music, from dance to mainstream pop. This is one of the most simple methods for recording. The two main ways to record guitar on Logic Pro X are by using an audio interface or setting up a microphone. Adding a guitar or bass track to an open project is a simple process. A guitar requires a setup almost every time it needs one. September 8, 2022 by Eric In order to record electric guitar on logic pro x, you will need the following: an electric guitar, an amplifier, a guitar cable, a USB interface, and recording software. It offers sequencing, recording, mixing and mastering facilities. Do Headphones or Earphones Damage Your Brain? The top 12 delay plugins for music production in 2022 (VST, AU, AAX). Can I Put Nylon Strings on a Steel-string Guitar? You will also receive a straight waveform signal, which will be difficult to edit if you follow the steps outlined in the previous method. That is, you also need to adjust the gain, adjust the metronome, and press Rec. Just build your sequence with what works best for you. Many believe that it can give you the most transparent and most rich guitar sound from the speaker. Lets go into more detail. Can Headphones or Earphones cause Deafness or Toothache? The only technicality to consider when recording a guitar for processing via a software plug-in is that guitars need to be fed into a high-impedance instrument input, not a mic or line input, so if your audio interface doesn't have one of these you'll need to buy an active DI box with a high-impedance input, and then connect this to the mic input of your audio interface (or the mic preamp connected to your audio interface). Youll follow the same steps above, plug your bass into your audio interface, and set up the recording session from there. Logic Pro X comes with many different guitar amp sounds, and you can connect a guitar to the app and get a lot of possibilities with these. Logic offers tools for both as well as ones that fall somewhere between these two extremes. In this article, well take a closer look at the different ways you can record guitar in Logic Pro X. Hit record and lay down a good track! Whatever sounds the microphone picks up will be saved to the project as an unaltered audio file.