Social interactions are different from the human . "Authoritative" refers to the characteristic of being believable, and grounded in research, knowledge and fact. And sometimes, they're simply overwhelmed with other problems, like work, paying bills, and managing a household. Browner Carole H., Nancy A. He sees actors as using knowledge to engage in practical action, thus society is consciously reproduced (or transformed) in every social encounter. There is a distinct difference between authoritarian vs. authoritative styles of parenting. . Padgett, Deborah K. 2008 Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research: Challenges and Rewards, 2nd ed. The leader holds supreme and absolute power. Rempel, Gwen R., and Margaret J. Harrison 2007 Safeguarding Precarious Survival: Parenting Children Who Have Life-Threatening Heart Disease. second-degree murder In: Davis-Floyd R.,Dumit J. Obstetrics and Gynecology 91(5):648655. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. They set limits and are very consistent in enforcing the boundaries. i. All Categories; Metaphysics and Epistemology Women are often frustrated by the time it takes to get diagnosed, but as Footnote 2 explains, even the current testing cannot promise a healthy baby. View in context. 1 after all, the philosophical study of authority has predominantly fallen to ethicists and political philosophers, receiving little attention by epistemologists, unlike through its Executive Office, is well positioned to provide a unique set of Haraway, Donna J. "Individual circumstances are intimately linked to the structure of society", Moving away from thinking in terms of the individual and her/his problem and focusing on the social, economic, and historical circumstances surrounding the problem. Needleman, Carolyn, and Martin L. Needleman 1996 Qualitative Methods for Intervention Research. The review begins with the effects on knowledge of the media through which it is preserved, organized, and transmitted. ( University of Missouri Libraries ) Services . Whalen, James P. 2003 Health Care in America: Lost Opportunities amid Plenty. This can be based on the management culture of an organization or the personal style of a manager. Authoritative leaders can often appear to be controlling and overbearing, which means that employees that aren't used to working under this kind of leadership model often find it very difficult to adapt to. Dickerson, Suzanne S. 2002 Redefining Life While Forestalling Death: Living with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator After a Sudden Cardiac Death Experience. Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. -Conditions are viewed as problems not because of objective standards but because some social actors think they are problems. Steven leslie was convicted of ________ after causing a fatal collision. F. D. Ginsberg and R. Rapp, eds. It explores how Mexican indigenous Huichol migrant labourers experience structural, everyday and symbolic violence while away working, and in their home communities. Routledge, New York, pp. Publication Date: 1999 ISBN: 978 1 85898 588 6 Extent: 1,344 pp This authoritative two volume collection presents both the classic articles and the most important recent literature which are essential for an understanding of the sociology of knowledge. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Browner Carole H., Press Nancy A. McCoyd, Judith L.M. Social Science and Medicine 49:359369. 2007 Pregnancy Interrupted: Loss of a Desired Pregnancy After Diagnosis of Fetal Anomaly. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 50:276294. He asserts that this allows humans to engage in participatory evolution. Although his intent was to indicate the ways technologies could adapt humans to space and sea environs, it is prescient, as evolution is transformed by changing the gene pool when genetic anomalies are frequently removed by way of terminating anomalous pregnancies. The following are illustrative examples of authoritarian leadership. Despite the benefits of decriminalization, abortion clients and health professionals still experience abortion stigma and there exist critical points in the service where stigmatizing ideas and attitudes continue to be reproduced, such as the required five-day waiting period and in interactions with hospital staff who do not support access to the service. In: Davis-Floyd R.E., Sargent C.F. Routledge, New York, pp 120. The concept of authoritative knowledge is particularly useful in this case. The myth that a normal ultrasound or karyotype ensures a healthy baby is broadly heldbut a myth nonetheless. A sociological theory that focuses on the process of how individuals assign meaning to the world. This article explores the sources of authoritative knowledge that shaped single, white, middle-class women's unintentional pregnancies and child-bearing decisions throughout five reproductive eras. About 20 percent of the members work in government, Social Science and Medicine 46:10671076. Go to Table 1987; Oakley 1984) that separate women from themselves (just as the technology separates the fetal entity from the mother for diagnosis). Discuss the authoritative knowledge is not objective and logical. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. We draw on Jordan's concept of 'authoritative knowledge' to assess the extent to which there is a synthesis of both biomedical and locally practiced knowledge in the content and community involvement in the design of TBA a training programme in . Oakley, Annie 1984 The Captured Womb: A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women. Fuchs Victor R. ed (1972) Essays in the Economics of Health and Medical Care. volume34,pages 590614 (2010)Cite this article. Borrow Listen. What is the difference between authoritative and authoritarian? If you counterculture on essays sociology arrange your ideas in the passive form of resistance to eorts by medical institutions to which you might get along, but you also need to establish meaning, harmony, salvation, or the tribe might gather for analogous purposes. the systematic study of individuals and social structures. Power is one of the most important elements in social life. 107131. . Cyborgs are originally conceptualized by Manford Clynes, who describes an entity both human/natural and artificial/enhanced by technology in some way. -We worry about some conditions but sometimes the measures do not show the the worry is all that "harmful" to that many people, Social problems "are the activities of individuals or groups making assertions of grievances and claims with respect to some putative conditions". Knowledge was first defined by Plato as justified true belief. It is used to solve current issues and supposes a great distance in education between a board and the staff, as well as the material motivation of workers. Drawing on Said and other postcolonial theorists, we propose a threefold typology of potential violence associated with the production of knowledge: (1) the violence of essentialization, (2) epistemic violence, and (3) the violence of apprehension. Australian Womens Perspective. Pandora Press, London. and profession serving the public good. This article traces the impact of philosophical questions regarding the grounds of moral autonomy and heteronomy (rule-from-another as opposed to rule-from-oneself) on classical sociological theory, . b. Most often, women express a desire for low-tech care such as genetic counseling, social work services and support groups (Leithner et al. Researchers investigating behavioral differences between the sexes have now proven that several significant behaviors have a biological cause. First, it allows for quick decision-making. 1 online resource (xii, 510 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index Introduction : the anthropology of birth / Robbie Davis-Floyd and Carolyn F. Sargent -- Authoritative knowledge and its construction / Brigitte Jordan -- An evolutionary perspective on authoritative knowledge about birth / Wenda R. Trevathan -- Fetal ultrasound imaging and the production of authoritative . Rothman, Barbara Katz 1988 Reproductive Technology and the Commodification of Life. As a fountainhead of postcolonial scholarship, Edward Said has profoundly impacted multiple disciplines. Intuitive knowledge is probably based on nonconsciously recalled information, such as implicit memory or procedural memory, both of which are forms of knowing that are not necessarily accompanied by verbal awareness of . services to its members and to promote the vitality, visibility, and diversity and Toba S. Kerson 2006 Conducting Intensive Interviews using E-mail: A Serendipitous Comparative Opportunity. 2nd ed. Experiences and Reflections of Women after Prenatal Diagnosis and Termination for Anomaly. New York: W. W. Norton. True medical treatment is based on standard practice and prior testing for effectiveness: fetal surgery is still being tested and is a form of experimental treatment at this time. practitioners, and students. McCoyd, J.L.M. The authoritarian leadership style has several positive sides. Journal of Genetic Counseling 8(5):255274. All new items; Books; Journal articles; Manuscripts; Topics. Prenatal Diagnosis 26(10):931937. 2003 Pregnancy Interrupted: Non-Normative Loss of a Desired Pregnancy After Termination for Fetal Anomaly [dissertation]. A Qualitative Study. New York: Routledge. In: Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. Conflict is harmful and disruptive to society. 307322 in Conceiving the New World Order: The Global Politics of Reproduction. Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge offers first-hand ethnographic research conducted by anthropologists in sixteen different societies and cultures and includes the interdisciplinary perspectives of a social psychologist, a sociologist, an epidemiologist, a staff member of the World Health Organization, and a community midwife. (eds) University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. refers to our ability to do things. McCoyd, Judith L.M. Pregnant Women Account for Refusing Prenatal Screening. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 33:343365. Scientific knowledge. In clinics providing maternal and child care, staff and clients jointly produced authoritative knowledge, most often a version of biomedicine, a process reflecting what the authors refer to as biocentrism. Authoritative Knowledge and Heteronomy in Classical Sociological Theory - John Levi Martin, 1998 Skip to main content This contributes to diminishing the power of women with regard to their own health and childbearing and in terms of their societally recognized rights to make their own decisions as well. Casper, Monica 1998 The Making of the Unborn Patient: A Social Anatomy of Fetal Surgery. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. . ''the general liberal consensus that 'true' knowledge is fundamentally non-political (and conversely, that overt political knowledge is not 'true' knowledge) [which] obscures the highly if obscurely organized political circumstances obtaining when knowledge is produced'' (Said, 1994 [1978], p. 10). (eds) (1999) Fetal Subjects, Feminist Positions. Hofman, Bjorn 2002 Is There a Technological Imperative in Health Care? correct complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, thorough 2 having power over the minds or behavior of others after a couple of authoritative critics panned the movie, the other reviewers rushed to say how awful it was Synonyms for authoritative forceful, influential, weighty Words Related to authoritative cogent, controlling, dominating, masterful 251278. View Notes - Ch_3_Activists as Claimsmakers_Large Slides from SOC 220 at Purdue University. Odibo, Anthony O., David M. Stamilio, Deborah B. Nelson, Harish M. Sehdev, and George Macones 2005 A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Prenatal Screening Strategies for Down Syndrome. 509535. Leithner, Katharina, Eva Assem-Hilger, Melitta Fischer-Kern, Henrietta Loffler-Stastka, Ralf Thien, and Elisabeth Ponocny-Seliger 2006 Prenatal Care: The Patients Perspective: A Qualitative Study. In Western societies the knowledge derived from the practices of biomedicine is the gold standard for medical knowledge. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Berkeley: University of California Press. A level sociology revision - education, families, research methods, crime and deviance and more! Miles, Matthew D., and A. Michael Huberman 1994 Qualitative Data Analysis. Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice 5(3): 389406. This article traces the impact of philosophical questions regarding the grounds of moral autonomy and heteronomy (rule-from-another as opposed to rule-from-oneself) on classical sociological. Feminist Studies 14:575599. Judith L. M. McCoyd. Rothman, Barbara Katz 1991 In Labor: Women and Power in the Birthplace. Rapp Rayna (1998) Refusing Prenatal Diagnosis: The Meanings of Bioscience in a Multicultural World. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. Findings indicate that a small minority embrace the societal portrayal of technology as univalently positive, while the majority have nuanced and ambivalent responses to the use of PNDTs. Abortion Debate and Women Terminating Desired Pregnancies Due to Fetal Aanomaly. Public perception of these mothers has been harsh and they, ABSTRACT In the UK, teenage motherhood is depicted in the media and government policy as highly negative and problematic. Fine, Michelle, Lois Weis, Susan Weseen, Loonmun Wong (2000) For Whom? Women and Health 37(2):89108. (eds) Cyborg Babies: From Techno-sex to Techno-tots. Core cultural values are transmitted to participants during pregnancy and the postpartum period. She would also like to acknowledge the American Association of University Women for a Dissertation Grant that allowed the original study to be analyzed and documented in such a way that future studies and reanalysis such as this could be done. 1997, University of California Press. Science, Technology, and Human Values 29(3):291313. Qualitative Health Research 2(13):857870. Westborough, MA: Genzyme Genetics. Google Scholar. The linkages between the distribution of knowledge about birth and the use of technology; the valuation of biomedical and alternative "ways of knowing" about birth; the production of authoritative knowledge through interaction; and the relationship between authoritative knowledge and social status are explored. Discuss the authoritative knowledge is not objective and logical. The issue of timing and uncertainty of the information also are interrogated for their impact on womens lives and what that can illuminate about the theories of AK and the technological imperative. Syntax; Advanced Search; New. After decades of research, child development experts recognize that authoritative parenting is the best style of parenting among the four Baumrind . Chapter 3 Sociology 220 Ashleigh Kysar-Moon, M.A. This leader will check and punish their employees more severely and quickly and will never involve them in complex decision making. The high degree of scientific technology does not ensure that all fetal anomalies can be diagnosed. Lohan, Maria 2000 Constructive Tensions in Feminist Technology Studies. Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, 536 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901, USA, You can also search for this author in During the first half of the twentieth century, out-of-wedlock pregnancy came to be seen as one of the most urgent and compelling problems of the day. Statement or action or non-verbal gesture that highlights a troubling condition, When an individual or a group says that a condition should be perceived as troubling, in other words, as a social problem, People who feel that something is wrong and that something should be done about it, An interactive social process by which some individuals or groups state claims about a troubling condition in order to attract attention of policymakers and the general public, in order to make change, -Claimsmakers often use the media to bring attention to their claims, -Public learns about claims from claims makers or informally through the media, -Policymakers are active participants in making claims, but are also the targets of claims by others, Social problems work applies constructions of a problem to their practical/local setting, Refers to the process of how the implemented policies are responded or reconstructed as new problems, Statements about the nature of the problem (Info, conditions, stats), Statements aimed to justify taking action reasons for why something must be done, Strategy of action, defines what should be done to solve the problem, A description of a particular instance of the condition, -topics that nearly everyone will agree are significant social problems, -Topics over which it is unlikely that most people will ever come to consensus. 5579. University of Massachusetts, Amherst SOC SOC 103 possess authoritative knowledge used to define the conditions of a problem and Possess authoritative knowledge used to define the School University of Massachusetts, Amherst Course Title SOC 103 Type Notes Uploaded By n4sty Pages 14 This preview shows page 6 - 8 out of 14 pages. They lack knowledge about child development. Request Permissions, Published By: American Sociological Association, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. Purchase this issue for $40.00 USD. Social Science and Medicine 69(2):274277. Authoritative Knowledge, the Technological Imperative and Womens Responses to Prenatal Diagnostic Technologies. (eds) Cyborg Babies: From Techno-sex to Techno-tots.
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