What is it about the Living Temple that was so deadly? . And this Father has a Son, called the Son of God. No where in the Bible is He called God the Son. Yet Jesus is fully divine and equal with God (See John 3:35, John 5:26, Heb. (emphasis added) John never indicates in any of his writings [18] that one must believe in a Trinity or the deity of Jesus to be saved. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God is one person, Jehovah. He also compiled the book Evangelism in 1946 by taking the few quotes by Ellen White that seem to fit a trinitarian concept and putting trinitarian headlines with them. God has divided them in the same way that he divided those at Babel. We who hold to this ancient belief understand that we must imitate the Trinity in all our brokenness. There are only 3 times in the New Testament when the voice of God, the highest authority in the universe, spoke. You end up with the doctrine of the Trinity. The theory that God is an essence pervading all nature is one of Satans most subtle devices. In 1903, John Harvey Kellogg wrote a book called the living temple. Why don t Pentecostals believe in the Trinity? Although I believe in the Trinity as traditionally formulate d, I don ' t see anywhere in Scripture that says believing in the Trinity is necessary to be born again. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus called us to make . While perhaps in the context of this quote we ought not to have adopted such a strong stance initially in affirming the nature of trinity (though not sure this is an assumption or a strong stance), I hope this does not become an overly divisive issue. Tell us something based on scripture if you find it. : How Horeb Reveals The Truth of Christ & His Spirit, https://lineoftruth.org/index.php/2017/08/03/god-is-the-father-and-jesus-is-his-son, https://lineoftruth.org/index.php/2017/08/17/the-true-godhead-according-to-the-bible/, http://revelation1412.org/files/1413/4269/9545/Putting_the_Pieces_Together.pdf, Higher Education- Preparation for the EndHigher Education- Preparation for the End, Seventh Day Worship Center Church Service 3/13/2021Seventh Day Worship Center Church Service 3/13/2021, Seventh Day Worship Center Church Service 3/6/2021Seventh Day Worship Center Church Service 3/6/2021. This doctrine destroys the personality of God, and his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 17:5, John 12:28,29) Should Gods words about His Son be taken symbolically or literally? (See John 17:3, 1 Tim. The Holy Spirit is regarded as an impersonal power or spirit being. 1981. There are dozens of good books about the trinity. As a past trinitarian Adventist Bible-worker, I have been guilty of using these illustrations also . And say thats he was on Earth to do the will if he who sent me? This is a dynamic, ever-moving, ever-creating thing that we call the Trinity. Then, also, and surely, we are one in Christ. Jesus, though not God, is the Son of God. If the church is errant in stating that the HS is a person and we are told there shouldnt be a strong stance, it seems also incorrect to assume a strong stance against the trinity. White, 1 SM 201). Lutherans believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son. Those who believe in the doctrine of the Trinity believe that God is a relationship. They say that there are 3 beings that equal God, or that 1+1+1=1. In other words, we don't believe in the Trinity. In the words of the Athanasian Creed: "We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Substance. Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Calvary.". On the contrary the Bible clearly states there is one God, the Father. It has removed some self imposed obstacles preventing me from committing to a church. I don't believe in the Trinity as taught by the post New Testament creeds. Jesus did not resurrect from the dead, but rather, he reincarnated. Email. Jesus is not God, Savior, or Creator, nor does he have control of supernatural powers. Let me explain. Rather, I agree with the following fundamental beliefs about God that were upheld in the Seventh-day Adventist church before 1931. You would NOT be a Christian if you DID believe in the Trinity. Why, out of a million and a half of adults in His Nation and after the centuries-long Egyptian ordeal, and Exodus, and their day-to-day upbringing and care in His hands in the desert, only THREE men out of the descendants of Abraham were found worthy to be shown into the Promised Land, even Moses was denied the privilege, Wow to us and our self-indulging self-assurance. White, RH, June 3, 1880). Our belief in the Trinity should absolutely transform our lives because it is not just a concept that we try to explain, it is the focus of our worship and the model for our lives. I do not believe it is wise to think you are ever saved until the judgment of Christ is given. Were you baptized in the name of Paul? The Trinity is so central to Baptist theology that a person cannot be a Baptist if they don't believe in the Trinity. Notice GC 593 Satan employs every possible device to prevent men from obtaining a knowledge of the Bible; for its plain utterances reveal his deceptions., The truths most plainly revealed in the Bible have been involved in doubt and darkness by learned men, who, with a pretense of great wisdom, teach that the Scriptures have a mystical, a secret, spiritual meaning not apparent in the language employed. Prove from the bible verses and read what the chapter is talking about first who was it directed to and then we can start a convasation.thankx regards Pastor Desire Gadza. Do not take any mans word. Blessings. In Revelation 5:13, we see every creature in the entire universe bowing down to worship: Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.. This is post 12 of 12 in the series "WHY I BELIEVE". It is through our struggle with what we believe that we can grow in faith. On the other hand, many feed off of it. He is the definition of love itself ( 1 John 4:8 ). But once again, you have been given the power of free choice by God, so you have to make a choice, and live with the consequences. May God draw you nearer to Him each day. They just need to grow and have the wisdom to be able to know the difference between truth and tradition.Finally, it is by our fruit that we know who belongs to God. Most who believe in the Trinity would also probably believe in the truth regarding God being the Father, and Jesus being the son.Given that, you may be able to help them reconcile this difference or contradiction in their belief.Whoever resists questioning the Trinity and say it is beyond question because it is beyond our understanding, I would keep away from. Even Ellen White clearly says we are not to worship the Holy Spirit: The Father and the Son alone are to be exalted. (E.G. Good Question! 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