In multiplayer, he can only be purchased after the player has reached level 60 (X). [9] Creative director Amy Hennig singled out the main characteristics of this stereotypical hero - an "irreverent, roguish sense of humor", and "charm. Afterward, many Djinn rebelled and Solomon imprisoned them in a brass vessel which was drowned in the city's central cistern. Set years after Uncharted 3, Drake has seemingly given. Schfer sends Nate and a villager, Tenzin, to find the remains of the men in Schfer's expedition, who were looking for Shambhala and the stone 70 years earlier. After trekking through the old temple, Nate and Sully discovered a German U-boat stuck in the jungle. Michael and Rose catch them and in the standoff, they are ambushed by the Smoking Gods. Their first adventure; the salvage job in Malaysia that Nate refused earlier. Total price: $84.00. Despite his "shoot first, ask questions later" persona, Drake is also skilled with stealth takedowns and chokeholds, being able to overpower and knock out multiple security guards without killing them. Sam presents Nate with a promising lead on Avery's treasure, a cross of Saint Dismas, similar to the one they had found in the Panamanian jail fifteen years ago, but intact and is being sold for auction in the Rossi Estate in Italy. How to watch There are a few ways to watch Uncharted online The film follows Holland's Nathan Drake, who we meet as a street-smart. Uncharted 2022 Full Movie Online For free Streaming at home. [6], The four reunite in a castle in Syria, where the find the second half of the amulet. Navarro urged Roman to open the shell that contained the true treasure: the Mummy of El Dorado. In Egypt, a search of the hotel room where Luka stayed on his visit reveals his journal, concealed within an air conditioning unit. Hallucinating, Nate pushes Sully and Elena away and follows Talbot's voice until he finally blacks out. She shoots Pinkerton, wounding him. Sully remarks that Nate is only allowing Chloe to help because Nate is attracted to her. After finding out there was no power, Nate ventured alone out into the base to find the generator room and restore power so that they could escape the descendants for good. Nate leaves Elena in Chloe's care and sets off to confront Lazarevi at the base of the tree. Nathan Drake is the main character of the Uncharted series. Whatever the case may be, I think that this particular video game conspiracy theory is at least a little interesting, and who knows, maybe others will find even more evidence to back up the "Nathan Drake is dead" theory in their own Uncharted 4 adventures. Sometime later, Jameson informs Nate that he is selling his company to him. Tenzin nurses Nate back to health while Nate is out cold for a few days. A charismatic, yet rebellious treasure hunter . [2], When the journal refers to Marcos' guide, Esteban, Nate realizes that the Sword of Stephen is the sword of Esteban. Perhaps what Naughty Dog presented to us is exactly what happened, and Nathan Drake and his family and friends lived happily ever after. Nate explains how Eddy had planned to double-cross him on a previous job, but he had "beat him to the punch. Eddy and Nate persuade Rika to stay behind and cover them. Elena walks out on Nate and is followed by Sully who stays back to watch on her. Many years later in the epilogue, Nate and Elena are shown to still be happily married and raising their daughter, Cassie. Using Perez's research, Nate is able to translate the words written around the edge of the symbol, "The Sword of Stephen shall bear witness to our sacrifice in the Chamber of the Seven Fathers." After solving a puzzle, Nate and Chase discover Esteban's tomb and find the body of Vincent Perez inside. As descendants flooded the room and began attacking Navarro's men, Navarro, still holding Elena hostage, began making his escape to a helicopter that was airlifting the statue. The trio used Rafe's wealth to bribe their way into a Panamanian prison, buying the services of a warden named Vargas to aid them in their search. Once he finds one leading out to the open ocean, he goes back and helps the others get out. Cassie's room doesn't have many modern knickknacks despite it being many years after the events of Uncharted 4 - in fact, she plays Crash Bandicoot on a PS1 for her entertainment, and she only plays the same level that Drake played decades earlier with Elena. Nate retains contact with Sam and Sully, and the two occasionally visit him and his family. In Uncharted 4, Nathan lies to his wife Elena in order to go on a grand treasure hunt with his brother Sam Drake. Nate arrives in the ship's treasure hold and finds Rafe and Sam, who is stuck underneath a collapsed beam. Nate is 5'11" and 38 years old during A Thief's End events. They kill a multitude of Guerro's men trying to save Chase before she is taken, but when they finally get out of the sinkhole, they are too late. The pirate's leader is revealed to be Eddy Raja, Nate's old rival. It is revealed that Eddy is Rika's brother, and she has asked him to help them with the theft. They all live together on a gorgeous beach that could be Nathan Drake's idea of Heaven. You can buy a prop pistol at pretty much any costume store or online. [3], Together, Nate and Jada travel with Henriksen and Olivia to China, and they share their research. Apparently they went on to find the seven cities of gold, and the Sete Cidades was an order dedicated to finding these cities. Nate, Sam, and Sully make their way to the volcano and find towers marked with the sigils of pirate captains from Avery's time. Nathan "Nate" Drake (born Nathan Morgan) is the main protagonist of the Uncharted franchise. Unfortunately, the officers quickly spot them both and a chase ensues with Nate and Sam successfully losing the cops, managing to reach freedom. He is also good with grenades and other explosives. He is able to jump from high distances without any harnesses or security, and he possesses massive upper body strength, as well as tolerance for pain. Nate and Elena Fisher have a complicated, and later, intimate relationship, which develops into love[5] and marriage[6] over the course of the series. Here are all of the Easter eggs and video game references in PlayStation Productions' first release, Uncharted. First of all, the game's creative team had a significant shakeup a couple of years back. Seeking to obtain the ring which once belonged to Francis Drake, Nate explored the Museo Martimo and found it on display, before noticing a middle-aged man quietly copying the display case key's lock; before he could observe further, Nate was kicked out of the museum by one of the guards. Following an attempt on their lives immediately afterward, they leave America for the next step on the trail - the dig site in Egypt.[3]. [5], After securing the village, Nate and Elena find out that Schfer has been kidnapped and the couple track Lazarevic's convoy to an abandoned monastery. On one occasion, Nate woke up to find himself naked within the Taj Mahal after taking a "scenic route" with Dante. After their final detonator fails to open the safe, Nate quickly devises a plan, and they allow themselves to be captured. 2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Victor Sullivan has been Nate's mentor since they met in Colombia and while teaching him the nuances of treasure hunting, Sully quickly became a father figure for Nate. In 2018, Sony Santa Monica Studio created one of the best mixes of combat and storytelling ever made: God of War. The two fled through the jungle on a jeep, being pursued by Eddy and his gang until they ran out of road, ultimately ending up at a long-abandoned port city, located directly below them. After Nate explained what happened with Sully, the two teamed back up to fight their way past the mercenaries and escape the temple. Nathan "Nate" Drake (born Nathan Morgan) is the main protagonist of the Uncharted franchise. Before Drake's Fortune, Nate has been hired as an expert by Jason Dante to investigate a dig site on a ridge in central Panama. [6], Nathan and Sully arrive at an airport, preparing to leave Yemen. The year before, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, which made him desperate to solve the mystery. They find footprints, left by Shoreline mercenaries and Sam, and follow them through the catacombs beneath Avery's mansion. One writer dissects the third act of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, and comes to the conclusion that Nathan Drake's true fate is not what it seems on the surface. Nate, Elena, and Sully chase after Sam but after another accident, Nate is forced to go alone and leave Elena and Sully behind. The chamber dedicated to Sobek is decorated with Egyptian hieroglyphics, while a chamber decorated in a Cretan script (or Linear A) is dedicated to Dionysus, obviously representing the labyrinth on Crete. Later that day, Nate joins Elena for dinner and the two exchange their day. As they escape, Chloe leaves the Seal with Nate as she flees. Like in Egypt, there are worship chambers in the secret passage, although two of them have collapsed into a sea cave. [3], Nate is hired by crime lord Daniel Pinkerton to locate the Eye of Indra, the third and final piece of the treasures of Indra. The boys engage in a wholesome conversation with the owner who reveals her name as Evelyn. After Elena returned Sir Francis' ring to Nate, the two leaned in to kiss, but were interrupted by Sully, who arrived on a small speedboat loaded with boxes of treasure that he took from pirates who were "too dead to care". Pinkerton's collection already contains the other two pieces - the Path of Indra and the Wrath of Indra. They agree to a brief truce and work together. These clues could be foreshadowing that Nathan and Elena will experience trouble relationship troubles in the highly-anticipated Uncharted 5, which may not be officially confirmed to be in the works but has certainly captured the attention of fans. After attempting to leave with a box full of gold, her own mercenaries turn on her and side with Rafe and he demands that they board the ship to recover the full haul to which Nadine complies. Nathan takes the opportunity to flee back through the train. 8) Brown leather wrist watch band. The storm passes and Nate wakes up to a Morse code signal from Sam. Some of these items ship sooner than the others. His "death" left him emotionally scarred to the point that he avoided speaking or reminding himself about Sam, refusing to look at photographs of their childhood and not even making a mention of him to Elena. At first Nate refused to fight, but Rafe provoked him by saying that despite his greatness he was nothing, and when he vowed to kill Elena and Sully along with the brothers, Nate was more than willing to fight. After all, Nate has survived much more traumatic things than smacking his head on a rock, and the Uncharted series isn't exactly known for having hidden story meanings or anything like that. Nathan Drake's personality was based on the stereotypical romantic action-adventure hero, with inspirations stemming from early movie serials to modern action films. Flynn then double-crosses Nate, who, despite his efforts to flee, is arrested and imprisoned for three months before Chloe, who was also betrayed by Flynn, asks for Victor Sullivan to help bail him out. In this prequel movie , we get to meet the street-smart Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) before he becomes the legendary treasure hunter from Naughty Dog's game franchise. Nate and Sam make their way through the cave, pass tests and eventually find themselves in a chamber with a scale that has a jeweled cross on one end and a pile of coins on the other. Known for being quick-witted and immensely lucky in the face of danger, Nate possesses a deep knowledge of history, having spent basically all his life studying it. Once Nate delivers it to him, Valdez betrays him and Nate barely makes it out of Ecuador alive. Naughty Dogs Uncharted 4 came out in 2016, but only now does it appear evidence has been uncovered in the game that suggests Nathan Drake was cheating on his wife all along. To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Even after finding out that Sam had lied to him about Hector Alczar, he was instantly willing to forgive and rescue him from Rafe and Shoreline. Drake's job isn't murder, it's tomb raiding. As she and Nate flee, the caverns begin to collapse, killing Dante and any of his mercenaries still in the cave system. ", Despondent, Nate sits in silence as Talbot informs Marlowe that they have apprehended Sully. Before they can learn more they are interrupted by the arrival of Guerro's men. He manages to grab a cargo container mid-air and deploys its parachute, which carries him safely to the ground. The comparison shot of Drake's model on PS4 . After fighting through many groups of pirates, Nate was soon captured and imprisoned in the fort. By 2010, Nate and Victor Sullivan head to the Pelican Inn, a pub in London. [4], Nate and Eddy are discovered soon after entering the mansion and are pinned down with barely any bullets left. Meeting up with Sam, Nathan followed his brother out the orphanage's limits, before being presented with a 500cc motorcycle Sam bought him as a gift, which he realized was Sam's way to apologise; Sam then revealed his intentions to leave for at least a year due to his new job, in order to get money to eventually discharge Nate from the orphanage, much to Nathan's shock and dismay as he was tired of his life in the orphanage. Unconscious, Nate awakens to find that he is found by Elena, who had changed her mind about walking out on her husband and followed him to the island with the help of Sully. Those sly, naughty dogs!" When Nate refuses, Marlowe goes on to explain that Sully hasn't tried to find him, and that "Victor is only ever in it for Victor. [10], Lemarchand went on to say that they wanted to capture Knoxville's "coolness and goodness" in the character. They find the remains of a group of Spanish conquistadors who were murdered - poisoned by forces unknown. But a hint that can be accessed in his journal in Uncharted 4 suggests that there may be more Nathan was hiding from Elena than only his job. Nathan has a pretty perilous tumble, smacks his head on a jagged rock, and then falls to the jungle floor below. Uncharted 4 launches in spring . On the way, they find clues about a rebellion and a civil war that deserted the legendary pirate utopia. About this item About 7 inches tall with nearly 30 points of articulation Furious, Nate still attempts to bargain with Rafe to let them go home. His voice is also much deeper than Drake's voice. Instead, they give him an ending so peaceful, it's almost unheard of in video games. However, we also had the opportunity to sit down and interview Bruno Velazquez, the God of War Ragnarok Animation Director to discuss some of the changes in the follow-up to the 2018 God of War. The page is filled with dried flowers, symbolizing each of the women hes had flings with. Nate is extremely loyal to his friends and family, as he risks his life on multiple occasions just to help them. In addition, Nate was willing to let go of Henry Avery's treasure and even sink it, just so he could save his brother from certain death. 4) Desert combat boots. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Sully states that, if anybody were to find Paititi, he'd rather it be him and Nate. He appears in succession within the series' 5 first games and spinoffs (Uncharted: Eye of Indra, and Uncharted: Golden Abyss) but not in the recently released Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Roman doubted Eddy's abilities to do his job further and ignored his superstitious claim that something cursed on the island was killing his men, leading him to dismiss him and his crew. The two of them have history and Nate once walked out on her. [1], After the plane is damaged while landing in turbulence, the group find themselves in an underground cavern, surrounded by the remains of Byrd's camp. After navigating their way through a series of puzzles they are shown a map of star constellations, which pinpoints the Atlantis of the Sands. Uncharted 4 - Nathan Finds Out The Truth About SamTwitter: He climbs and fights his way through the island jungle and eventually reunites with Sam. Several years after his last adventure, retired fortune hunter Nathan Drake, is forced back into the world of thieves. UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End takes players on a journey around the globe, through jungle isles, far-flung cities and snow-capped peaks on the search for Avery's fortune. Guerro reloads the RPG and says he has only one cause left without his army: to die with honor. Hours later, as the plane flies over the Rub' al Khali desert, he is found by one of Talbot's thugs. He finds that Marlowe's men have occupied the town, and is rescued by a Bedouin tribe. Cutter then shoots both Nate and Sully, angering Marlowe who leaves the scene with Talbot. In the Uncharted series, Nathan Drake carries a variety of weapons. Nate acted quickly by pushing the helicopter off the tanker. Nate causes an explosion which tears a hole in the ship's hull, and he barely escapes as it sinks. [5], During the heist, Nate breaks open the lamp to uncover blue resin and a blank piece of paper. In the midst of an attack by the hooded men - or the Protectors of the Hidden Word - Nate, Jada, and Henriksen escape together, and Henriksen explains he's been researching the labyrinths for years. [15] It is also stated in this game that Key West, Florida is Nate's hometown, in which the player visits Nathan Drake's apartment, and in his journal, where his address is scribbled on a scrap of paper. Salim, the Sheikh of the tribe takes Nate to his camp, telling him that his scouts have been tracking Marlowe's convoy for two days. Lazarevi describes it as a "Guardian" - a scarecrow to frighten trespassers. The three meet up with Chloe Frazer, who directs them to the warehouse that Marlowe went to following the shooting. Convinced by Rafe that his brother is dead, Nate reluctantly follows Rafe out the prison, and the two escaped by water. Uncharted 4 Gameplay PS5FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM -'T FORGET TO LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE. Nate agrees - it looks like they're headed to Peru. He is now working as a diver for a local salvage company owned by his boss Jameson. After a brief conversation, Roman, who initially threatened to shoot Nate, shot Sully in the chest, forcing Nate to take quick action by trying to snatch Navarro's rifle. [1], Using Sully's underground contacts, they discover that the Amber Seal is being auctioned at Volkov Castle by its owner, Russian crime lord Mykola Rusnak. After receiving a harsh lecture from Sister Catherine, Nathan noticed light signals by Sam and ventures across the orphanage's rooftops and walls to find him. Sam jumps in the way of the bullet, though accidentally knocks Nathan off a cliff in the process. That's why Cassie is playing a PlayStation 1. Eventually, after their ordeal, Nate and Chloe part on good terms when she notices his affection for Elena and they remained great friends (as seen in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception). And to celebrate this, the amazing artists at Prime 1 Studio have brought you an exhilarating piece to pull you into Nathan Drake's adventurous, treasure-hunting world! Nate fought against Navarro and his men until he managed to knock him unconscious. She takes it, and hurls it into the jungle, stating that Marcos was right - it belongs in hell. The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. However, he resumed his old career in order to help his brother Sam to help him with a debt from the drug dealer Hector Alczar as an excuse for the excitement of looking for the pirate's treasure Henry Avery. The dinner date is interrupted when Jada's stepmother, Olivia, arrives looking for her. Nate eventually found a cross of Saint Dismas engraved with the words "Digna factis recipimus," but decided to falsely claim to Vargas that the cell was empty due to many visits of looters since then. Be warned that in order to explain my theory about what really happened at the end of Uncharted 4, I have to venture pretty deep into spoiler territory. Nate is later joined by Chloe in his room, and they plan to run away together when the job has been completed. Thrown back into the dangerous underworld he'd tried to leave behind, Nathan Drake must decide what he's willing to sacrifice to save the ones he loves. Sully secures their invitation to the auction and they plan to steal the cross before it is put up for auction. Nate agrees to help and learns that before his death Luka worked on a secret project for weapons company Phoenix Innovations, supposedly on the trail of a lost treasure. Along the way, they find extensive damage to the labyrinth by the eruption and successive earthquakes, which has allowed the sea to flood some caves. Dante arrives and reveals he knew about the treasure being radioactive and plans to strip-mine Quivira and litter the gold through the black market. Like. For your costume, you'll need to get your hands on a few - but don't worry, they won't cost much. Once Rika is in the room, Nate tells Pinkerton that the Eye is in his safe. Once they got to a jeep, Nate showed her the map to the island where they took El Dorado. In the ensuing fight, the plane is badly damaged. However, the seal was lost in the war. Check out our galleries that display each outfit and. Nathan Drake's Age In The Four Uncharted Games Let's assume he was 15 upon meeting Sully, making Nate's birth year 1976. He possesses a trained hand and is a very good marksman, skilled with handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and even crossbows. However, after realizing that it may lead to the Marco Polo's lost fleet and the Cintamani Stone, a great treasure said to grant invincibility, Nate accepts the job. Generally favorable reviews based on 16291 Ratings. Again. Nate's close friendship with Eddy came to an end when Nate betrayed him and kept the entire reward for himself. As they leave, they are attacked by Talbot and his men, who take the amulet and set the chateau on fire. This causes a breach and allows lava to begin flowing through, flooding the city. Nate was forced to accept the fact that his brother died and thus suppressed his memories of the prison incident, never mentioning him again. She claims it 'helps in this part of the world'. updated Jun 21, 2014 Nathan Drake is the main character of the Uncharted series. By 2013-2015, three years later his last adventure, Nate has settled into a normal life with his wife Elena in a suburban home in New Orleans, Louisiana, not seeming to have changed much in regards to personality and still having remnants of his old obsession as he is seen throughout the game picking up objects, surprising himself in his inventions and making some excuses. Olivia deduces the Fourth Labyrinth is in China and is based on the Chinese hell - Diyu. He washes ashore in Yemen. In the Among Thieves chapter "Breaking and Entering", when Harry Flynn lifted Drake onto a roof, he commented "You put on weight mate" and "Whew, alright, no more doughnuts for you.". Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Sony, PlayStation 4, [Physical], PS4SCE303874. Nate, Sully, and Sam are chased all though out the city and countryside by mercenaries until they finally lose them and meet up at their motel room. Olivia arrives and orders her mercenaries to fire upon it. Nate ultimately refuses to which Sam finally agrees to and the four head towards Sully's plane which is docked nearby. Even when it looks like something bad could happen, it just doesn't. My question is: How did Sully and Elena know where Sam and Nate are? Nate and Sam continue on to head towards an island that was pointed out in the map they had discovered. Back in the prison, Nate met up with Sam and Rafe in a laundry room to discuss his findings, eventually declaring that there is a St Dismas cathedral in Scotland, near Avery's last known sighting. After Nate pulled an injured Elena from the wrecked helicopter, Navarro regained consciousness and was prepared to kill them both. The fourth title in the franchise, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, came out five years after the third game, in 2016. Sir Francis, knowing the statue's power, was actually trying to keep it on the island, before he too was killed by the descendants. Finding the cross on Nate, Vargas took the three treasure hunters to his office, angrily accusing them of cheating him, before being promised 25% of the treasure; Rafe kills Vargas in response, leading to an escape attempt from the prison. Nate follows and finds Jada being kidnapped by suited men. With Pinkerton briefly distracted opening the safe and looking at the Eye of Indra, Rika breaks loose and take's Eddy's gun from beneath the table. However, while in Egypt there were only three chambers, here there are four. Nate decides to rescue Dante and escape, but Chase refuses to leave without her Amulet, so reluctantly Nate agrees to help her retrieve it. Goals Support himself and Nathan (formerly). This honey was also known as the Hidden Word, and he thinks Daedalus used it to con workers into believing he was paying them in gold to reinforce the idea he was valuable to rulers. In my theory, this is where Nathan Drake dies, and what proceeds is his version of an afterlife. However, before they could get the opportunity to do so, the order was changed and the cross was suddenly put up for auction. [1], Escaping from the Smoking Gods, in the central cavern of Agartha, the group discover several flying machines, along with the Second Sun - a wall of shining diamonds. After seeing what had become of them after they ate the blue resin, Schfer had killed them to protect the world from the power of the stone. By the time he was fifteen, a young Nate ended up in Cartagena, Colombia. Sully learns that Nadine and Rafe had partnered and are aiming to outbid everyone to get the cross. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. 9) Nathan Drake belt buckle. Although he was born Morgan, he took on the last name Drake when running away from an orphanage with his brother Sam. As of the events of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Nate is married to Elena Fisher, and after the events of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, the two have a daughter named Cassie. A wiser and more experienced Nathan Drake finally recognizes that he has a problem, and once his last adventure reaches its end, he settles down with Elena once and for all. Nate, Sully, and Jada meet Ian the next day at the dig site The Labyrinth of Sobek and learn that Tyr Henriksen has taken over the funding of the dig and is being shown around. Huge range of colors and sizes. A trap inside the ship explodes, setting the ship on fire and killing most of the remaining mercenaries. Previous job, but he had `` beat him to the ground order dedicated to finding these.... 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