After Stillwell finished a call with a Senator, she reveals to Homelander that they only needed 3 votes to get The Seven into the military. and in the name of king George the 3rd, did some serious atrocities. Most of them take on a bananna shape, and get a bit squished, and spew bits of lead out the base which can increase wounding power. Using a steel tip meant that the bullets no longer deformed, and therefore the energy transferred to the target was less than with 55 gr FMJ ball 5.56. Dress it up and slap lipstick on it and it is still a pig. It can still have a 16 barrel, itll still be a pistol. I did not deny that Russia invaded Ukraine. Homelander then mentions Susan Lopez and her daughter Maya, the two people Maeve wanted to save. It does, but the comment made it sound as if multiple MPs on different sides were targeted because of their political affiliations. He was extremely popular as Zara, though very few people knew that it was actually Zane. The trouble is he doesnt have the support of much of the party, and that inherently leads to instability. Search History Clear. They both then ask if he likes other "kid things" like video games, YouTube, or one of Homelander's movies. The market fundamentally rejecting the ideas of the market fundamentalists would be hilarious, if it wasn't happening to us. Which Party has been in power. The facts do not matter to liberals. Trope Pantheons Discussion - TV Tropes Forum Veiled death threats (shooting pictures of opponents, burning in effigy, etc.) That's the worst of it - the civility and willingness to work together is down across the board so I can't see a change of government improving it either. Another issue was the lack of expansion. There, he sees a van. "The Name of the Game" (I'm amused that both Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton liked that slogan too.). The second link you provided sends you to FBI: Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 In no way is this related to cops having their own guns used on them. The region is policed mostly by the government (the KGB for example) or large corporations like SovOil. How many people did the government led by Tony Blair kill, by the way? So know we know what the left leaning media meant by Barry being a wonk. His his and his hired lying mouth pieces are functional idiots. Nicola Sturgeon said that she detests the Tories. In the Seven Tower, Stillwell watched the speech on her TV with a smirk on her face, knowing that in a way, Homelander did his job ("The Female of the Species"). Also, less amusing but still inspiring, has been articulate criticism from politicians and pundits who seem to actually care about the thing they're talking about; on this side of the Atlantic, it's easy to get the sense that anyone in front of a camera has a pile of talking points on a set of index cards in their lap that they pull out to memorize during commercial breaks. yet i can go to many sporting good stores and buy the pistol and the ammo readily. Lets revisit this observation in 2024 when the next US Presidential election is held. Also, I think Italy actually has a hybrid system. He tells them that he's going to create his own gang which he later names the Jury. Queen Elizabeth sacked the Australian PM in 1978. Homelander then gives the speech, but instead of following the script as ordered by Stillwell, he improvises, putting a speech biased in Christianity and patriotism, and everyone in the crowd rejoices. a residence) where the public does not by default have permission to enter. The reason these black students are debating like this is that they are competing, in a league with teams from schools like Harvard and Yale, that rewards this style of debate. There are many types of AIs. Homelander reminds them that Noir was worth more than all of them and that none of them are safe from his wrath should they betray him. After thanking his mom for helping everyone on the original MyStreet aside from Vylad find houses, he walks off, saying he's going to find a house alone. If asked, choose to replace file in the destination folder. It's like "open system" isn't so open compared to current "open source system". MyrrSenpai/FANFIC-While You Were Gone - Prolouge, TheSockMaster1415/The Nether (A FanFiction), KingCrimson2001/Where Two Worlds Meet (A fan fiction), LunaSchnee/Competitive Sense (Episode idea), NightfallTheAphmauFan/Travfall (Nightfall X Travis)~Travis Is My Senpai~*Part 1*, Valentine's Disaster - Valentine's Date PT.3, Kawaii~Chan trying to feed Zane, S2 Ep.11, Kawaii~Chan catches Zane and forces him to the slides, S2 Ep.11, Zane while everyone is discussing the beach, Aphmau telling Kawaii~Chan and Zane to kiss, Minigame Never Have I Ever "Dreaming", Light Emerald Green (Caused by the Forever Potions). There, he and the Deep show Stillwell a box. Overview Affiliation Gallery Zane Ro'Meave is a main character and an anti-hero in MyStreet. Homelander reappears in What I Know, where he and Sheriff Ed Flanagan are on a recording teaching school students how to stay safe in case of a Supervillain attack. He tells the board to promote Ashley to CEO, knowing she'll have his back. Of course, I see the problem that people will not feel represented if they, by chance, never get to vote in their whole life Well I did vote and I did read all 55 pitches from the candidates. Thanks for the educationI always like learning something new. Today we see coal miners in the US who are empowered by the "one state, two votes" structure of the Senate to keep the industry alive despite it being basically uneconomic as well as environmentally unsound, the difference is this time the coal miners are supported by the right instead of the left. Shooting from a helicopter sounds like fun. The 55-grain FMJ projectile was of the same construction that had been used in similar projectiles for close to a century, namely a solid lead core surrounded by a copper jacket. DeFacto Clothing, Photos. > you get this feeling that the PM can do almost anything. Too late to correct it now.). There's no disputing that. He is a ruthless leader, doing whatever it takes to keep a high public opinion of The Seven, including threatening both Starlight and the Deep. SS109 is also supposed to yaw on impact with soft tissue; when it does, the tip is supposed to break off at the lead core-steel penetrator junction, and base, penetrator, and the tip of the jacket from over the penetrator describe three seperate wound channels, increasing lethalitythough the lightweight jacket tip cant penetrate far or do much damage. Homelander and Maeve are easily able to board the plane and kill the terrorists to the applause of the grateful passengers. [1] yes governments were weak and were replaced often, but that's a feature, not a problem. See for example the criticism of Ellen's friendship with George W Bush. There, he talks to Hughie Campbell, a friend of Starlight.,, Homelander's suit is apparently the only clothing he wears, any appearances without the suit have shown Homelander completely nude further reinforcing his singular identity when compared to other Supes. Find great things to do. Ryan walks away and moves behind Butcher, who refuses to let Ryan go. He was also hit in the throat by a volleyball which caused his voice to instantly deepen. They do tend to be very good schools but raise issues about social mobility, elitism etc (they tend to be expensive). Top Results. In Hughie's turn, Homelander asks if something wrong with him, because his blood pressure is 150/90. Does the UK still have popular media outlets that aren't solely pushing corporate agendas? When Homelander returns to the cabin, he finds seven Vought mercenaries asking about Butcher. He tells the crowd he loves them and leaves. Conservatives are all - without exception - junkies. If Steve Scalise (the house GOP whip who was shot that day) hadn't been there with his security detail, a couple dozen Republicans would have likely died that day including Senator Rand Paul and future Florida governor (and the current leading 2024 presidential candidate not named Trump or Biden) Ron DeSantis. I learned from readers that the Towson teams bizarre display is actually well within the rules and the custom of competitive debate. Fellow American, asking earnestly - are both examples just products of the media environment of their respective countries? Becca then demands Homelander to talk with her outside. Defacto Aphmau -- Alright, Zuzu, I think its time for a nap! This is true both in their inferior form of "British Parliamentery debate" as well as the various American styles, such as Lincoln Douglas, Policy, or Public Forum. This version of Zane may possibly be a foreshadowing for the Diaries version of Zane, as he returns in Diaries Season 3 Episode 1. Its definitely not 1414. Maybe Oxford is overrated:). quotations . She's a Brexiteer running on an "anti-woke" platform, we need more serious people instead. The death of Jo Cox wasn't a party political matter, it was a US-style radicalized loner. They have very few restrictions, and can cross borders and enforce laws at will, as if they were legitimate police. Close this dialog But they are complex issues that you need to consider rationally on what you want to do. At the beach he discovers Aph can't swim and starts mocking her but Aph tries to catch him out by asking what his favorite feature is about the beach. Telling an anti-gunner how many calibers will penetrate body armor is sheer idiocy. He doesn't have any authority, in practice. His fans think hes confident and unapologetic. Parties need to triangulation on positions that keep their coalition together, and avoid positions that allow the other party to divide their coalition. Its higher pressure wears out weapons and known to break parts more than older M855 did. ", In a side stories episode titled "Zane's Rock Hard Abs", Garroth bullies Zane into exercising because "he's got some tub on him" and Aph responds saying "thick boys are nice". Homelander's faux origin story from the comics is the same as Superman's, while his real backstory is similar to Captain America as they are both super soldiers given powers from chemical formulas. She resigned because of what she said at Questions? De facto Areas of low resistance may be rendered as smooth grid lines. But I can see the context of why the Administration would think the M855 5.56 NATO needs to be banned. Kawaii~Chan - Kawaii~Chan wants to see your new swim trunks! mraniye, stanbul. (Scripting) commands are In the past 50 years there have only been 3 PMs not from Oxford. Zane - The darkness that feeds my soul has no need for your pitiable sleep. Ryan then hugs Homelander and Homelander puts his arm around his son. It also doesn't help that for most of the series, most of the cast either hates him or doesn't respect him, so he's constantly treated like he's less important and is occasionally straight up infantilized. These may include, but are not limited to, those regarding gamemodes such as 1942rp, Darkrp, Methrp, Militaryrp, Starwarsrp, This causes him to be suspicious. The funny thing is that this entrance exam to Eton is effectively their ticket to the top, once you're there you're on easy street. He then humiliates Ashley by ordering her to take off her wig. Just a friendly correction, While, not wile. Homelander speaks on the stand and says that Stormfront has been incarcerated and wrongfully framed Starlight as a traitor. In their reunion in Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men, Homelander is actually happily surprised to see Butcher again, playfully taunting him about his wife, and even allows Butcher to call him a `cunt` something he would never allow anyone else to do. This is about getting rid of guns, getting rid of all firearms so that they can implement the oppressions that they need to implement so that were suffering enough to accept whatever they want us to accept. We need to make sure that all portions of the ATF proposal are challenged, not just the obvious ones that should easily keep M855 available. This event is never brought up again. Thinking that he will rat him out to Vought, Homelander attempted to kill Black Noir with his heat vision, accidentally bringing down the entire plant. ", "Very reliable company and very fast. Alias(es) Homelander then threatens to destroy everything and everyone if she does. So "down" is always in the direction of the building foundation. It was also confirmed that he got some Shadow Knights to join his gang and that he would use them to beat up other students. So instead of finding compromise to maximize your general appeal, you would be motivated to embrace extreme ideas and promote those on TV/social media. The experience of doing a postgraduate degree is so far away from the experience of studying at Oxford as an undergraduate that they may as well be different universities. The UK government has been in utter turmoil for a long time now and its at its worst right now. Real Name Lets look at this from another perspective. The snowball secretly had a rock in it, thus it caused Zanes eye to redden and eventually go blind, as well as causing a broken iris. test in Russia showed that Afghans armed with 5.45mm AKs and even in some rear cases M-16A1s given by the CIA easily defeated body armor. He is highly intelligent as he set up a meticulous plan to get superheroes into the military, and is also charismatic, easily swaying the public to give him support. The HomelanderHomelanderThe World's Greatest SuperheroMy Greatest Failure (by Jonah Vogelbaum)Man-child (by Stan Edgar)Cunt (by Billy Butcher)Gramps (by Stormfront)The Most Powerful Man (by Doppelganger)Inhuman Fucking Monster (by Becca Butcher)Bad Product (by Stan Edgar)Fucking Psycho (by Starlight)Paranoid Malignant Narcissist (by Queen Maeve)Cheap Fucking Knockoff (by Soldier Boy)The Upgrade (Self-proclaimed)Sir (by The Deep)Dad (by Ryan Butcher)Fucking Disappointment (by Soldier Boy)Weak Sniveling Pussy (by Soldier Boy)The Only Man In The Sky (Self-proclaimed)Asshole (By Queen Maeve) reddit Fashion and beauty brands are also continuing their support of major charities and organizations focusing on the LGBTQ community, like GLAAD, the Trevor Project, the Hetrick-Martin Institute and. Footnote 7: Projectiles of this caliber loaded into these cartridges made from other metals, e.g., lead or copper, is not armor piercing to begin with, and will not be effected by the withdrawal of this exemption., This footnote appears to negate their entire framework. Clearly this administration hates AR owners (and balanced budgets, and border security, voter ID, integrity, honesty, accountability, etc.). Unbeknownst to Homelander and Butcher, however, Becca went to Madelyn Stillwell and Jonah Vogelbaum after getting pregnant. As soon as a handgun is made that can shoot that cartridge, it now becomes AP ammo, is banned and the years of previous sporting use are irrelevant simply because the ATF doesnt think it will be used for hunting when used in a handgun. Not only can he fly, but he also has super strength and super hearing, and he can see through almost anything with his x-ray vision and then destroy it with his laser eyes. Then theyll secretly be wishing they could issue this ammo, while instead they will be waving the hanky. This allows Netrunners to react far faster than would ever be possible with a keyboard. FUNCINPEC then entered into a coalition with the other parties that had participated in the election. Ryan embraces him. Throughout the season, most of the cast expresses concerns about Zane and Aphmau's friendship, exclaiming that they think that Zane is a bad influence on Aph, overly clingy, and toxic. They are pesky little things, arent they? He then notices Stormfront staring at a baby girl and asks her it reminds her of her daughter. Inside the building, Homelander uses his laser eyes to kill all the assailants. I dont think its a coincidence that the M855 ban is announced around the same time the Justice Department comes out with threat assessments attempting to mislead and convince the electorate of some huge looming threat of domestic terror from groups like the Sovereign Citizen Movement, which certainly are a potential threat, but miniscule when compared to the carnage of everyday violent criminal predators across the U.S. in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, and St. Louis; and the real threat of another big attack on U.S. soil by Islamic terrorist. > who are skilled orators and debaters. DeFacto. They knew that this could one day result in a situation where our government attempted to overstep its authority to oppress and subjugate the people. Its just math. Aph wakes up, and Zane tells her to take it easy as she is still hurt. Garroth attacks Zane and throws him out the window. Stillwell gives a direct answer, saying that she doesn't know where he is yet. (i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or Different demographic makeup (much fewer private school kids, much more international students), different teaching methods (no training in 'blagging' a 1:1 tutorial with minimal reading, a very transferable skill to politics) and no time to hack around at the Union or make a name in one of the political clubs. They are saying, hey the M855 is banned because it is made entirely of steel, but if you come across one with lead or copper, youre good to go because it doesnt meet the definition.. Later then he made his own gang called the Jury. Cite, please, or STFU. He went to neither Eton nor Oxford so no, he didn't go to the same schools as the Conservative leaders he faced. This viewpoint is both evil (literally wanting to kill people like the "best" politicians of the 20th century! Homelander giving a speech at the tragedy victims memorial. The hilarious part is, the way that polling stands right now, a General Election would result in a strong Labour majority with the Scottish National Party in opposition, the Lib Dems third, and the Conservatives a distant fourth :-D. We vote for MPs, not Parties. It's how what you do affects other people. While Curaleaf. He, and many others, actually does seem to have the support of a lot of the party. Zane - Awhile, I don't know her too well but she's cute. Homelander comforts A-Train, but not before making an ominous remark like "I'll always be watching you" ("Good for the Soul"). Police arresting political dissidents in the name of an ostensibly powerless monarch is just one of those quirky things that happens in real democracies. After that, Stillwell makes an observation about the Mayor of Baltimore. I always have to remind myself that an English "public school" is what most people call a private school. 6. [6] The State of Cambodia's military leaders were furious, claiming that UNTAC was extremely exacting with the disarmament of the CPAF, but too lenient and ineffective when it came to disarm the Khmer Rouge. It came across well, but should do as opportunities to congratulate Boris do come up regularly. The problem isn't full support, it's active hostility of those who are "loyal" to Johnson. The animal they are shooting at, have no other natural predator to keep their numbers in check, we killed them off. But actual netrunners will always use plugs, because actual cybernetic connections wired to your brain ensure the very fastest reaction times. In the Love~Love Paradise episode "Aph in Trouble", Aph calls Zane a "fat little nugget". There, they talk about the unfortunate choice of telling Stillwell about the laser beam marks on the jet that the Deep made. Many afraid of such things as AR-15 pistols holster: Homelander agrees and leaves Ryan with Stormfront while he and Becca talk outside. The Pacifica virtual is probably the best of all the regions on the Net. Also, I think in practical terms that a lot of people. Ethnicity Rache Bartmoss once made a program that would allow him to walk on the "edge" and see both sides at once, but this is not something normal people can do without a specialized program like he had. Homelander questions if Stillwell remembers Becca Butcher, revealing that she is missing, presumed dead. The big question is whether he can unify the Tories, or at least gain the majority backing him, which I doubt as the current members seem hell bent on their own power gains and increasing their own wealth no matter the cost to. Is it only me who thinks it's crazy that in modern world some guy with birth right have the authority over entire western country? It was night and day. Only Ed Milliband and Tony Blair went to Oxford, which is where (of the Conservative Party): David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May and Liz Truss went. This lead to a M-4 PIP program and the failed waste of millions ICC. A de facto standard is a custom or convention that has achieved a dominant position by public acceptance or market forces (for example, by early entrance to the market). Gender I think part of it is that we're in the political equivalent of "total war" -- if a politician were seen as being friendly with political opponents they would probably be destroyed in primaries by party rivals using it as red meat for how they were "soft" or an "x in name only" or some similar idiocy. > Making abortion an effective wedge issue was an excellent strategy by the GOP, no doubt. Zane and Aph pretend to be a couple to avoid suspicion, but they are discovered by Toby. He reveals that both Becca and the child died on the delivery table due to the amount of blood loss. AsianWiki After the remark, a silence strikes the place ("Good for the Soul"). That is the way to change minds. Personally, I would like to see our politics become more centred and pragmatic again. this ammo is used for competition and hunting it also is used in the Armelite Rifle platform if it is banned only the police and military will have it there by making the AR unusable once youre out of this ammo. It's a different kind of turmoil than we have in the US. (C) The term armor piercing ammunition does not include shotgun shot required by Federal or State environmental or game regulations for hunting purposes, a frangible projectile designed for target shooting, a projectile which the Attorney General finds is primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes, or any other projectile or projectile core which the Attorney General finds is intended to be used for industrial purposes, including a charge used in an oil and gas well perforating device. ESPECIALLY with other forms of murder, that does not involve a firearms. There are programs that can penetrate data walls and allow a Netrunner to move through them. I've never seen or heard of a debate like the one in Peter Schiff's youtube channel there, and it is pretty obviously being shared on social media for emotional effect. The [Obama] White House has saidthat banning armor piercing ammunition like the wildly popular M855 round is common sense and would make our police officers safer, which is a bold claim. > It's a different kind of turmoil than we have in the US. Weight Its been fairly well reported on and has been very beneficial to that family. She wears makeup to cover her pimples and a blue contact to make her grey eye the same as her other eye. Especially, leading with "Europe," instead of leading with " barely 2 dozen non European countries across the 200+ countries in the world". Perhaps worth adding that right now, according to polls, a large majority of UK folks are labour-aligned, a complete U-turn compared with how they voted in the 2019 general election. Zane is very protective of Aphmau whenever she is in danger and will do anything for her if she is gone or sick. My take away from that video is that the UK had much more serious problems than I realized. After learning that Soldier Boy was his biological father, and that Vought had kept this from his whole life, Homelander appears to have become even more deranged. You should read the proposal. Unlike the comic series however, Homelander raped Becca instead of Black Noir. Homelander then goes to see Stillwell, who is taking her son Teddy to the pediatrician. flag has been thrown (besides, its after the election, we can only hope that he cant be more flexible). The first trials of senior Khmer Rouge leaders took place only in 2007, when many of them were already dead or in ill-health. Kim - I can never confuse you my Love, you're the only one for me. However, one of the terrorists still held a hostage at gunpoint, despite the gun not working anymore. Just to clarify this only pertains to M855 5.56 ammo because of the specific bullet. I don't understand this response - it's ok for people in one party to say whatever they want and it doesn't count because someone else 'distances' themselves? Steam Workshop: Garry's Mod. Homelander pushes Butcher, boasting about the sex he had with Becca. Despite being the King of Grudge Holding, Zane is fully capable of getting over whatever ill will he had in the past, as seen in Starlight Wonderland, he had recently developed a liking towards KC , who he formerly found intolerable. The XM-4 was first produced for special SOCOM units as far back as 1987 and was adopted in 1997 by the regular Army. Homelander was also prejudiced towards differently-abled supes and was against including them on the Seven, shown as to how he grievously injured Blindspot and mocked him right after calling him a "another useless fucking blind guy" and a "cripple" he would not allow into the Seven and angrily berated Ashley for suggesting him as a recruit. Because of this and Zane's attempts to get Sasha and Zenix to accept them, he is kicked out. Homelander gives a speech about how freedom comes at a price, but this exacerbates the protest, to where Homelander has a vision of him using his heat vision on the protesters and killing many people, but then he decides to leave the protest and flies away. So elections are pretty regular, but not overwhelming. Ya right. They feel so markedly different than the great social democracies of Western Europe and Canada. Never forget: War is peace. Homelander refuses, saying that if they save some passengers and let the rest die, the few who survived will tell the world that the two of the greatest heroes of the world did nothing to save the rest. He tells her that fame is the only thing protecting her. [needs update]11. They could accidentally find themselves cornered into it if they can't pick a new leader. The Deep tries to plan that they could use Noir as bait, but Homelander reveals he killed Noir for keeping secrets. Both private and public schools pre-date state schools in the UK, hence the confusion over the terminology. Why would it not penetrate from a pistol? Homelander then asks Ryan if he was to one who hurt Stormfront. My only issue is that the round has actually been implicated in far fewer than that 2% number. Boris Johnson attended Eton, didn't achieve particularly good results but cruised into a scholarship at Oxford. But looking back, Thatcher tactics were at times borderline fascist. Its Homelanders birthday and he goes to visit Stormfront, who can seemingly barely breathe or talk. Antony Starr, Madelyn Stillwell (formerly)Queen Maeve (formerly). Flipstik is a Black-owned, LGBTQ-owned business its owner, Akeem Shannon, said he faces similar challenges as many minority-owned business owners: a lack of access to.
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