Marginal Line was the 320 km line of fortification on the Russia-Finland Drawn up by General Mannerheim. Operation Alberich: the story of Germany's retreat in 1917 - HistoryExtra read more, An article in the New York Times claims that Russian citizens want the American dream: private property and a home of their own. 1 hindenburg Ludendorff. The German Friedensangebot (peace initiative) of December 1916 had been rejected by the Entente and the Auxiliary Service Law of December 1916, intended further to mobilise the civilian economy, had failed to supply the expected additional labour for war production. After four days of battle, with heavy losses on both sides, the Germans were forced to retreat. The Hindenburg Line was a vast system of defences built on the. Next day the brigade groups were to support the cavalry drive the Germans back to the Hindenburg Line, which led the 2nd Australian Division force to attack Noreuil on 20 March. Movement behind the German front was made difficult by constant Anglo-French artillery harassing-fire, which added to equipment shortages by delaying deliveries by rail and interrupting road maintenance. Each brigade in the line had two infantry companies in outposts held by platoons backed by their battalions and the artillery close enough to cover the outposts. [62], The British advance in the Fourth Army area reached the Somme rapidly from 17 to 20 March, with a continuous pursuit by vanguards and the main body moving forward by bounds between lines of resistance, up to the Somme river and Canal du Nord, which ran north-to-south from Offoy to Pronne, then paused while the river was bridged, with a priority of light bridges for infantry first, pontoon or trestle bridges for wagons and field artillery and then heavy bridges for mechanical transport and heavy artillery. A vast system of trenches, barbed wire emplacements, and concrete dugouts and strongholds, stretching 85 miles between the towns of Arras and Soissons on the French side and in front of St.. (In some areas no booby-traps were found, as German divisional commanders had been allowed to choose whether to mine their areas and some refused. Hindenberg Line - definition of Hindenberg Line by The Free Dictionary In August 1916 the German armies on the Somme had been subjected to great strain; the IX Reserve Corps had been "shattered" in the defence of Pozires. A Flandernstellung (Flanders Position) from the Belgian coast, along Passchendaele Ridge and behind the Messines salient, to the defences of Lille, the Wotanstellung (Wotan Position, known as the Drocourt-Quant Line to the British) from Lille to Sailly, was to be built behind the 1915 battlefields of Loos, Vimy and Arras and the 1916 battlefield of the Somme. [22], German reconnaissance aircraft surveyed all of the Western Front over the winter of 19161917 to look for signs of Anglo-French offensive preparations. German fighter opposition in the area became much worse, with more aircraft and the arrival in service of superior aircraft types in the late summer of 1916. [74] Belated awareness of the significance of the building work along the base of the Noyon Salient, has also been given as a reason for a cautious pursuit deliberately chosen, rather than an inept and failed attempt to intercept the German retirement. The emergency in Russia caused by the Brusilov Offensive, the entry of Romania into the war and the French counter offensive at Verdun had already overstretched the German army. The front-holding divisions, which had been worn down by British attacks, were withdrawn behind the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line). In 1916, the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme left the German western armies (Westheer) exhausted and on the Eastern Front, the Brusilov Offensive had inflicted huge losses on the Austro-Hungarian armies and forced the Germans to take over more of the front. Our collection contains a wealth of material to help you research and find your connection with the wartime experiences of the brave men and women who served in Australias military forces. The Agache River Canal du Nord sector west of Cambrai was attacked first on 27 September 1918. At the Chantilly Conference of November 1916 the Allies agreed to mount another general offensive. Allgemeines ber Stellungsbau (Principles of Field Fortification) was published in January 1917, in which instructions were given for the construction of defences in depth, according to the principles of greater depth and of disguise by dispersal and camouflage. The artillery wireless organisation broke down at times, due to delays in setting up ground stations, which led to missed opportunities for the direction of artillery fire from the air. International Boundary Lines in India and World British engineers and tunnelling companies scoured areas as they were occupied and disabled many of the explosives. Soissons was abandoned, roads leading out of Noyon were flooded, railway bridges were blown and the Somme River and canal crossings from Offoy to Pronne were destroyed. The artillery deficit was only slowly improved by the plan of General Max von Gallwitz, to centralise the command of the remaining artillery for counter-battery fire and to use reinforcements of aircraft to increase the amount of observed artillery fire, which had little effect on Allied air superiority but did eventually increase the accuracy and efficiency of German bombardments. This major victory 100 years ago precipitated Germany's surrender and the Nov. 11, 1918, armistice declaration . Sign up now to learn about This Day in History straight from your inbox. Optimistic claims by the navy were less important to the decision than the "desperate" position of the western armies and the decrepitude of Germany's allies. It was recognized by a unified Germany in 1990. 2022 2022 A&E Television Networks, LLC. [71], The success of the German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line has been explained as an Allied failure to anticipate the retirement and in being unable seriously to impede it. [23] The design of the Siegfriedstellung (Siegfried Position, later known by the Allied powers as the Hindenburg Line) was drawn up by Colonel Kraemer, an engineer from supreme headquarters (OHL) and General Lauter, the Inspector General of Artillery. A larger number of divisions might reduce the strain on the Westheer and realise a surplus for offensives on other fronts. Hindenburg Line, Argonne Forest, France, 1919 | Library of Congress Behind the old British front line, the thaw badly affected roads, which had been in a very poor condition at the end of 1916, many were closed and others were limited to horse-drawn traffic. Successive attacks in a methodical battle were dropped and continuous thrusts were substituted, to deprive the Germans of time to reinforce and strengthen their defences. Oberste Heeresleitung (Third OHL, the new supreme command) ordered an end to attacks at Verdun and the dispatch of troops from there to Romania and the Somme front. The offensives were designed to assist Allenby's Third Army to break out from Arras further to the north. Armeen drive back the British Third and Fifth Armies an unprecedented 40 miles in 15 62 Hindenburg line Images: PICRYL Public Domain Search Bullecourt: AIF Divisions - Following the Twenty-Second PDF THE HINDENBURG LINE 1918 - [50], On 4 February, the order was given to begin the Alberich Bewegung (Alberich Manoeuvre), with 9 February to be the first Alberich day and 16 March the first marching day. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). After this period, information from prisoners and the evidence of German demolitions, indicated that a longer retirement was planned but the existence of three German reserve lines 56mi (8.09.7km) behind the front line, made a local German retirement seem more likely than a longer one. 10 am to 5 pm daily (except Christmas Day). The Hindenburg Line Breaks - The Lost Battalion Returns I THE - YouTube Front line troops were allowed to move away from fire, preferably by advancing into no man's land but moves to the flanks and rear were also allowed. The attack on the north bank, to gain observation over Miraumont from the west, succeeded despite the weather and the Germans being forewarned. The young Autry was quickly attracted to a new style read more, John Klang, the principal of Weston High School in Cazenovia, Wisconsin, is shot and killed by 15-year-old student Eric Hainstock on September 29, 2006. [41] The Germans prepared a 35-day Alberich timetable; infrastructure in the salient was to be destroyed and buildings demolished from 9 February 15 March. Constructed between the northern coast and Verdun, each . Roads built on causeways over marshy ground between the river and canal, caused water to form pools 0.5mi (0.80km) wide, making crossings practical only at the causeways. The defeat of Russia gave the German leadership a final opportunity to avoid defeat, rather than the attempts to compete with Allied numerical and industrial superiority, through economic warfare in the Atlantic and the domestic initiatives of the Hindenburg Programme, the Auxiliary Service Law and temporary demobilisation of skilled workers from the army. ONLINE: Breaking the Hindenburg Line - Western Front Association On 8 February, a battalion of the 17th Division took a trench overlooking Saillisel and held it, despite German counter-attacks that continued on 9 February. Paul von Hindenburg - Wikipedia Accession Number: The bombing offensive against Britain, acted to divert Anglo-French air defence resources, which slowed the rate at which the German air service was outnumbered in France. It was considered that the Somme front, the area between Arras and Lille, the Aisne front, Lorraine and Flanders were particularly threatened. [32], During periods of fine weather in October 1916, British reconnaissance flights had reported new defences being built far behind the Somme front; on 9 November, reconnaissance aircraft found a new line of defences from Bourlon Wood to Quant, Bullecourt, the river Sense and Hninel, to the German third line near Arras. The industrial mobilisation needed to fulfil the Hindenburg Programme increased demand for skilled workers, Zurckgestellte (recalled from the army) or exempted from conscription. [78], When British patrols probing German outposts found them unoccupied, the Allies began a cautious advance, slowed by German destruction of the transport infrastructure. [104] German troops were short of food, had worn out clothes and boots and the retreat back to the Hindenburg Line had terminally undermined their morale. The entire Hindenburg Line, from St. Quentin to Cambrai, was soon in Allied hands, after one of the . The German withdrawal was helped by a thaw, which turned roads behind the British front into bogs and by disruption to the Allied railways that supplied the Somme front. [97] The French Groupe d'armes du Nord (GAN) attacked the Hindenburg Line at St Quentin on 13 April with no success and the "decisive" offensive by the French Groupe d'armes de Rserve (GAR) began on 16 April between Vailly and Rheims. Supply difficulties had also begun to increase on the Third Army and Fourth Army fronts before the German withdrawals. Australian and US troops spearheaded this battle, given the task of breaking defences in the centre. Accession Number: Velasquez and the organizations he founded are credited with dramatically increasing political awareness and participation among the Hispanic communities of read more, On September 29, 2008, after Congress failed to pass a $700 billion bank bailout plan, the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.68 pointsat the time, the largest single-day point loss in its history. The buildings of Nesle, Ham, Noyon and several villages were excluded from the plan and 10,00015,000 French civilians were to be left behind in them, while 150,000 able-bodied civilians were to be evacuated to work in the rest of occupied France and Belgium. March was considered the earliest that the Anglo-French could attack, with a possible delay if a Russian offensive was also planned. The Hindenburg Line- the last and strongest of the German army's defence - consisted of three well-defended trench systems, established in 1917. The 1st Army commander, General Fritz von Below and his Chief of Staff Colonel Fritz von Loberg rejected this layout since smoke and dust would make artillery observation from such positions impossible. Hindenburg Line - Spartacus Educational Foley, R. T. "The Other Side of the Wire: The German Army in 1917". By 7am the 4 th Australian Division had seized practically all of its objectives in the Hindenburg Line, and the leaders began to consolidate their position. The Hindenburg Line : North Carolina Museum of History : Free Download Germans Withdraw to Hindenburg Line, Wilson Decides On War - Mental Floss "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. An illustration of a magnifying glass. RELATED ( 2 ) hindenburg Flickr/Boston Public Library. The first sign of a German retreat was seen on 14 March when fires were seen in St Pierre Vaast Wood. Deliberate attacks were mounted in early April to take Holnon Wood, Savy (where the German garrison had to be overwhelmed by house-to-house fighting), Holnon, Slency (including six German field guns) and Francilly Slency. [55] Outpost villages close to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) south of Quant had to be held by the Germans for longer than expected, because of the need to complete the additions to the defences being built to remedy defects in the original position. The most successful divisions in the pursuit were those that had been on the Somme for a considerable time, rather than the newer divisions, which were fresh and had trained for open warfare in England. To the north of Bellicourt, however, the 3rd Australian Division was encountering stiff resistance in the Hindenburg Line itself west of the village of Bony (still to the west of the underground canal, which also shows the lack of progress in the northern section on 29th September) which resulted in a period of fierce hand-to-hand fighting . Australian, British, French and American forces participated in the attack on the line, which began with the marathon bombardment, using 1,637 guns along a 10,000-yard-long front. GK - International Boundaries - The British attacked again on 7 May with the 7th Division towards Bullecourt and the 1st Australian Brigade west along the Hindenburg trenches, which met at the second objective. Using only eight tanks (as well as dummy tanks to distract the Germans), they broke through German positions and took 4,300 prisoners. [31], British and French plans for 1917 were agreed at an Allied conference at Chantilly from 1516 November 1916. Deep dug-outs in the front line were to be replaced by many more smaller, shallow Mannschafts-Eisen-Beton-Unterstnde (MEBU shelters) with most built towards the rear of the defensive areas. By calling up the 1898 class of recruits early in November 1916, the pool was increased to 763,000 men in February 1917 but the larger army would become a wasting asset. An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow. Recalled to duty at the start of World War I, Hindenburg shared power with Erich read more, The 1930s in the United States began with an historic low: more than 15 million Americansfully one-quarter of all wage-earning workerswere unemployed. Ludendorff rejected the proposal next day but British attacks on the 1st Army, particularly the action of Miraumont/Battle of Boom Ravine (1718 February), caused Rupprecht on the night of 22 February, to order a preliminary withdrawal of about 4mi (6.4km) between Essarts and Le Transloy to Riegel I Stellung. Lossberg and Hoen doubted that relief divisions could arrive quickly enough to counter-attack before Allied infantry had consolidated. 0. The line ran from Arras to Laffaux, near Soissons on the Aisne. The British Fourth and Fifth armies organised all-arms forces of cavalry squadrons, infantry and cyclist battalions and artillery batteries, some of which had armoured-car units attached. Ernst von Wrisberg (de) Deputy Minister of the Prussian Ministry of War, responsible for raising new units, had grave doubts about the wisdom of this increase in the army but was over-ruled by Ludendorff. During the first World war Russia inflicted huge losses on German army forcing them to fall back to Eastern Front. Flooding in Tincourt-Boucly, April 1917. Another two-trench system (Siegfried II Stellung) was planned near the artillery reserve positions, which were about 3,000yd (1.7mi; 2.7km) behind the existing battery positions, to be built as soon as labour became available. A well researched and logically structured technical account of a . Primary Documents - Sir Douglas Haig's 3rd Despatch (German Retreat to the Hindenburg Line), 31 May 1917 Reproduced below is the text of Sir Douglas Haig's third despatch as British Army Commander-in-Chief, dated 31 May 1917. No need to register, buy now! After capturing the St. Quentin Canal with a creeping barrage of fire126 shells for each 500 yards of German trench over an eight-hour periodthe Allies were able to successfully breach the Hindenburg Line on September 29. [59] GAN had been on ten-day's notice to attack (about fourteen days before Groupe d'armes du Centre (GAC) attacked on the Aisne) between the Oise and Avre rivers. The Wotan Line was the northernmost section of the Hindenburg Line, between. A German breakthrough attempt was rejected for lack of means and the consequences of failure. Artillery observation posts were built in the front-trench system or in front of it. Places of Pride, the National Register of War Memorials, is a new initiative designed to record the locations and photographs of every publicly accessible memorial across Australia. He fought in the Austro-Prussian War and in the Franco-German War, and retired as a general in 1911. Ans. In nine days British, French and US forces crossed the Canal du Nord, broke through the Hindenburg Line and took 36,000 prisoners and 380 guns. A few attacks were made on German cavalry and infantry caught in the open but this had little influence on ground operations. E03366. German troop movements were well concealed and rarely seen from the air and it was usually ground fire that alerted aircrew to their presence. [26], In much of the new position, the new principle of reverse-slope positions with artillery-observation posts to the rear was not followed. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. The Hindenburg Line was a massive defense in depth, with reinforced concrete bunkers and trench lines, fields of barbed wire, machine gun nests, and minefields. Nivelle had already decided to use the French troops released by the shorter front to reinforce the line in Champagne. [53], The 2nd Army conducted the withdrawal with the line-holding divisions, which were fresher than the divisions of the 1st Army and assisted by several cavalry divisions and cyclist battalions. Photo, Print, Drawing Hindenburg Line, Argonne Forest, France, 1919. The Battle of the Somme further reduced the German reserve of ammunition and when the infantry was forced out of the front position, the need for Sperrfeuer (defensive barrages), to compensate for the lack of obstacles, increased. Russia would be slow to mobilize. The English dubbed it "the Hindenburg Line" and only managed to breach its strongest section, the Siegfriedstellung, in September 1918, leading directly to Germany's collapse. Next day the "Red Patch" was attacked again and a small part held after German counter-attacks. [13][14] Another front in the west was to be opened by the resumption of air attacks on Britain. By the end of the Third Battle of Ypres in November 1917, the effectiveness of the methods of defence introduced in 1917 had been eroded and continuation of a defensive strategy in the west was made impossible. The northern outpost villages were lost on 2 April and Lempire fell on 5 April. [29], When front-line garrisons and their supports were unable to hold or recapture the front-line, they were to defend positions even if surrounded, to give time for a counter-attack by reserve divisions. 2022 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Iraq and Iran are divided by which of the following lines? Omissions? There were wild claims that the enemy was boiling down the dead, and this was exploited by the allies propaganda system. [93], The first attack of the Nivelle Offensive by the British First and Third armies came at Arras, north of the Hindenburg Line on 9 April and inflicted a substantial defeat on the German 6th Army, which occupied obsolete defences on forward slopes. It comprised four parallel defensive structures. The Hindenburg Line, constructed in 1916, ran over 100 kilometres between Arras and Laffaux. All rights reserved. A thaw set in on 16 February, which, with the Germans alerted to the attack by a deserter, led to the attack on the south bank advancing only 1,000yd (910m) at most and to the capture Boom Ravine (Baum Mulde). The TVA was envisioned as a read more, The Social Security Act, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, created Social Security, a federal safety net for elderly, unemployed and disadvantaged Americans. [77], Beach concluded that evidence of German intentions had been collected by air reconnaissance, spy reports and debriefings of refugees and escaped prisoners of war but that German deception measures made information gleaned from intermittent air reconnaissance during the frequent bad flying weather over the winter appear unremarkable. 12 September - 12 October 1918, the Battles of the Hindenburg Line. Work began on another defensive position in the autumn of 1917, with the original Hindenburg Line as its front-trench system. The Hindenburg line lies between Poland and Germany, and it was created as a German Defensive line in French territory during World War II. The German retirement was so swift and the amount of artillery fire was so small, that telephone wires were cut far less frequently than expected. The western front commanders were told that no reserves were available for offensive operations, except those planned for Romania. Divisions from the Fourth Army had been moved south, to take over former French positions and I Anzac Corps had been transferred to the Fifth Army to compensate for divisions sent north to the Third Army by 6 February, which left the Anglo-French forces in the area depleted. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [15], As part of the defensive strategy for the Western Front, five defensive positions were planned to form the basis of the Abwehrschlacht (defensive battle) expected in 1917. Wires were attached to useful items like stove chimneys and loot; trip-wires on the stairs of dugouts were connected to bundles of hand-grenades. The British attack broke through the Siegfried I Stellung but was contained in the rear battlezone (rckwrtige Kampfzone) by the Siegfried II Stellung, which had been built on the east side of the St Quentin canal on this part of the front. Steel-reinforced concrete dug-outs for infantry squads and artillery-observation posts were standard designs and all woodwork was made to a pattern. The French breakthrough attempt was defeated but forced the Germans to abandon the area between Braye, Cond and Laffaux and withdraw to the Hindenburg Line from Laffaux Mill, along the Chemin des Dames to Courtecon. [6] The new programme was intended to create a trebling of artillery and machine-gun output and a doubling of munitions and trench mortar production. Allison, a member of the Northwest American Everest Expedition, climbed the Himalayan peak using the read more, On September 29, 2005, New York Times reporter Judith Miller is released from a federal detention center in Alexandria, Virginia, after agreeing to testify in the investigation into the leaking of the identity of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame. History of the Hindenburg Line The following commentary about Hindenburg Line in the Churchill Era is produced by the Churchill College (Cambridge): German defences completed in April 1917, running from Arras to the River Aisne. Battlefields, battles and places. The Siegfriedstellung (Siegfried Position, known to the British as the Hindenburg Line) was to be built across the base of the Noyon Salient, from Neuville Vitasse near Arras, through St Quentin and Laon, the Aisne east of Soissons to Cerny en Laonnois on the Chemin des Dames ridge. In 1918 the Hindenburg Line was the starting point of the Kaiserschlacht, the "emperor's battle", which the Germans launched on 21 March. Rupprecht refused to delay implementation of Operation Alberich (the Alberich Bewegung) but having inspected the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) on 27 February, sanctioned the 1st Army proposal and provided three divisions and 15,000 labourers for the new construction, which turned the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) into the Siegfried I Stellung. Hindenburg Line is in between - By this the time all the tanks had been knocked out of action , but the position in the Hindenburg Line could be maintained if enough bombs and ammunition could be brought forward and if . A British operation in Flanders was also agreed, to begin several weeks after the main offensives further south. The German army evacuated the towns in the area they'd conceded. Breaking the Hindenburg Line: The capture of St Quentin Canal Order-neisse Line is the border between Poland and Germany, running along the Order&Beisse rivers, adopted at the poland Conference (August 1945). The costly battles at Verdun and the Somme had been much more demanding on German divisions and they had to be relieved after only a few days in the front line, lasting about 14 days on the Somme. Harry Carroll said, "Youre a liar. Infantry of the 1/8th Royal Warwicks crossed that evening and were then ferried over the river beyond on rafts, to become the first Allied troops into Pronne. Troops for the extra divisions of the expansion ordered by Hindenburg and Ludendorff could be found by combing out rear-area units but most would have to be drawn from the pool of replacements, which had been depleted by the losses of 1916 and although new classes of conscripts would top up the pool, casualty replacement would become much more difficult once the pool had to maintain a larger number of divisions. Section of the Hindenburg Line ) northern coast and Verdun, each offensive operations, except those planned for.! 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