manager salary Often to prevent them from working for competitors during that time. A person employed by a travel company as a tourist guide. Microblogging - In the UK, a legal agreement between a company and its shareholders and/or creditors in which the company will pay what debts it can as an alternative to bankruptcy. - Pay As You Earn. Pro Tem - The amount a producer, retailer, etc., puts on the price of the goods or services they are selling in order to make a profit. recession - Ready made pictures of computerised graphic art which can be copied by computer users to add to their own documents. - The substitution of a neutral or positive word/phrase with a replacement word/phrase that has a more negative/pesimistic effect. See Bilateral and For example, the notion that planet Earth tends to balance itself, adjusting life-forms in response to environmental conditions. Basic. Definitions of an economic depression vary greatly, from two to ten years or more, characterized by extremely deep levels of negative indicators such as unemployment, credit and money supply, living standards, and reduced GDP, etc. . A collection of products or services which consumers buy on a regular basis, and the prices which are paid for them. - A loan in which two companies in separate countries borrow each other's money at the same time for a specific period at an agreed upon interest rate. Postage And Packing [140] Hoover's victory was positively received by newspapers; one wrote that Hoover would "drive so forcefully at the tasks now before the nation that the end of his eight years as president will find us looking back on an era of prodigious achievement". regarding the environment, or to change laws. A1 Retail Park - The defrocking of a minister or priest. He also feared that allowing individuals on the "dole" would permanently weaken the country. - A cheque, security, etc., which can be exchanged for money by the person in possession. - The purchase of one company by another. Commercial products which are associated with a film, pop group, TV show, celebrity, etc., such as toys, clothing, food products, household items, etc. To reorganise a company's capital structure by exchanging preferred stock for bonds, usually to reduce taxes. Fewer than 350 remain in the wild. In politics or democratic situations such as trade unions it refers to an authorisation for leadership to act based on election or vote. Sub Judice WebBig Blue Interactive's Corner Forum is one of the premiere New York Giants fan-run message boards. Net Assets SET Cube Farm While Stockholm Syndrome chiefly and originally refers to hostage situations the term extends to other forms of 'traumatic bonding', not necessarily dependent on a hostage situation, more broadly describing the somewhat counter-intuitive tendency among certain folk for strong emotional connections to develop within an abusive relationship. The term alludes to the older expression 'black market', and is used or analysed most commonly from the standpoint of manufacturers, who generally regard grey markets as threatening to their marketing distribution and pricing strategies. Impeach He currently serves on the Board of Advisors for Hoyos Integrity, a startup company employing biometric blockchain technology for secure communications and digital payments, and vice chairman of IBM. [20] From 1943 to 1944, Humphrey was a professor of political science at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where he headed the university's recently created international debate department, which focused on the international politics of World War II and the creation of the United Nations. Following a successful Viet Cong hit-and-run attack on a US military installation at Pleiku on February 7, 1965 (where 7 Americans were killed and 109 wounded), Humphrey returned from Georgia to Washington D.C., to attempt to prevent further escalation. 'lifestyle businesses' [134] The same day, during a speech in Washington, Johnson announced Humphrey would have the position of giving assistance to governmental civil rights programs. a dot or a square, printed at the beginning of each item on a list. The American Bell Telephone Company (which became American Telephone & Telegraph Company, AT&T) was named after Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922, Scottish/British/US/Canadian scientist and inventor (of the first viable telephone, amongst other things). - A benefit given to employees in addition to their salary, such as a company car, pension scheme, paid holidays, etc. Fraud. Discriminating Duty Local Content Measure - To charge somebody, usually a government official, with serious misconduct. - Debts which are owed to someone, obligations or responsibilities which are legally binding. Overmanned With Pan-European retail operations in over 20 major markets in Europe, AEC is uniquely equipped to adapt to our clients needs to provide a tailored market-entry approach. Vertical Equity "[121], At Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, on October 2, Humphrey said the general election would give voters a choice between his running mate and a candidate "who curses the darkness and never lights a candle". - A place, often a clothing factory, where people work long hours in poor conditions for low wages. Liabilities - A transaction in which employees purchase all or most of a company's shares, thereby gaining control of the company. To assist the emergency manager in issuing more timely and effective public alert and warning messages for floods caused by dam breaches, controlled dam releases, and levee breaches or overtopping. - Money owed to another person or organisation, such as a loan, mortgage, etc., which is required to be paid back, usually with interest. Natural Wastage (people/person/member) - Also layman, or laywoman - Lay means non-professional, non-expert - ordinary member(s), of the public or of an organization, typically referring to religious communities, often relating to professions such as law and medicine, but potentially in any situation where non-professionals/experts are differentiated from qualified/professionals. Labour Law [87] The following year, famed British economist John Maynard Keynes wrote in The Economic Consequences of the Peace that if Hoover's realism, "knowledge, magnanimity and disinterestedness" had found wider play in the councils of Paris, the world would have had "the Good Peace". - A meeting or conference at which experts discuss a particular topic, often with audience participation. [24] The daughter of a banker from Monterey, California, Lou Henry decided to study geology at Stanford after attending a lecture delivered by John Branner. Screensaver programs were originally used to prevent damage to the screen. He promoted international trade by opening overseas offices to advise businessmen. Plimsoll WebIn 1932, Berlin treaty (1926) expired and Germany's modern healthcare system started shortly after the expiration of Berlin Treaty. - An official allocation of something, or a limited amount of people allowed. in sales training materials). - The financial meaning of a bond is normally a debt/investment instrument issued by a company or country for a period of more than a year, with fixed interest rates and a firm and full repayment date. - The situation in businesses and organisations when people are protected, e.g. A small memory card used in portable devices such as mobile phones, cameras, etc. ---------------------------------------------------. Price Mechanism - A high interest, usually unsecured, loan in which the lender often has the right to obtain shares in the business which has acquired the loan. - Known in the US as an Investment Bank. The word is from Greek, heuriskein, to find. - To change the name , brand or logo of an existing product or business, especially cars. - A language term referring to understatement, used for emphasis, often ironically, in which the negative-opposite is used instead of the positive expression, for example, "It wasn't the best presentation I've ever given," when the speaker means that they considered it to have been a particularly poor one. - Named after merchant Samuel Plimsoll. Screening Interview Kudos Adjunct enthusiasts (the '80-20 Rule') that's 3.3% of listed companies, accounting for 80% of total market value of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, which is even by Pareto standards an extreme ratio of concentration. Also called a nihilartikel, from the Latin nihil meaning nothing, and the German word artikel. Rider - Term which is used to describe the police tactic of penning protesters into an area by forming a barrier around them and refusing to let them out. Therefore definitions of ethics tend to be rather vague and open, and tend to include and depend on words which have varying interpretations too, such as morality, and justice, duty, etc. - Also known as the Eurozone. - Language or an action which is considered not to be Yeoman Corporate Veil - The origins and history/development/movement of a created work (originally referring to art work, but now extending to any created work, such as writings, computer programs, etc) such as to provide record and evidence of the creator, reliability, ownership, adaptation, etc., of the work, thereby demonstrating or supporting the work's authenticity and quality. - A person who is responsible for maintaining a website. By February 11, 2017, The Wall Street Journal described Cohn as an "economic-policy powerhouse",[24][25] and The New York Times called him Trump's "go-to figure on matters related to jobs, business, and growth". [266] Though Eisenhower appointed Hoover to another presidential commission, Hoover disliked Eisenhower, faulting the latter's failure to roll back the New Deal. - To bring two disputing sides together to discuss the problem with the aim of reaching an agreement. Below is a list of famous genericized trademarks; some are no longer registered/protected, and protections may vary in different parts of the world. Blamestorming The balance between work and leisure in life does not significantly alter despite massive technological advancement. - A [293] His wife was inducted into the hall in 1990. - A derogatory term for someone who opposes or disapproves of new technology and/or new methods of working, often because the changes threaten jobs. - A small shop or outlet typically selling fashionable and expensive items such as clothing. A country's money supply which can be exchanged, for example coins, bank notes, bank cheques, travellers cheques, etc. - Describes a company, business, etc., which does not have enough workers to function properly. [227] Prohibition was increasingly unpopular and wets offered the argument that states and localities needed the tax money. [85] In addition to providing relief, the ARA rebuilt infrastructure in an effort to rejuvenate the economy of Europe. As capacity increases, so does traffic to fill it. To eliminate waste, he encouraged standardization of products like automobile tires and baby bottle nipples. Economic Union By implication, where corporate governance is correctly established and operated there is a cascading effect of high quality entirely throughout the organization (such that problems rarely arise, and wherever they do they are rectified satisfactorily and measures taken to ensure no repeat). (Gross Domestic Product)". - The amount of capital invested in a company by shareholders. [198], As part of his efforts to limit unemployment, Hoover sought to cut immigration to the United States, and in 1930 he promulgated an executive order requiring individuals to have employment before migrating to the United States. Hoover was honored with a state funeral in which he lay in state in the United States Capitol rotunda. A - A legal relationship between two parties in a contract. Special Resolution The modern use of the flash mob expression naturally fits the notion of flash photography, a fast or fleeting appearance, a 'flash of inspiration', and especially the recent understanding of flash in relation to quick technology such as flash memory and flash drives. - In the UK, special commissioners are present at appeals concerning disputes between the Inland Revenue and tax payers. Schism Term Assurance - A fixed fee charged by a nightclub or a restaurant with live entertainment, which covers, or part covers, the cost of musicians, DJs, etc. Humphrey said at the time that he was urging fellow Senator and Minnesotan Walter Mondale to run, despite believing that Ted Kennedy would enter the race as well. U-Value A diagram which shows the structure of a business or organisation, showing connections between departments, jobs, etc. "[48], The Democratic Party of 1948 was split between those, mainly Northerners, who thought the federal government should actively protect civil rights for racial minorities, and those, mainly Southerners, who believed that states should be able to enforce traditional racial segregation within their borders. Pink Slip Many senators, including liberal ones, thought the idea was silly and unworkable. , these two structural ways (vertical and horizontal) of viewing the entire market-place form a matrix. - A whole consisting of the combination of smaller separate elements. - A sales technique in which the salesperson tries to persuade the customer to purchase more expensive and/or more goods than they originally intended. More generally the word heuristic describes personal learning and discovery, as distinct from being told or taught or instructed by somebody else. - The amount of gold bullion or gold coins held by a country's central bank to support its currency and provide security for its international debts. - From Buddhism, a person who seeks enlightenment for the good of, and motivated by a compassion for, other people. Sponsor and In English prior to 1121 (Chambers says) the word was 'synoth', and derives from Greek via Latin, synodos and synodus meaning a meeting or assembly, or conjunction of the planets, from Greek syn, together, and hodos, way. White Goods Carbon Credit Humphrey won the South Dakota and District of Columbia primaries, which Kennedy did not enter. Third Sector Bonus They built a very big household equipment business, and the word 'hoover' became a way to clean the floor. Yale University, Connecticut, US, is named after Elihu Yale, an early-18th century English businessman philanthropist benefactor. A company's marketing strategy which involves assessing the performance of competitors in order to determine their strengths and weaknesses. - To take back property, goods, etc., usually from an individual or organisation who has failed to repay a loan or has defaulted on a repayment plan. - A contract between an employee and an employer which specifies terms and conditions of employment, such as hours to be worked, duties to perform, etc., in return for a salary, paid benefits, paid holiday, etc., from the employer. Sex Discrimination Act Floatation - A section in a company's Memorandum Of Association which sets out the objectives of the company. Easy Monetary Policy Capitalization Issue - The practice, in the stock market, of attempting to push the price of a stock lower by selling in large numbers and often spreading unfavourable rumours about the company concerned. A computer language, which consists only of numbers, that can be read and interpreted by a computer's central processing unit (CPU). ", "Hillel at Kent State Dedicates New Cohn Jewish Student Center", "Goldman Sachs Pres. Cyber Monday Hall Test Subcontract - In the UK, a very low or nominal payment, which was originally a single peppercorn, made to secure a lease. These are the solid monuments of twenty years of effective work for liberal causes in the Senate. [123] In Tampa, Florida on October 18, a week after the resignation of Walter Jenkins amid a scandal, Humphrey said he was unaware of any potential security leaks relating to the case. - Technical language often used by computer experts which doesn't make sense to non-technical people. Click Farm - A statement written by an independent auditor which accompanies a business's financial statements, saying that the audit has been limited, e.g., because the auditor may not have been able to collect all the information required to carry out a full audit. An image which is flashed onto a screen, usually for about one second, or a message played at low volume, that can influence the person watching or listening but they are not aware of what they have seen and/or heard. 86 - The term refers to a situation where something becomes hugely publicized as a result of attempts to keep it private, banned, censored or forbidden. The word is pronounced 'nemonic' and is commonly misspelled ('numonic'). - An emergency loan offered to a company or bank which is in financial trouble. - In the UK, a company which is controlled by five or less directors. tool requires no monthly subscription. House. Truman accepted some of the recommendations of the "Hoover Commission" for eliminating waste, fraud, and inefficiency, consolidating agencies, and strengthening White House control of policy. The Pavlova fruit-meringue dessert is named after Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, 18811931, for whom Australia and New Zealand claim to have devised the pudding when she visited on tour. Recall A tax paid by consumers which is added to the price of certain goods and services. Put Option Lease Purchase - Based on the notion of mutuality or return in the term 'reciprocal', reciprocity means give-and-take, such as to achieve a mutually agreeable balance. "[82] - Euphemism for a It shows start and finish dates, compares work planned to work done and tracks specific tasks. - An imaginary barrier in the workplace which prevents women and minority groups from being employed in other sectors of business or industry. Deleveraging Afterwards, Hoover's wife, Lou Henry Hoover, who had been buried in Palo Alto, California, following her death in 1944, was re-interred beside him. The phenomenon has caused significant new thinking in business, management, marketing, etc., and continues to do so. [3] He was the son of Ragnild Kristine Sannes (18831973), a Norwegian immigrant,[4] and Hubert Horatio Humphrey Sr. A small device, switch, gadget, etc., whose name is not known. Euphemisms are used widely and very wrongly by politicians and business people attempting to avoid responsibility and personal acknowledgment of mistakes, bad decisions and unjustifiable actions, etc. It's achieved through 'choice design' rather than direct enforcement/compulsion. Businessballs has been used by over 120 million people over the last 10 years. - A certificate which entitles someone to a parcel of shares. Before serving in the White House, Cohn was president and COO of Goldman Program Manager compensation at Amazon ranges from $124K per year for program-manager-ii Covenant Online or Gobbledygook or Gobbledegoo - Incomprehensible jargon. - An area of poor or lack of coverage in cellphone service or similar communications technology. - In the UK, a company's policy of favouring a disadvantaged (because of race, sex, etc.,) group by making sure that jobs are given to people in these groups. - A list of certain companies share prices, which can be compared on a day to day basis, i.e. - In the UK, the official mark of approval by the British Standards Institution, to show that a product or service is safe, reliable and of good quality. (See Short Selling). By December 1933, it had been ratified by the requisite number of states to become the Twenty-first Amendment. - A request by a company to its shareholders to invest more money. - A device which is fitted to vehicles, especially commercial vehicles, which records the speed, distance and time travelled. Another example is the commonly used "Not bad," or "Not half Bad," when referring to something very good. - Describes a retail establishment which provides an extensive range of goods and services, so the customer can purchase everything they need without having to go elsewhere. GDP Companies usually use advertising agencies for ATL marketing. Personal Liability Market Sector See also the broadly equivalent P2P (big explanation of - A system which allows employees to choose from a selection of benefits which may be tax-advantaged, such as retirement plan contributions, health benefits, etc., in addition to their salary. - The amount of money required to purchase something or to bribe someone. The term is from Jerry B Harvey's book The Abilene Paradox and other Meditations on Management (Jossey-Bass, 1988): a family decide to go to Abilene, as suggested by a family member who believes others might want to go, although he had no strong personal view himself. - A tax charged on certain goods which are brought into a country. Derived Demand
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