18 No. (ed.) To uncover how such a group copes with the stigma attached to its practices (e.g. 65-89. (1995), Subcultures of consumption: an ethnography of the new bikers, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 22-36. For example, when using the descriptors netnography OR netnographic in the literature search, some relevant articles may have been excluded if they used similar but different keywords, such as digital ethnography, virtual ethnography, online ethnography or cyber-ethnography. Gannon, V. and Prothero, A. 147-166. 37 No. 1, pp. Evidence from two exemplary Brand communities, International Journal of Information Management, Spatial, temporal and social dimensions of a destination-in-motion, Salsa magic: an exploratory netnographic analysis of the salsa experience. (2017), for example, focused on how netnography should be used and emphasized Kozinets (2002, 2006, 2010, 2015) methodological guidelines, the focus here was on mapping out what has been done under the label of netnography in the field of marketing and what future opportunities exist for service researchers. More than half of the netnographic studies in this review combined netnography with other qualitative or quantitative methods. Ten criteria for evaluating qualitative research proposals 57 No. (2014), Keyboard warriors in cyberfights: conflicts in online communities of consumption and its effects on community resources, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. Online behavior is at once a psychological, social, and technological phenomena, and qualitative approaches require both rigor and context, which Robert V. Kozinets offers in abundance. 32 No. Kozinets (2010) has written 360-373. 6, pp. 60 No. 590-607. and Cronin, J. (2011), Characterising the concept of service experience, Journal of Service Management, Vol. Cultural influences on expectations and evaluations of service quality in emerging markets, Transitioning from service management to service-dominant logic observations and recommendations, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Reinventing marketing strategy by recasting supplier/customer roles, Brando communities based in social media: how unique are they? Repeat the filtering process to ensure a representative article selection. Introducing: Netnography, Qualitative Social Media Research Methods 2, pp. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. 598-612. 6, pp. Kedzior (2014), for example, gathered all of these types of data from second life in his study on customers experiences of digital worlds. 3, pp. Online behavior is at once a psychological, social, and technological phenomena, and qualitative approaches require both rigor and context, which Robert V. Kozinets offers in abundance. 51 Nos 11/12, pp. 66 No. A thesis. This review and analysis of netnographic marketing research also has several implications for service managers. 2, pp. Social media research is subject to the same biases as any other form of research. 1156-1163. Service logic revisited: who creates value? often used in exploratory research . Article publication date: 14 September 2018. 1223-1254. Heinonen, K. and Medberg, G. (2018), "Netnography as a tool for understanding customers: implications for service research and practice", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. What is the difference between ethnography and qualitative research? Unsurprisingly, different aspects of online consumer behavior and culture have been atop the netnographic research agenda. (2011), Cynical identity projects as consumer resistance the scrooge as a social critic?, Consumption Markets & Culture, Vol. and Schau, H.J. If anybody can participate in the online communication without any restrictions, it can be defined as public communication and hence is comparable to content analysis of conventional mass media, such as newspapers and magazines (Langer and Beckman, 2005). 60-71. Hassan, M., Mydock, S., III, Pervan, S.J. 123-139. The advantages to using netnography over ethnography, focus groups, or in-depth interviews are lower cost, less obtrusive, and more naturalistic methods (Kozinets, 2009). and Bloch, P.H. Besides enhancing service providers understanding of such phenomena, netnography can provide a tool for initiating an online dialogue with dissatisfied customers. Free shipping for many products! This review reveals that the method of netnography has been used in different empirical contexts, such as tourism (Martin et al., 2007), health care (Liang and Scammon, 2011) and financial services (Medberg and Heinonen, 2014). Learn More about Embedding Videoicon link (opens in new window). 3, pp. The phenomenon of anti-consumption is largely triggered by what many perceive as unsustainable consumption practices in many developed countries. Takhar, A. and Chitakunye, P. (2012), Rich descriptions: evoking informant self-reflexivity in marketing and consumer research, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. Quantitative researchers ground their investigations in the scientific method in order to control or manipulate variables, reduce or eliminate researcher bias, and discover verifiable patterns of human behavior. This study involved analyzing 321 netnographic marketing studies published between 1997 and 2017 and providing a comprehensive overview and synthesis of the use of netnography in marketing. (2004), for instance, analyzed electronic game players online discussions about the effectiveness and appropriateness of product placement in computer games as a way for companies to promote their brands. These are the things you need to consider before starting with netnography : It is very important to decide how the researcher will be presented in front of the community, as this will completely decide the course of your research. 6, pp. 2, pp. 94-102. Kozinets, R. V. (Academic). For example, if something weighs 20 kilograms, that can be considered an objective fact. Pentina, I. and Spears, N. (2011), Reasons behind body art adoption: what motivates young adults to acquire tattoos, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol. 1-23. 3, pp. Puri, A. Netnography is a must-read for anyone engaged in or contemplating qualitative research on social media. Pacific Lutheran University. Most of the reviewed netnographic studies focused on customer conformity and similarity within specific online forums. Ertimur, B. and Gilly, M.C. Netnography runs counter to the current trend to quantify social media, producing charts and graphs based on the many ways social media networking is monitored and analyzed. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like qualitative, qualitative, qualitative and more. 36, pp. Scaraboto, D. and Fischer, E. (2013), Frustrated fatshionistas: an institutional theory perspective on consumer quests for greater choice in mainstream markets, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. (2014), Theoretical reflections on dystopian consumer culture: black metal, Marketing Theory, Vol. This review also reveals that service researchers have adopted netnography. Longitudinal research offers the possibility of capturing and understanding changes in customers processes, but it is seldom used because of the time and cost involved (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Dwivedi, M. (2009), Online destination image of India: a consumer based perspective, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. (2013), for example, used netnographic studies to provide illustrative examples of touristic food experiences. Moraes, C., Michaelidou, N. and Meneses, R.W. (2012), Collective authentication, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. Today, ethnographies are becoming more accessible and more appealing to companies due to their mobile counterparts. The product of the bricoleur's labour is a bricolage, a complex, dense . In addition, the extent to which these netnographic studies across different fields of marketing research involved traditional services, a service perspective or none of them was analyzed. Netnography takes more time and requires more skill than traditional customer satisfaction surveys, feedback forms or online polls. Fernandez, K.V., Brittain, A.J. 1332-1342. Hence, netnography offers service researchers and practitioners unprecedented opportunities to access naturalistic online data about customers, making it an important method for future service research. Understanding customers is critical for service researchers and practitioners. Have you created a personal profile? Very few of the reviewed studies followed the methodological guidelines outlined by Kozinets (2002, 2006, 2010, 2015). For simplicity, the term customer (as opposed to consumer, for example) is used in this paper. Netnography: The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media Research 51-61. 35, pp. 4, pp. 5, pp. Hence, this technique was applied in order to first gain an insight and later to, better grasp mothers' SoMe behaviour, habits and self-expression . Edvardsson, B., Gustafsson, A. and Roos, I. Home. 167-201. , Determine the Ethnographic Research Type. Roy, N., Gretzel, U., Yanamandram, V.K. 2-3, pp. 1, pp. 5, pp. 561-566. It is used to test or confirm theories and assumptions. 1) Source Data: User Generated Content on Social Media, 2) Quantitative Analysis: The number of people talking about Listerine as compared to other brands in the same segment, 3) Qualitative Analysis: The qualities that make people buy Listerine as well as insights about the product. Qualitative Netnography - social-qualitative 299-310. Although the literature is crowded with guidelines for evaluating the latter, little is offered for the qualitative reviewer. Get early access to our job board, GrowthJob. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are signed into ePass. 16 No. More specifically, the analysis focused on: the research field within marketing to which each article belonged; the marketing topics that the authors had researched; and. Ethnographic methods are a research approach where you look at people in their cultural setting, with the goal of producing a narrative account of that particular culture, against a theoretical backdrop. 2, pp. Hamilton, K. and Hewer, P. (2009), Salsa magic: an exploratory netnographic analysis of the salsa experience, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. Netnographic data are typically text-based, such as customers online comments, discussions and reviews (Black, 2011). Netnography applies ethnographic approaches to online behaviour, drawing on publicly accessible online social interactions in the same way that an ethnographer observes human behaviour in the field. At the same time, the internet has become an important source of customer insights into brands and branding. A service perspective was defined as an implicit or explicit focus on value (co-)creation through the customer lens (Edvardsson et al., 2005). This article will provide an overview of one of the many qualitative approaches, ethnography , and its relevance to healthcare. 29 Nos 7/8, pp. 127-143. 2, pp. This study reveals that netnography has been used to investigate a variety of online and offline marketing phenomena, such as online communities (Thomas and Peters, 2011), consumption experiences (Hamilton and Hewer, 2009) and brand communities (Muiz and OGuinn, 2001). 1. Belz, F.M. Hemetsberger, A. Netnographic studies have researched a broad variety of consumption experiences in many different contexts. (2011), Doing the duck: negotiating the resistant-consumer identity, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. McAfee, A. and Brynjolfsson, E. (2012), Big data: the management revolution, Harvard Business Review, pp. 21 No. Many of these movements are organized around online communities or forums in which members can discuss and share their thoughts. The final selection of articles for further review resulted in 321 articles, which were later analyzed according to the research questions. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. and Berry, L.L. Grincheva, N. (2014), The online museum: a placeless space of the civic laboratory, Museum Anthropology Review, Vol. Netnography Explained Methodspace 50 Nos 9/10, pp. 263-271. 67 No. 9, pp. The two main contributions of this paper are: its presentation of a contextual (research field), conceptual (research topic) and procedural (methodological application) overview of the body of netnography studies in marketing; and. Sigala, M. (2012), Social networks and customer involvement in new service development (NSD): the case of www.mystarbucksidea.com, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. The motive behind using netnography was analyzing the true reactions and reviews of people to the new movie. Christodoulides, G. (2009), Branding in the post-internet era, Marketing Theory, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. Quantitative research Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. Add this content to your learning management system or webpage by copying the code below into the HTML editor on the page. The abundance of traces left by customers on various online platforms is valuable data for researchers and managers (La Rocca et al., 2014; Baron and Russell-Bennett, 2016). Examples include co-creation (Cova et al., 2015), value creation (Schau et al., 2009), social networks (Zaglia, 2013), brand meaning creation (Broderick et al., 2003) and rivalries within and between brand communities (Ewing et al., 2013) and anti-brand communities (Hollenbeck and Zinkhan, 2010). How have marketing researchers applied netnography? 3, pp. (2013), Authenticating by re-enchantment: the discursive making of craft production, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. Second, netnography is an adaptable and flexible qualitative method that has proven useful in various research settings ( Kozinets, 2015 ). 4, pp. (2004), Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol. Netnography: Researching Online Populations | SpringerLink Other marketing topics that have been explored with netnography include customer value (Medberg and Heinonen, 2014), customer-to-customer (C2C) interaction (Ekpo et al., 2015), customer motivations (Wu and Pearce, 2016), customer tribes (Hamilton and Hewer, 2009), decision-making (Cross and Gilly, 2014) and cross-cultural consumption (Nelson and Otnes, 2005). Healy, M.J. and Beverland, M.B. 9, pp. 298-314. Netnography is also used to study the phenomenon of online sociability a result of the online exchange of information. As the authors pointed out, the internet offers an interactive space for consumers to construct and display their subcultural identities. The second inclusion criterion was the presence of the term netnography or netnographic in the title, keywords and/or article text. The company can validate these findings and promote the product on those lines. This paper aims to review how netnography as a method can help service researchers and practitioners to better use such data. weeks) or retroactively collect a stream of messages, postings, reviews and other content. 2 No. Rosenthal, B. and Brito, E.P.Z. 411-423. is an excellent resource for the seasoned qualitative researcher and a useful entry point for the newcomer to qualitative research. 477-501. These are close-knit communities which dont like people who contribute nothing to the community. 27 Nos 3/4, pp. 75 No. and Handelman, J.M. Instead, the objectives were to analyze the applications of netnography in marketing research and to encourage service researchers to use the method. Microblogs/Social Networks: Consumers can leave short/long posts on these platforms (like Twitter or Facebook) voicing their opinions on a particular topic. Patterson, T. and Brown, S. (2009), Never tickle a sleeping bookworm: how readers devour Harry Potter, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 36 No. In an increasingly digitalized world, where the lines between offline and online experiences are blurred in numerous ways, many studies using these research approaches could benefit from including a netnographic dimension in their research. Blogs: Blogs are run by an individual or a group of individuals as well offering their opinion on a particular product or a particular niche of products. This does not help improve the customer experience in the long term. Netnography: Range of Practices, Misperceptions, and Missed 404-412. 141-144. Several themes of variation in how netnography has been applied emerged from the analysis; they include the role of the researcher, use purpose, domain of data collection, content included, analysis and combination with other methods. Ethical questions related to using netnography as research method Is passive observation sufficient, or is active participation preferable? 11 No. 4 Nov 2022. 15 No. and Bennett, S.D. In 1995, analyzing online discussions was a way easier task than it is now! Kozinets, 1998, 2002; Sandlin, 2007; Bartl et al., 2016; Costello et al., 2017). Chandler, J.D. (2013), Transformative service research: an agenda for the future, Journal of Business Research, Vol. Watson, T.J. (2011), Ethnography, reality, and truth: the vital need for studies of how things work in organizations and management, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 10, pp. Anthropologists and sociologists used ethnography to make the unfamiliar aspects of their respective groups familiar for others. 41-50. Ultimately, the researcher must determine which kind of research best serves the goals of the study. 176-192. 3-19. It is defined as follows : Netnography is one of the latest online research methodologies which is generally used to understanding social interactions in an unsupervised environment. Since 2008, there has been a rapid increase in netnography publications in the marketing field. 303-319. Weijo, H., Hietanen, J. and Mattila, P. (2014), New insights into online consumption communities and netnography, Journal of Business Research, Vol. At the same time, the world is becoming increasingly globalized. 11 No. 3, pp. Netnography is an approach to online research that was introduced to the fields of marketing and consumer research in 1996 (see Kozinets, 1997, 2012). (1998), Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory, 2nd Edition, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. Qualitative Netnography - social-qualitative Qualitative Netnography We broaden the social listening and the web monitoring also in the qualitative analysis of small/smart data through a netnographic phase (we like to call it ironically "word of mouse", meaning a desk analysis of digital [n]ethnography) Rust, R.T. and Huang, M.H. What are the steps of ethnographic research? Nguyen, H.P., Chen, S. and Mukherjee, S. (2014), Reverse stigma in the Freegan community, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 882-911. 66 No. Look for the words HTML. The first criterion for an articles inclusion was publication in English in a peer-reviewed journal within the discipline of marketing. (2011), Collaborative value co-Creation in crowd-Sourced Online communitiesacknowledging and resolving competing commercial and communal orientations, Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. To that end, there may be alternative ways of designing future netnographies. Netnography could be successfully combined with, for example, grounded theory, narrative research, action research, case studies, focus groups, feminist research and critical research. Hsu, S.-Y., Dehuang, N. and Woodside, A.G. (2009), Storytelling research of consumers self- reports of urban tourism experiences in China, Journal of Business Research, Vol. Ewing, M.T., Wagstaff, P.E. Qualitative vs. Quantitative - Loyola Marymount University - LMU For example, Giesler and Pohlmann (2003) used netnography to understand the meanings and activities surrounding the file-sharing system Napster.com, which the authors conceptualized as a community based on a culture of sharing music. and Lusch, R.F. Key Words: Netnography, Internet Research, Ethnography, Online Community, and Research Methods . 6, pp. Misopoulos, F., Mitic, M., Kapoulas, A. and Karapiperis, C. (2014), Uncovering customer service experiences with Twitter: the case of airline industry, Management Decision, Vol. Keinan, A. and Kivetz, R. (2011), Productivity orientation and the consumption of collectable experiences, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 46 No. 2011. doi:10.4135/9781412995511. Podoshen, J.S. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Netnography : The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media Research by Robert Kozinets (2019, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! In addition to obtaining permission to access data from peoples smart devices, service researchers can equip selected informants with such technology for use in their everyday lives and still elicit naturalistic data. Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. (2010), Understanding consumer-to-consumer interactions in virtual communities: the salience of reciprocity, Journal of Business Research, Vol. There is a large amount of data available currently which can be analyzed with netnography. 4, pp. Therefore, a critical issue for future research is to raise awareness of the diverging adherence of prior studies to the original principles of netnography (Kozinets, 2002). Should existing or potential customers be studied? Netnography: The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media Research Gummesson, E., Kuusela, H. and Nrvnen, E. (2014), Reinventing marketing strategy by recasting supplier/customer roles, Journal of Service Management, Vol. Originally developed as a response to customers increasing internet use (Kozinets, 1997), netnography is based on an ethnographic research approach to studying and understanding consumption-related aspects of customers lives online (Kozinets, 2006). What is netnography?, SAGE Video. 27 No. 67 No. Quantitative data is fixed and "universal," while qualitative data is subjective and dynamic. 569-576. 126-149. Kozinets, R.V. Luo, X., Songshan, H. and Brown, G. (2014), Backpacking in China: a netnographic analysis of donkey friends travel behaviour, Journal of China Tourism Research, Vol. More than 20% of Listerine consumers believe that the product is too harsh. Hartmann, B.J. Identifying opportunities for improvement or capitalizing on strong points to enhance them further. A good ethnography will provide hundreds if not thousands of data points. By observing and interacting with customers online, service firms can generate novel customer insights (Kozinets, 2018). Baumgartner, H. and Pieters, R. (2003), The structural influence of marketing journals: a citation analysis of the discipline and its subareas over time, Journal of Marketing, Vol. In the following filtering process, all the articles were carefully read by the authors and a final inclusion criterion was established: for an article to be included, it had to be an empirical study fully or partly using the netnography method. Griffin, A. and Hauser, J.R. (1993), The voice of the customer, Marketing Science, Vol. Russell, C.A. Such data are likely to be more difficult to retrieve unobtrusively than information from traditional areas of the internet (e.g. Perhaps most debated is Kozinets (2002) ethical guidelines that a netnographer should always: fully disclose his/her presence and intentions; ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of informants; seek and incorporate feedback from online community members; and. You must have a valid academic email address to sign up. These online forums enabled the authors to access rich details about Freegans belief systems and illustrate how these stigmatized individuals redirect stigma toward the normative culture as a stigma management strategy. 486-493. The results of this extensive review and analysis have yielded empirical, theoretical and methodological recommendations for future netnographic service research. (2005), Service portraits in service research: a critical review, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 13, pp. However, all qualitative data can be coded quantitatively. Video, 00:11:09. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781412995511. 38-52. 3 No. Ethnographic research is a qualitative method where researchers observe and/or interact with a study's participants in their real-life environment. 1, pp. Even if companies rarely publish collected data, practitioners should still be as transparent as possible in any researched online environment. Netnography provides service researchers with tremendous opportunities to study this transformative process and its implications for customers and society. Users are much more likely to divulge sensitive details and honest, unfiltered opinions in an unsupervised environment. Netnography, is a specific type of qualitative social media research. 2, pp. In addition to text, videos and photos, Healy and Beverland (2013) collected digital audio recordings from relevant websites in their study on the furry subculture. Quantitative data is gathered by measuring and counting. 238-245. 2, pp. 103-109. 493-502.. Not surprisingly, the analysis revealed a rapid growth in the use of netnography by marketing researchers. 18 No. and Chen, T. (2014), Exploring positively- versus negatively-valenced Brand engagement: a conceptual model, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 185-206. Collecting and analyzing such extensive data, however, is one of the main challenges in todays service marketing research and practice (Aksoy, 2013; Baron and Russell-Bennett, 2016). 3, pp. and Zinkhan, G.M. What are the similarities and differences between ethnography - Quora Furthermore, networked gamespaces, instant messaging chats and new forms of mobile communication technologies (e.g. Who should be responsible for data collection and analysis? In addition, accessing internal corporate online communication is difficult without the permission of the company. There will also be different levels of interest portrayed in your product and the data collected from them will be different too. Ferguson, R. (2008), Word of mouth and viral marketing: taking the temperature of the hottest trends in marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. In todays environment of digitalization, netnography is more relevant than ever before (Simmons, 2008; Tikkanen et al., 2009; Rokka, 2010). Fller, J., Matzler, K. and Hoppe, M. (2008), Brand community members as a source of innovation, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. A netnography of a B2B service providers intranet or internal chat could, for example, enable a deeper understanding of professional service managers mind-sets and internal marketing efforts. 1 . Exploring brides online communities, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Vol. Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. 1, pp. 65-71. (2014), The emerging shanghai city Brand: a netnograpic study of image perception among foreigners, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 7-22.. Grnroos, C. (1984), A service quality model and its marketing implications, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. As Bou-Franch and Blitvich (2014) indicated, these online platforms offer researchers unprecedented access to the unfolding of conflicts. Anything that is qualitative can be assigned meaningful numerical values. 37 No. Qualitative UX Research: Complete Guide for Beginners [2022] 162-174. Some studies were strongly focused on ethnography with some online elements (e.g. He explains that it is a particularly good method to examine the relationship between online and real life activities, but it is so new that some academics feel it is not rigorous. The phenomena of construction, negotiation and adaptation of consumers identities have all been researched through netnographic enquiry. Liang and Scammon (2011), for example, adopted netnography in their study of e-WOM on health social networking sites and revealed that more-informed community members provided less-informed members with advice, guidance and support. Ostrom, A.L., Parasuraman, A., Bowen, D.E., Patrcio, L. and Voss, C.A.
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