However, Reverse-Flash was surprised when the Flash addressed him by his real name, revealing the Flash already met him at some point in the future and that the Flash had seen him die. [36] He once met Queen at a charity event, with one of the subjects of discussion being Oliver. The two fought inside the Allen house around Nora, each landing solid hits on each other but their skills were fairly equal. As they prepared, Eobard vowed the two would meet again and the Flash agreed but also vowed to stop him every time, and both the Flash and Reverse-Flash sped around the particle accelerator's ring. Privacy Policy. Labs' pipeline prison. Thawne agreed and taunted Flash by wondering what face he'd wear the next time they'd meet. [60] However, Eobard's role in Nora's death is never mentioned in the historical records. Cisco Ramon, one of the most popular and well-known villains in the DC Comics Universe, was killed by Harrison Wells in the Flash episode The Return of Harrison Wells. Ramon was the supervillain known for his powerful super-sonic abilities and his elaborate plans to take over the world. Now that his plan is finally able to come into motion, he convinced Nora that he was not a threat by listing off the ways his cell was speedster-proof with a backup in case of failure. In the Time Vault, Thawne pulled a hand gun and Gideon said it was a crude weapon. Then theres thisquestion: Is there now a parallel universe with no Flash? Thawne was then approached by Barry to present a new equation to getting faster, surprising Thawne to see that Barry had devised such a complex equation with Barry's knowledge in such a short time. However, Eobard fired Arthur for apparent insanity around 2012. Confused yet curious, Eobard talked to Cisco and deduced he must have a history with him in the future, but was confused as to why the engineer only wanted to know how his ring worked. In the force-field, Thawne created a life-like speed mirage of himself then suiting up as Reverse-Flash in his hologram's place and repeatedly punched his after image, making it appear to everyone else that Reverse-Flash was trying to kill him. As he considered his partnership with Malcolm and Damien over, Eobard ignored any calls from his two subordinates. Labs tearfully quitting the team in shame, having been released by Leonard and Lisa after revealing the Flash's secret identity or Dante would've been killed, however, Thawne reminded Cisco that choosing between loved ones is an impossible choice and Cisco regardless is still family and stays. And which guy reallyhas Iris heart? Vibe then opened the portal in the air, making Reverse-Flash fall right into Elongated Man's large hand which punched the speedster far into the air. Reverse-Flash arrived in January 2016, Central City. Thawne is backed up by his "friends"; Ryan Choi uses a "shrink ray" to shrink Thawne which saved him from Barry's lightning bolt. When the team later learned that Bette's condition couldn't be reversed, Thawne met with Plastique, and manipulated Plastique into killing Eiling. They talked to Barry when the youth reached Stagg Industries and Thawne noted that his protg had to find Multiplex's prime self. [3][7] It's possible that, like the previous version of himself, Eobard justified his actions by the fact that his victims had been "dead for centuries" from his point of view. prison. After Hartley is locked up in the meta-human prison, Thawne asked how Hartley figured out that the Flash worked with S.T.A.R. As he declared his victory and dived in for the kill, Eddie shot himself in the heart, causing Reverse-Flash's body to flux uncontrollably as his existence began to fade. Labs' safety but was seemingly killed in the process, Cisco called Thawne down to the chamber. Wells Kill Nora Allen by I.B. While Thawne desperately searched for a solution, Farooq attacked S.T.A.R. The fight also somehow caused the sky to turn a deep crimson color. As Barry started to fall unconscious, Eobard expressed his desire to just kill Barry, before saying this time he's got to be the hero, and hauled his nemesis through the Speed Force, coming back to 2000, moments after the Flash's and Reverse-Flash's younger selves had fought for the second time. Eobard offers Damien a partnership to aid him in his plans in exchange for rewriting Damien's own destiny. Thawne told Cisco to never do anything as to build such a weapon again, though he was unaware of another weapon that Cisco had built which was also stolen. Labs, determined to subduing Clyde. [34][32], Due to hiding behind Wells's identity for 15 years, Eobard adapted and evolved every situation to better suit his agenda under his disguise. Reveling at his old workplace by taking a drive in his wheelchair once again, Thawne mentioned how he hated this life for fifteen years and wished to escape. Eobard exasperatedly remarked on his associates' results (referring to Malcolm as a washout and Damien as a dead man) and sped off. However his ambitions to contribute to society and the world began to distort into a bottomless gaping pit of envy and hunger for power when he was broken psychologically by the fact that will always live in the shadow of his idol by being overshadowed by him in greatest moment where he felt he had to prepared and was destined to present himself to the world and earn their welcome as their hero. The two later assisted Barry in going after a mist-controlling meta-human inside the Central City Shopping Mall. Back at Fast Track Labs, Eobard and Meena apologized for the trouble caused with the BLOC, but the Flash replied that their bond and love could actually help them adjust the BLOC so that Meena would control these powers, as he described Eobard being Meena's lightning rod, akin to the Flash's own lightning rod. As his former idol was disgusted to learn what was behind Eobard's motivations, even revealing that someone had been killed by Eobard's future self, Eobard angrily stated that he had become better than the Flash and was the one thing the Flash could never stop. After the dagger was destroyed, Eobard was freed, moments before his execution. Taking Rip to their facility, Eobard demanded Rip tell him about the Spear of Destiny but Rip claimed not to know anything, and had Malcolm and Damien torture their hostage to make talk.[90]. The trio set up an ambush in the bank with Eobard as bait to draw Black Flash in, though Eobard is able to remain invisible to the Black Flash by not using his speed as Black Flash raced throughout the bank searching for him. When he's "introduced" to Barry by Meena, Eobard is quickly confronted by Barry about being Reverse-Flash to which Eobard somewhat shockingly yet calmly replied that he doesn't know what Barry is talking about and that he's not Reverse-Flash. I taught you everything you know. The reason Eobard is such a powerful speedster is unlike other speedsters who get their speed from simply being connected to the Positive or Negative Speed Force, Eobard is the avatar of the Negative Speed Force, granting him much more power than most speedsters have. While sounded by smoke, the two speedsters had a very heated conversation on an unknown matter before speeding off, leaving Green Arrow, Atom, and Hawkgirl behind. Is there? Kreisberg replies coyly. Due to Leonard's threat, Thawne and Cisco presented the CCPD with a shield that could withstand Leonard's cold gun. [45] After the force-field disappeared when Joe sabotaged the machine, Reverse-Flash grabs the device to take to his secret room then reappears in the basement, and while still bouncing back and forth to maintain the speed-mirage of Wells. But as he was timely stopped by a pyrokinetic meta-human, Reverse-Flash vowed their fight wasn't over and ran off. Professor Zoom (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom The enraged Eobard then killed Nora Allen and framed Henry Allen for the crime instead, being known as the Man in Yellow after the incident. Labs. But when Tina expressed doubts, Eobard vibrated his hand and calmly told Tina to learn or be killed. [47] The wave of energy from his resulting explosion also resulted in countless meta-humans and led to at least 16 people dying. Malcolm reminded Eobard that he needed the two and suggested using hypnosis on Rip, however, Malcolm's methods failed as Rip's memories had been wiped too thoroughly. A couple days later, Caitlin took Thawne to Jitters for a coffee. If they could redirect dark matter directly into Barry, they could recharge his protg's cells. Labs and apologized for accusing him of murder. Without those powers, Eobard can't go back and kill Nora before she had Barry. After Gideon confirmed that his powers fluctuated somewhat due to his latest time jump, Reverse-Flash realized that he was now stranded in the 21st century with no way back to his time, and he screamed in frustration. At that moment, Ralph Dibny entered the cell and informed Iris that Shinick (who was knocked out and impersonated to let Iris meet Nora) has been found knocked out and that the two need to leave. After helping Meena, Eobard built a machine called the "Biometric Lightning Oscillation Chamber" (BLOC) in order for one individual to be able to be a speedster albeit for altruistic motives because he wanted to be more than just a superhero and fix the world's greatest problems. Eobard later checked up when Martin completed the reactor but Eobard insist Martin remain behind until the reactor reached full power. As he was reborn, Reverse-Flash taunted Barry about how Nora's death led to the Flash's inspiration while Iris's death led to his own rebirth, much to his nemesis's anger and hate and instantly electrified him in retaliation for Iris's apparent death until XS and Bart West-Allen/Impulse pleaded with Barry to stop. Tom Cavanagh was initially uninterested when he was pitched the role of Dr. Wells, but he was sold when he learned the character would be the Reverse-Flash. Eobard then traveled back to 2014 and located Captain Cold before having joined the Legends and turned from criminal ways, revealing Leonard's future death being all they needed to have Captain Cold agreed to help them in getting the Spear of Destiny. [76] Eddie still committed suicide in 2015 and erased Thawne from existence for the time being,[8] which also resulted in the singularity. Pleased to see Rip's reprogramming is successful, Eobard entrusted Rip to retrieve the Spear of Destiny's piece from the Legends and eventually succeeded. After Caitlin left, Thawne told Cisco of his belief that the youth would go on to do great things, subtly hinting at Cisco's future that he once witnessed. Accepting this answer, Eobard showed his ally a Time Sphere. Thawne apologized, not for killing Cisco and justifying that he had a good reason, but to learn that Cisco is indeed a meta-human as he'd suspected for sometime and informed Cisco what awaited his son-esque protg. Malcolm just watched Green Arrow kill Damien on the news, getting highly confused to see Damien alive but Eobard elaborated that he's from the future, Damien was from the past, and they're on a quest to change their respective fates and offered the opportunity to Malcolm in doing the same in exchange for Malcolm's services. Due to his own nullified state of existence; he was hunted by the Black Flash, forcing him to seek out the Spear of Destiny in order to restore his natural existence. However, Thawne would eventually be destroyed by his nemesis in battle, with his entire body being disintegrated by his own negative energies. Barry, however, defend Arrow saying the vigilante is a hero and insisted the two were wrong but Thawne and Joe told Barry to see that Arrow is out of Central City by tonight. "[42] Thawne grew especially close to Hartley during the particle accelerator's construction, often bonding through activities such as games of chess and the fact that Hartley was the only other person who knew how to speak Latin. Eobard broke into a hard laugh as Malcolm scolded him for keeping the Legends around as "pets" when the group should be erased from existence altogether, though Eobard considered this poetic justice. [17], What did you do? Eobard was later approached by the Flash (unmasked but concealed in the shadows), asking for his hatred's source. As the Legends searched one of Capone's clubs for evidence, Eobard abducted Sara and Martin. Krieger told him the Askaran Amulet was in Berlin though Hitler refused to part with it. [100] Harry often found himself targeted by other people who weren't aware of Eobard's deception. [12], Thawne, Cisco, and Caitlin continue to train to improve Barry's speed using a drone to fire at. Labs on Earth-2, the husband of a late unnamed woman, and the father of Jesse Wells. Knowing Nora was still watching him from the lab, Thawne waved at the camera before Nora left.[17]. After capturing Roy Bivolo, Oliver addressed Team Flash and Thawne also thanked Oliver for the help. Try rewriting destiny.Eobard Thawne to Damien Darhk, After being pulled out of the year 2000 and thrown into the Flashpoint timeline in 2016, Eobard has displayed contempt and ridicule toward Barry Allen. We already knew he was the Reverse-Flash, but our minds were blown when the S.T.A.R. Ambitions to be a hero and save the world, The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. [47], Thawne defeated Barry in a game of chess while Barry also played a game of table tennis with Cisco and a game of Operation with Caitlin. After he tells Cisco what's required, Thawne gets infuriated and confused that Cisco didn't have as much sympathy, comparing his predicament stuck in a different time to Cisco's own family estrangement. Furious at Thawne's actions, XS said that the two speedsters didn't have to have Cicada's dagger to stop him. ""We just saved your life, Thawne. Thawne, unflinchingly, replied that time would tell. Barry quickly confirmed his theories about the new speedster's powers and Thawne replied that the new speedster from earlier is using the BLOC, but Thawne replied back that he has never heard of the individual "and neither has history" and his alternate self wants to make sure of that. When later alerted by Martin via silent alarm of intruders, Reverse-Flash sped into the lab to find Martin confronted by the Legends with successfully restored memories. Eobard is the only main antagonist who physically appeared in every single season of his show. Iris angrily told Thawne to leave Nora alone, but Thawne simply noted that he likes Iris's anger. of Merlyn Global Group once more, and even restored Malcolm's original right hand. Barry then noticed him and ran after him, demanding to know why he killed Nora, but Reverse-Flash instead challenged Barry to a fight in a stadium.
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