However, his term included an unpopular motor vehicle tax and citizens' anger over the escape of Cuban refugees (from the Mariel boatlift) detained in Fort Chaffee in 1980. Clearly identify your subject and your purpose to yourself, and then let the creative process take over for a while to gather all the possible ideas for the subject matter and how you could present it. The raid had originally been planned by the Bush administration; Clinton had played no role. [17], In 1964 and 1965, Clinton won elections for class president. [59], From mid-to-late 2011, and into 2012, al-Shabaab faced an increasing number of defections. Secretary of Defense Cohen presents President Clinton the DoD Medal for Distinguished Public Service. [154] Most of those recruits are from East Africa primarily Kenya,[167] but also Tanzania and Uganda, all countries in which al-Shabaab recruitment networks are well entrenched. [179] Clinton also pardoned 4 defendants in the Whitewater Scandal, Chris Wade, Susan McDougal, Stephen Smith, and Robert W. Palmer, all of whom had ties to Clinton when he was governor of Arkansas. Voters felt that economic conditions were worse than they actually were, which harmed Bush. [199][200][201] Puntland authorities have also seized Yemeni explosives shipments, which they suspect are the result of cooperation between al-Shabaab and Yemen-based AQAP. In his second term, his rating consistently ranged from the high-50s to the high-60s. The instant histories are already being written that seek to explain the collapse of her premiership after just 49 days, writes John Rentoul. [136] Advocacy for these issues, paired with the politically unpopular nature of the gay rights movement at the time, led to enthusiastic support for Clinton's election and reelection by the Human Rights Campaign. The evolution of his regime followed the path begun by Gheorghiu-Dej. [411], U.S. president Barack Obama awarded Clinton the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 20, 2013.[412]. Confidence and control overcome fear. (There are private sector buildings, mainly for the construction of aircraft, that have more continuous volume in one building, such as the Boeing Everett Factory in Everett, Washington; see the List of largest buildings#Largest usable volume.) [256][257], In 2014, 18 percent of respondents in a Quinnipiac University Polling Institute poll of American voters regarded Clinton as the best president since World War II, making him the third most popular among postwar presidents, behind John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. [77][78], According to Seymour Martin Lipset, the 1992 election had several unique characteristics. Additionally, it mandated that the budget be balanced over many years through the implementation of spending restraints. [102] Especially in its early years, it used online chatrooms and discussion forums, encouraging foreign fighters and even military commanders to post updates and field public questions about the state of the jihad. Presentations which do not work well usually do so because they have not been properly prepared Terrorist Funding and Innovation in the Case of al-Shabaab", "#Westgate: A Case Study: How al-Shabaab used Twitter during an Ongoing Attack", "Al-Shabaab and Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword", "Social Media Warfare and Kenya's Conflict with Al Shabaab in Somalia: A Right to Know? Unable to change any variables (people, technology or equipment), the only thing left for him to change in order to achieve success was how he acted as a leader. [citation needed] Romania proclaimed itself a "Socialist" (in place of "People's") Republic to show that it was fulfilling Marxist goals without Moscow's oversight. [123], A speech delivered by President Bill Clinton at the December 6, 1995 White House Conference on HIV/AIDS projected that a cure for AIDS and a vaccine to prevent further infection would be developed. This is the basic sequence of actions for creating and preparing a presentation up to the point of actually delivering the presentation to an audience: Businessballs has been used by over 120 million people over the last 10 years. It had also engineered the publishing of several works that subverted the Russian and Soviet image, no longer glossing over traditional points of tension with Russia and the Soviet Union (even alluding to an "unlawful" Soviet presence in Bessarabia). At the end of the fiscal year (September 30) for each of the years a surplus was recorded, The U.S. treasury reported a gross debt of $5.413trillion in 1997, $5.526trillion in 1998, $5.656trillion in 1999, and $5.674trillion in 2000. [178][179] Al-Zawahiri confirmed the alliance,[177] which he said would "please the believers and disturb the disbelievers" and "support the jihadi unity against the Zio-Crusader campaign and their assistants amongst the treacherous agent rulers. After the death of his parents, Nicu Ceauescu ordered the construction of an Orthodox church, the walls of which are decorated with portraits of his parents. [171] The obstruction charge was based on his actions to conceal his relationship with Lewinsky before and after that deposition. Romania was the first Warsaw Pact country to recognize West Germany, the first to join the International Monetary Fund, and the first to receive a US president, Richard Nixon. This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005. [104] Two days later, in a nationally televised address to a joint session of Congress, Clinton unveiled his economic plan. He met Hillary Rodham at Yale; they married in 1975. [161] The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee issued a report which accused the Clinton administration of having obstructed their efforts to investigate the affair. If your test-listener can't make at least half a dozen constructive suggestions then ask someone else to watch and listen and give you feedback. President Clinton's foreign policy reconsidered". Considers Combating Somali Militants' Twitter Use", "Twitter / @alykhansatchu @HSMPress The US is ", "Somalia's al-Shabab Twitter account suspended", "Al-Shabaab Twitter account shut down for second time", "Al Qaeda Group Is Back on Twitter After Ban", "Somalia's al-Shabab Twitter account stopped again", "Somalia's al-Shabaab back on Twitter after suspension", "Facebook Fails to Catch East Africa Extremist Content", "Letter from Mogadishu: The Most Failed State", "Somalia famine could cause militant Al Shabab group to splinter", "U.N. Says Somalia Famine Has Ended, but Crisis Isn't Over", "Aid effort for drought-hit Horn of Africa must include long-term measures", "Somalia: Famine Helps Al-Shabaab To Find New Recruits", "UN lying over Somalia famine, say Islamist; Aid agencies blocked from helping millions", Somalia famine: PM Ali sets up aid protection force, "Famine receding in Somalia but war blocks aid", "Al-Shabab terrorists ban plastic bags in Somalia for posing 'threat to humans and animals', "This Terrorist Group Cares More About the Environment Than Donald Trump", "How Extremist Groups Are Reacting to COVID-19", "Al-Shabab sets up coronavirus treatment centre in Somalia", "In Africa, a militant group's growing appeal", "The Looming Influx of Foreign Fighters in Sub-Saharan Africa", "Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the American Homeland", "Britain facing a new wave of terrorist attacks, MI5 warns", "The 7/7 widow and a boom in British jihad", "Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures in 2012", Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, "Burqa fugitive Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed 'faced 20 charges', "Al Shabaab recruited dozens of Americans: U.S. report", "African Union Peacekeepers Killed in Somalia Battle", "Al Shabab Recruits Americans for Somali Civil War", "Militant Recruitment Of Somali-American Youth Appears Halted, Says US Congressman", "Funding jihad: Al-Shabab cash lures in young Kenyans", "Somali clan disputes giving boost to al-Shabab", "Somalia's Shabaab threatens Uganda, Burundi attacks", Center for International Security and Cooperation 2022, "Somalia: Hizbul Islam group withdraws allegiance, says 'Al Shabaab is weakened', "Understanding the al-Shabaab/al-Qaeda 'merger', "Al Shabaab's Rise in the al Qaeda Network", "Al-Shabaab joining al Qaeda, monitor group says", "Al Shabaab and Al Qaeda co-produce video", "Somali extremist leader threatens US, Kenya, Uganda with more attacks", "African Terrorist Groups Starting to Cooperate, U.S. Says", "Somali-Yemeni militant ties in the spotlight", "ISIS and al Qaeda Struggle for al Shabab's Soul", "Al-Qaida or Islamic State? [258], A 2015 poll by The Washington Post asked 162 scholars of the American Political Science Association to rank all the U.S. presidents in order of greatness. [12] Following Super Bowl XXVI, Clinton and his wife Hillary went on 60 Minutes to rebuff the charges. We have been ignoring their wicked behaviors for some time to give them a chance to change, but they have continued their wrongheadedness. TED's editors chose to feature it for you. translation is by a Mauritian author M Sangeelee. [28][29], He subsequently decided not to join the ROTC, saying in a letter to the officer in charge of the program that he opposed the war, but did not think it was honorable to use ROTC, National Guard, or Reserve service to avoid serving in Vietnam. [34][35] Clinton's 1992 campaign manager, James Carville, successfully argued that Clinton's letter in which he declined to join the ROTC should be made public, insisting that voters, many of whom had also opposed the Vietnam War, would understand and appreciate his position. Journalistic media include print, television, radio, Upper-case is acceptable for short headings if you really must use it, but even for headings, lower-case lettering is best. tolerance than this, so structure your content accordingly. [279] Jones appealed Webber Wright's ruling, and her suit gained traction following Clinton's admission to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in August 1998. or "Down with the tyrant!". Later in the 2008 primaries, there was some infighting between Bill and Hillary's staffs, especially in Pennsylvania. [206][207] The administration then launched a four-day bombing campaign named Operation Desert Fox, lasting from December 16 to 19, 1998. [12][65] With no major Southern state remaining, Clinton targeted New York, which had many delegates. [367] In June 2014, ABC News and The Washington Post reported that Bill Clinton has made more than $100million giving paid speeches since leaving public office, and in 2008, The New York Times reported that the Clintons' income tax returns[368] show they made $109million in the eight years from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2007, including almost $92million from his speaking and book-writing. Senior communicators invited to participate. Draft board insists none was sent", "William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Center and the Clinton School of Public Service", "Texas stumping in '72 helped shape Clinton's campaign", "George McGovern and Bill Clinton: the State of the Friendship", "Bill and Hillary Clinton's Pitch in Iowa: 'I Love the '90s', "Little Rock Hopes Clinton Presidency Will Put Its Dogpatch Image to Rest", "Governor Gets High Marks for Public Education Reforms", "Bill Clinton's Death Penalty Waffleand Why It's Good News for Execution's Foes", "Execution Database | Death Penalty Information Center",, "How Gary Hart's Sex Scandal Betrayed His Character", "The women of 'Impeachment' explained: Hillary Clinton and Bill's infidelity", "Clinton thanks New Hampshire for making him the 'Comeback Kid', "Hillary Clinton Defends Her Conduct in Law Firm", "Hillary Clinton Embraces Her Husband's Legacy", "Arkansas Execution Raises Questions on Governor's Politics", "How the Presidents Stack Up: A look at U.S. presidents' job-approval ratings", "The Political Mobilization of the New Christian Right", "On this day (November 4) in 1992: Clinton beats Bush to the White House", "The Future of Gay Parents On Television", "The ACT UP Historical Archive: Bob Rafsky Confronts Candidate Bill Clinton, 1992", "Party Division in the Senate, 1789present", "Clinton Rides Landslide First Democrat To Be Re-Elected Since Roosevelt", "Greenspan Is Critical Of Bush in Memoir", "The Battle of the Decades; Reaganomics vs. Clintonomics Is a Central Issue in 2000", "Revenues, Outlays, Deficits, Surpluses, and Debt Held by the Public, 1968 to 2007, in Billions of Dollars", "Historical Debt OutstandingAnnual 19501999", "Historical Debt OutstandingAnnual 20002015", United States Government Publishing Office, "First Inaugural Address of William J. Clinton; January 20, 1993", "U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 103rd Congress1st Session", "New Nationwide Poll Shows Strong Support for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)", "White House Hones All-Out Campaign to Sell Sacrifice", "Presidential Press Conference in Nevada", "William J. Clinton: Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union", "Reporter Apologizes For Clinton Sex Article", "President seeks better implementation of 'don't ask, don't tell', "Obama certifies end of military's gay ban", "The Clinton White House Web Site: Part 1: Perhaps the most important Web site in American history",, "The Altered Terrain of American Politics (Review of Do Elections Matter? He is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi honorary band fraternity. Think about interesting ways to convey and illustrate and bring your points to life, so that your presentation is full of interesting things (think of these as 'spices') to stimulate as many senses as possible. [11], Having made important territorial gains from mid-2008, al-Shabaab increasingly focused its attention on opposition to the Somali Transitional Federal Government, as the Ethiopian-led war segued into the next phase of the protracted Somali Civil War. However, widespread infighting by older and more connected officials made the Politburo turn to Ceauescu as a compromise candidate. But you see for the workers and families tonight and the businesses that are struggling, the people here that are left without an Assembly, an Executive, there is not even a caretaker minister in place and we have a situation tonight where people just dont know what is going to happen next.. Targets Al-Shabaab Leader in Somalia in Air Attack", "Nation's army in new battles as advance resumes", "Government forces fight militants in northeast Somalia", "Somalia: Al Shabaab leaders condemn each other publicly", "Minn. al-Shabab fighter surrenders in Somalia", "Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia", "Al-Shabaab Leader Linked to al-Qaeda Dies in South Somalia", "Al Qaeda leaders play significant role in Shabaab", "Samantha Lewthwaite: Is 'White Widow' behind Kenya mall attack? Clinton was very angry, as he was already late for the meeting, but following the advice of the secret service possibly saved his life. [234] The term "ethnic cleansing" was used as an alternative to "genocide" to denote not just ethnically motivated murder but also displacement, though critics charge there is little difference. He also participated in the Oslo I Accord and Camp David Summit to advance the IsraeliPalestinian peace process, and assisted the Northern Ireland peace process. Campbell, Colin, and Bert A. Rockman, eds. Read More. [19] Other domestic supporters are concerned primarily with clan-related and local objectives, and are therefore prone to infighting and shifting alliances. [395] He was presented with the Medal for Distinguished Public Service by Secretary of Defense William Cohen in 2001. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. [citation needed], After the Communists seized power in Romania in 1947, he headed the ministry of agriculture, then served as deputy minister of the armed forces under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, becoming a major-general. [311], In 2002, Clinton warned that pre-emptive military action against Iraq would have unwelcome consequences,[312][313] and later claimed to have opposed the Iraq War from the start (though some dispute this). Jeffrey A. Roth and Christopher S. Koper, "Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 199496". Eyes Glaze Over). Produce the presentation materials and organise the equipment, and ensure you are comfortable with your method of reading from notes, cards etc. Rishi Sunak has said he has no regrets over putting Suella Braverman back in charge of the Home Office just six days after she resigned over a security breach, insisting the home secretary has learnt from her mistakes. [68][70] The Somali government claimed in October 2014 that over 700 al-Shabaab militants had surrendered since September, when it had extended an amnesty offer to them. speaking to a group of people. [58][168] Those in leadership positions tend to have prominent, but strategically marginal or mid-level, roles for example, in managing the group's public relations or external relations, or in supervising and training other foreign recruits. Official media presented it as a "spontaneous movement of support for Ceauescu", emulating the 1968 meeting in which he had spoken against the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces. Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. the Success of the 1993 Budget Reconciliation Bill", Glad; Betty. With United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, the bombing campaign ended on June 10, 1999. If the world waits for the Ceauescus to do such a thing, imperialism will live for tens of thousands of years"[84] According to Pacepa, Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi had an opposite interpretation, allegedly saying, "My brother! [58] Journalist Simon Tisdall viewed the September 2013 Westgate shopping mall shooting in Nairobi, Kenya as a reflection of the internal power struggle, with Godane's hardline globalist faction seeking to exert its authority. The Ku Klux Klan (/ k u k l k s k l n, k j u-/), commonly shortened to the KKK or the Klan, is an American white supremacist, right-wing terrorist, and hate group whose primary targets are African Americans, Jews, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Catholics, as well as immigrants, leftists, homosexuals, Muslims, abortion providers and atheists.. Next to the County Hospital, they sang the anthem of the revolution of 1848, "Deteapt-te, romne!". The more senses you can stimulate the more fun your audience will have and the more they'll remember. Born in 1918 in Scorniceti, Ceauescu was a member of the Romanian Communist youth movement. Ceauescu did not realise that the funding was not always favorable. [10] In 1943, he was transferred to Trgu Jiu internment camp, where he shared a cell with Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, becoming his protg. [113][114] Al-Shabaab also had an official website, which carried official statements and news including sundry edicts and threats and religious guidance. News Articles. All titles and decorations were revoked by the provisional government on 26 December 1989. [5] He was planning to attend law school in the U.S. and knew he might lose his deferment. This caused the White House travel office controversy even though the travel office staff served at the pleasure of the president and could be dismissed without cause. Pause when you need to and don't apologise for it - pausing is perfectly okay. He was previously the second vice president under John Adams and the first United States secretary of state under George Washington.The principal author of the [53], Clinton appointed two justices to the Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993[245] and Stephen Breyer in 1994. Does it flow? Where agencies are allowed to operate, this is often due to the desire of al-Shabaab to coopt and materially and politically benefit from the provision of aid and services. Control gives you confidence. Pacepa's 1986 book, Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief (.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}ISBN0-89526-570-2), claims to expose details of Ceauescu's government activities, such as massive spying on American industry and elaborate efforts to rally Western political support. [173] The Senate finished a twenty-one-day trial on February 12, 1999, with the vote of 55 not guilty/45 guilty on the perjury charge[172] and 50 not guilty/50 guilty on the obstruction of justice charge. [12], These criticisms became intertwined with a broader and pre-existing dispute over the increasingly globalist flavour of al-Shabaab's ideology Godane was among the faction which viewed Somalia as only one battleground of global jihad. [204] Following the 1997 election of reformist president Mohammad Khatami, the administration eased sanctions. Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. [128] Others were more critical. Fears were allayed August 27, 2008, when Clinton enthusiastically endorsed Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, saying all his experience as president assures him that Obama is "ready to lead". Breaking News & Talk radio station. Nicolae Ceauescu (/ t a s k u / chow-SHESK-oo, Romanian: [nikola.e tea.uesku] (); 5 February [O.S. [12] The other was watching Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech on TV, which impressed him so much that he later memorized it. [358], In October 2021, Clinton was treated for sepsis at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center.[359][360]. [180] Former Clinton HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, was also among Clinton's pardons. "[194][195][196] Fearing a reprisal of the events in Somalia the previous year, Clinton chose not to intervene. [16] Hawiye remain influential in the group,[35] and, according to a 2018 analysis by the Somali Hiraal Institute, five of the ten members of the executive shura council were Hawiye, as were about 94 of the top 220 officials. There are no diplomatic or bilateral relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. [61] Clinton decided to remain as Arkansas governor (following consideration for the potential candidacy of Hillary for governor, initially favoredbut ultimately vetoedby the First Lady). His presidency has been ranked among the upper tier in historical rankings of U.S. presidents. This action had bipartisan support,[99] and was popular with the public. [90] Nevertheless, according to opinion polls held in 2010, 41% of Romanians would vote for Ceauescu[91][92] and 63% think that their lives were better before 1989. [3] His parents had married on September 4, 1943, but this union later proved to be bigamous, as Blythe was still married to his third wife. William Jefferson Clinton (n Blythe III; born August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. 4. If you can, subtly mirror the body language of the person you're talking to. Is there a doctor in the House? After graduating from law school, Clinton returned to Arkansas and won election as state attorney general, followed by two non-consecutive terms as Arkansas governor. Disclaimer: Reliance on this material and any related provision is at your sole risk. Body Language for Interviews and Negotiations. [87] By 2020, the group's strategy of semi-territorialism allowed it operate freely in much of rural Somalia, with its primary base in the Jubba River Valley,[13] although air strikes against its leaders continued;[88] and it has recently won military successes against the government. Imagine a coffee shop in your area with 20 people inside. [62] For the nomination, Clinton endorsed Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis. [222], In the midst of a brutal crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists in the province of Kosovo by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Clinton authorized the use of U.S. Armed Forces in a NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999, named Operation Allied Force. In the context of presentations and public speaking, this is usually due to: The effects of these are heightened according to thesize of the audience, and potentially also thenature of the audience/situation- which combine to represent a perceived uncontrollable threat to us at a very basic and According to Alexandru Budistenu, former chief architect of Bucharest, "The sight of a church bothered Ceauescu. Its a pity you dont pay them more, Catherine Poole, a 77-year-old recovering from surgery, told the PM. As such audience size and situation are circumstantial factors which can influence the degree of anxiety, but they are not causal factors in themselves. engaged. [149], In the January 1997, State of the Union address, Clinton proposed a new initiative to provide health coverage to up to five million children. Bush's steep decline in public approval was a significant part of Clinton's success. William Jefferson Clinton (n Blythe III; born August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Unable to change any variables (people, technology or equipment), the only thing left for him to change in order to achieve success was how he acted as a leader. [114] Their position was that Clinton should have integrated the military by executive order, noting that President Harry S. Truman used executive order to racially desegregate the armed forces. [166], In general, foreign activity in al-Shabaab has decreased, first, and perhaps most importantly, because the Syrian civil war became the focal point for foreign jihadist recruitment networks. Even speeches at weddings and eulogies at funerals are types of presentations. Read More. Alexander Dubek's version of Socialism with a human face was never suited to Romanian Communist goals. The Clintons incurred several million dollars in legal bills during his presidency, which were paid off four years after he left office. Ceauescu was able to borrow heavily (more than $13billion) from the West to finance economic development programs, but these loans ultimately devastated the country's finances. Mothers of at least five children were entitled to receive significant benefits, while mothers of at least ten children were declared "heroine mothers" by the Romanian state. However, Democratic senators Joe Lieberman and John Glenn said that the evidence showed that China only targeted congressional elections and not presidential elections. [74] Clinton and his running mate, Al Gore, toured the country during the final weeks of the campaign, shoring up support and pledging a "new beginning". Economic mismanagement due to failed oil ventures during the 1970s led to skyrocketing foreign debts for Romania. [336][337], Clinton with then-President Barack Obama and Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett in July 2010, Clinton, his wife Hillary, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New York City on September 29, 2014, In 2009, Clinton travelled to North Korea on behalf of two American journalists imprisoned there. Breaking News & Talk radio station. [229] Several further Somali bounties were issued on April 10, 2015, with rewards ranging between $100,000 and $250,000. [390] The Republic of Kosovo, in gratitude for his help during the Kosovo War, renamed a major street in the capital city of Pristina as Bill Clinton Boulevard and added a monumental Clinton statue. In 2018, Clinton was asked in several interviews about whether he should have resigned, and he said he had made the right decision in not resigning. In November 1989, the XIVth Congress of the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) saw Ceauescu, then aged 71, re-elected for another five years as leader of the PCR. Latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, into..., his rating consistently ranged from the high-50s to the high-60s ranked among the upper tier in historical of... Remaining, Clinton and his wife Hillary went on 60 Minutes to the., which were paid off four years after he left office evidence showed that China targeted. Had many delegates planned by the Bush administration ; Clinton had played no role knew might! Scorniceti, Ceauescu was a member of Kappa Kappa Psi honorary band fraternity [ 411 ], mid-to-late... Been planned by the provisional government on 26 December 1989 than this, so structure your accordingly... 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