Commission investigates response to 'freedom convoy' protest in Ottawa, Community Advisory Board (NCPR Executive Council). Attend the 1st Triennial IOTA Meeting in collaboration with the Dutch Trauma Society (NVT)in Amsterdam! Next stops, Svatove, Kremmina, and it's on to seizing the major rail hub at Lysychanks that feeds Wagner forces West of Popasna. - German government is off the hook from "going wobbly" on NS2 [6], Since the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2014, there has a significant increase in women's roles in the Ukrainian military, including several positions that had previously been reserved only for men being opened up to women, resulting in the total number of women serving more than doubling. So glad I plonked that propagandist fool. DAVID SOMMERSTEIN:So that's what you did. Breaking News | Ukraine Police are still reluctant to register complaints of survivors of domestic violence and widespread impunity deters many women and other victims from speaking out. Another volunteer said: "I was brought up on the fact that a man is obliged to and should serve. Putin said: "Being a patriot is the essence of the nature and character of the Russian people. The required turnout is more than 50 percent. She talks incessantly about a stolen election, blasts the "fake news" media at every chance and has parlayed her TV fame into a political career: Kari Lake is delighted to be called "Donald Trump in a dress.". In other words, Russia, under Pres Putin has failed. #61 | Posted by snoofy at 2022-10-02 12:46 PM | Reply, "Capitalism is a function of the free market.". Click Here for Important Information for U.S. Citizens Seeking to Depart Russia.. Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. Comments | He continued: "300,000 reservists should be called up for military service for mobilization. - US doesn't have to look "evil" for trying to keep German government from going wobbly Democracy is ostensibly ballots, not bullets. A New York judge ordered an independent monitor to oversee the Trump Organization's financial statements following allegations the company overstated its assets. #85 | POSTED BY EFFETEPOSER. #51 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2022-10-02 11:59 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2. Can't have Germany bitching out come winter time and waffling on sanctions. Many people in Russia think the West will Nuke first. He sees one in The White House, for example. While it was not my intent, the situation occurred that I was facing down the groundhog, and it had not easy way out. #40 | Posted by donnerboy at 2022-10-02 12:01 AM | Reply, #41 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2022-10-02 01:06 AM | Reply, #17 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2022-10-01 09:39 PM #39 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2022-10-01 11:50 PM | Reply. Our country's decision to respond has not been easy, but the time for easy options has passed. #47 | Posted by madbomber at 2022-10-02 10:24 AM | Reply. Shortly after the war started, Powell set up KiwiKare to deliver food, medicine and other essential supplies to the most war-ravaged parts of the country and has raised around $152,000 to do so. He is now based in the northern city of Chernihiv near Kyiv, which Russian soldiers besieged in the first months of the war. "", "Ready to stay and fight, Ukrainian women take self-defence courses near Russian border", "Ukraine: women journalists reporting on the frontline | Media news", "Ukraine: How Women Journalists Are Covering the War", "In Ukraine, female war reporters build on legacy of pioneers", "Ukrainian Women on the Front Lines but Not in the Headlines", "Ukraine war: Russian journalist Oksana Baulina killed in Kyiv shelling", "Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra Kuvshynova working as freelancer for Fox when killed", "Ukraine: Epidemic of violence against women in conflict-torn east", "2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Ukraine", "Are Russian troops using sexual violence as a weapon? Very sad poem, isn't it? Ukraine MP Oleksandra Ustinova stated: "in [the] current situation, the decision to educate as many people as possible to hold arms and to be ready to serve seems a good one. Vera, who spent over a decade as an on-air financial analyst for MSNBC, currently serves as co-host of the weekly nonpolitical news podcast she founded, NoPo. I now identify it with Ukraine today, not just my mum. The smell of death is the worst part of visiting these areas. [15], Globally woman and girls also face a heightened risk due to displacement and breakdowns of the normal protections in society, and sexual violence has been used as a tactic in war, terror, torture and political repression by many. The situation was worsened by devastating social and economic crises, access to weaponry, and trauma created by the ongoing armed conflict between the government of Ukraine and Russia-backed separatists. It makes endless threats to our country and people. Because of his ruinous misadventures into other countries, Russia's best and brightest minds have left or are leaving - while you are still stuck there. This is going to keep my payments in line with what Im currently paying, and I can apply any savings toward my retirement.. #104 | Posted by tonyroma at 2022-10-02 The backstop in the hedge rows at Zarichne got to meet their worst nightmare, the M30 rocket. What dialogue? ", He said: "[the Ukrainian army] made a torture device from a military device, they attached it to people's legs and sent current through it and then interrogated us. ", But this Monday, a Russian missile struck just a few hundred metres from him in Kyiv. That's not a surprise, you want Putin to win. Some Ukrainian soldiers are reporting that they're actually feeling traumatised by how many dead Russian soldiers they have seen. I mean, it's impossible not to feel a degree of anger. [34] Another female sniper, Olen Bilozerska, told reporters that the Russian tactics being used were similar to WWI and that the Russian soldiers were being used as cannon fodder with an absolute lack of initiative on the part of sergeants and junior officers in the Russian forces in Ukraine. And rentals will cost you less than purchases. But watching you make a fool of yourself is entertaining for now. Ukraine was slaughtering it's own ------- people. [36] As of 2010, women who did join the military mostly did so out of financial necessity (67%) rather than a professional career choice (6%). We should continue to stand by Ukraine until the bitter end and until Russia is completely ejected from Ukraine (especially while Ukraine is freaking winning!). Seggos is now back at his job in Albany. "In my personal opinion, more drastic measures should be taken, right up to the declaration of martial law in the border areas and the use of low-yield nuclear weapons," Kadyrov wrote on Telegram. I've seen other impacted areas. But there is only one problem: thousands of our fallen did not live to see this day.". I don't know that Crimeans want to be part of Russia, but it shouldn't come as any surprise if they did. National UR spit them out by opressing their language and culture and representation parties. Literally, they just needed people to drive ambulances that had been donated from Europe and the US into the country from Slovakia and Poland. I was in Haiti after the earthquake there many years ago. CBS Philadelphia - Breaking News, Sports, NEXT Weather Referendums are a way to achieve security. It is being billed as the "African COP" but scientists and campaigners on the continent least responsible for climate change fear the UN summit that begins on Sunday in Egypt will once again leave them sidelined. #25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2022-10-01 10:19 PM | Reply. "war for democracy" is an emotional statement, not a rational one. One guy set some kind of POW speed run record. Nazis, blah, blah yada, yada. Economically, the West and Russia were strengthening ties., The pullback is a major upset for President Vladimir Putin, who proclaimed the annexation of the Donetsk region, along with three other regions just a day earlier. I went to social services, and they've given me vouchers for food. [60] Sexual violence between the Ukrainian population has also been reported with a man from the Ukrainian territorial defense services arrested in Vinnytsia after he reportedly attempted to rape a female teacher who was trying to flee the area. Russia's Defense Ministry claimed to have inflicted damage on Ukrainian forces in battling to hold onto Lyman, but said outnumbered Russian troops were withdrawn to more favorable positions. [107][108], The song "Stefania" by Kalush Orchestra won Vidbir (the Ukrainian selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2022) on 12 February 2022. People should understand what is going on here, a young country fighting for its survival. Europeans are despairing, businesses are on the verge of ruin. SEGGOS:Just one anecdote is [a conversation with] a young individual there who's helping with some of the rebuild. Some irresponsible Western politicians are doing more than just speaking about their plans to organize the delivery of long-range offensive weapons to Ukraine, which could be used to attack Crimea and other Russian regions. It is sort of a "come to Jesus" moment for the world. (function() { "I realised very soon after being in Ukraine that this would be an effort that would need a timescale of years not months. [1][2][3][4][5], First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska has stated that "Our resistance, as our future victory, has taken on a particularly feminine face," and has praised Ukraine's women for serving in the military, raising their children in wartime, and providing essential services. Right now, if you wanted to buy a luxury watch, you would pay far more than MSRP, and likely have to purchase it from a specialty dealer. #16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2022-10-01 09:38 PM | Reply. There are two more days of voting ahead. [89][90][91], A partnership between Kyiv Pride and Gay Alliance Ukraine, created a shelter for members of the LGBTQ community to stay and stock up before continuing their flight out of the country. Can't have Germany bitching out come winter time and waffling on sanctions. [32] Tetyana Chubar, an artillery platoon commander, gained prominence on the internet after a video of her fighting during the Siege of Chernihiv went viral. #38 | Posted by FasterDisaster at 2022-10-01 11:45 PM | Reply, Putin Supporters Enraged by Military's Retreat. [17][18][19][20] Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko of Georgia State University have stated that "Ukrainian women have historically enjoyed independence not common in other parts of the globe" and that "Ukraine offers a unique insight into the roles that women can play in defending the nation and as leaders in their own right. SOMMERSTEIN: You've beenback for several days now. LAFP est une agence dinformation globale, assurant une couverture rapide, complte et vrifie des vnements de lactualit comme des thmes qui faonnent notre quotidien. It's obvious the RF forces can't exactly make it to the Fulda Gap anymore. (Photo by Contributor/Getty Images), The Democratic Party Should Set Higher Standards | Opinion, The Democratic Party is Becoming Less Inclusive | Opinion. I once happened upon a groundhog in my yard. #59 | Posted by donnerboy at 2022-10-02 12:40 PM | Reply, "Does Communism exist outside the construct of Capitalism?". "Because the Russians weren't there for long, they didn't get around to laying many mines,"; he said, "so it is not like we can point to an area and say, in this 75 metres by 75-metre area there are a hundred mines". Did Bunker Bitch give a shout out to the savvy genius at his latest klan rally. Anthony Connell, 65, a former New Zealand army soldier from Christchurch, has been working in Ukraine since 2016, helping run de-mining operations in the Donbas region. It was bombed. "In connection with the creation of a threat of encirclement, allied troops were withdrawn from the settlement of Krasny Liman to more advantageous lines," the Russian Defense Ministry said, using the Russian name for the town. [46], As of 23 March, two of the five journalists confirmed to have been killed in the invasion were women: Oleksandra Kuvshynova and Oksana Baulina. Do not travel to Russia due to the unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces, the potential for harassment against U.S. citizens by Russian government security officials, the singling out of U.S. citizens in Russia The media did not investigate critically. #30 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2022-10-01 10:30 PM | Reply. Greek democracy, Roman Republic #79 | Posted by CutiePie at 2022-10-02 02:03 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1. elem.async = true; Give peace a chance, Ukies surrender now. What has Moscow said about the withdrawal? "'[110] With "Stefania", Ukraine won the Eurovision Song Contest on 14 May 2022. ", The segment shows a TikTok video, in which a British woman said: "I'm 31 years old, I never thought I'd be in this situation. #11 | Posted by LampLighter, #12 | Posted by censored at 2022-10-01 08:50 PM | Reply. SEGGOS:I did. [37] According to a 2020 poll conducted by the state-run Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), 63% of Russians said they didn't want a daughter of theirs to join the military (with 42% saying "the army is not a woman's business, the army is for men"). Putin could have ordered it in the event another regime took control of Russian government and restored supply. [31], In the opening days of the invasion, field medic Inna Derusova was said to have saved the lives of more than 10 soldiers during the Battle of Okhtyrka, before she was killed in a Russian artillery attack. Second largest Powerball Jackpot still up for grabs. On that Nordstream topic, US natural gas futures are looking up. National Beef Wire | Cattle Network "[102] The group led the protests on International Women's Day on March 8, protesting at monuments to the Great Patriotic War in cities across Russia. [71][72][73] Speaking of capitalism though, I'm fairly certain it was the US Navy that blew up Nordstream. 2) he will defend Russia no matter what it takes. They cover the tactics of war, but give equal measure to its toll. #74 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2022-10-02 01:17 PM | Reply. Kiwi photojournalist Tom Mutch met New Zealanders helping on the frontline. #73 I was straining to think of a decent reason for Russia to destroy their own pipeline. Eight months after Russia declared war on Ukraine, there is still heavy fighting in much of the country. He is one of the volunteer drivers working mostly in the Donbas region evacuating civilians from under heavy shellfire. "There was a period several months ago when President Zelenskyy ordered the evacuation of the whole Donetsk province [within Donbas]. They have used indiscriminate cluster munitions on civilian areas, causing huge collateral damage. I'd imagine it would be raining Tomahawks for quite a while. These are not empty words. It only repeats Russian propaganda and I won't do that. Biden: "If Russia invadesthen there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. #28 | Posted by Tor at 2022-10-01 10:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2. His idol is showing what an incompetent moron he is. Located 160 kilometers (100 miles) southeast of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, Lyman is in the Donetsk region near the border with Luhansk region, both of which Russia annexed Friday after an "referendum vote" was held at gunpoint. In the town of Izium, a crucial logistics hub for the region, Ukrainian investigators uncovered torture chambers, mass graves and evidence of widescale looting and killing of civilians. Follow Yahoo Finance on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Flipboard, and LinkedIn. Things arent going to settle down until the end of 2023, beginning of 2024., Like many consumers, Lokenauth would rather wait things out. He recalls driving in the Donbas region, when they had to abandon their car on the side of the road because it broke down. "[26], Following the 24 February 2022 invasion, the Ukrainian government enforced a mobilisation order on men aged between 18 and 60 to be available for conscription as combatants. To my knowledge, the government doesn't tell Apple how much a song is going to cost. [85][86] A "white ticket" for military exemption is available for trans men who were assigned female at birth on their official identification documents. All-new, Halloween-themed episode of the hit CBS comedy "GHOSTS" to air Thursday night Interest in voting is high, and public opinion on the issues raised has been formed, according to sociologists.